Most Veeky Forums sport?

What is your favourite sport, lads? Do you do anything to stay Veeky Forums yourselves?

Running and occasional calisthenics here, getting into swimming as well.

>It is silly, my dear OP, and no way for an educated man to behave, to spend one’s time exercising the biceps, broadening the neck and shoulders and developing the lungs. Even when the extra feeding has produced gratifying results and you’ve put on a lot of muscle, you’ll never match the strength of the weight of a prize ox. The greater load, moreover, on the body is crushing to the spirit and renders it less active. So keep the body within bounds as much as you can and make room for the spirit.

I run every day too op. Makes me feel amazing. I'm thinking about getting into lifting to add to it because I've always been a tall skinny fuck.
The Greeks had it right with the importance they placed on having pride in strength and your body as a whole.

Naked oil wrestling, tennis, Olympic weightlifting


I do pushups and pullups, and handstand pushups. People say these are meme exercises but i have like quite a lot of muscle. I mean by normal people standards not Veeky Forums

Crew, or rowing, of course.


How do you get rid of vestigial lower stomach fat

Just get skinnier, I mean I don't know what else you want m8.

If you want immediate results I suggest hill sprints, fucking murderous but I swear you see like day by day fat level dropping when you do them. I repeat the bit about murderous though, I used to vomit like half the days I did them.

In general though just eat less, but continue to exercise and have lots of protein, it will eventually go away, it is extremely simple

Eating less is only a partial answer.

You want to eat HEALTHY above all else. Focus on eating less secondly.

Why focus on eating half of a big mac instead of just eating healthy all together?

He asked about removing fat. You can eat complete garbage as long as you have enough protein and you exercise and you'll be lean, given that you dial down the caloric intake to meet your expenditure

That would be slightly counterproductive however.

Counter-productive to what?

i lift weights, swim, ride a stationary bike, and take walks around my neighborhood to keep in shape.

you don't, in my experience.


no such thing as spot reduction m8. eat less and exercise more. make energy in

>owning a falcon
>a sport

Is a falcon an athlete?

one does not own a falcon, one enters into a hunting partnership with a falcon
after a time, should the falcon decide the partnership is not advantageous, he (or she) is free to terminate the partnership

I've rowed competitively since high school. In a local rowing club now. Rowing is hands down the most Veeky Forums sport. I've written a few poems about rowing and my memories. Any water sport is Veeky Forums.

Lifting, running, and rugby.

This. Only water sports are Veeky Forums

>Any water sport is Veeky Forums.

“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”