Is eternal recurrence real?

Is eternal recurrence real?

Gtfo with your metaphysical literalist pedantic questions about the Nietzschmeister. Don't matter if it's "real," shit be the way of life you will, nigga

It's supposed to be a principle through which you should make life decisions, not a factual judgement.

Would be pretty okay tbqh.

It's irrelevant. act like it is

It is. It's basic mathematics.

Think about a jar with infinite balls. Think about the chances of picking the same ball two times.

That'd be 1/Infinite.

Now imagine you can pick balls infinitely.

The chances would rise to 1/infinite + 1/infinite + 1/infinite + 1/infinite... Until you have infinite/infinite.

Not all ocurrences (balls picked from the jar) will be the same, but all occurences that do occur will happen countless more times simply because they won't stop happening (since time and space are infinite).

So, yeah. Someone exactly like you doing exactly what you're doing in an exact equal universe (If not for temporal difference) probably has already existed and will exist until time ends. But time never ends.

So, yeah. Eternal recurrence is real.


>since time and space are infinite
I don't believe you

I heard that Nietzsche sketched a metaphysical proof for eternal return but I've seen it and don't know if it was published

*haven't seen it

You don't have to believe.

But it's just true. As long as time just doesn't die.

Unrealized metaphysical musings cause nothing but suffering. Just live your life fully and authentically as if it were.

If eternal recurrence is real, and you wasted your time and contentment worrying about it, you've effectively ruined eternity for yourself. And if it is not real, then you've ruined your only experience of life.

How do you feel knowing someone exactly like you (or better ,you) have already posted this infinite times in the infinite times that the universe has been born and wiped?

Your current iteration only has one chance of life. But all outcomes and decisions that it will do have already been done and will be done over and over again.

We are weirdly close to beings that probably existed trillions of years before and after us.

this only shows that it is likely, not necessarily real

What what if space is unbounded but not infinite (like a sphere) and since time is linked to space (space-time, relativity etc.) time would not be infinite either.

It doesn't bother me at all. My perception of "I" exists only in this immediate moment. Whether "I" did this before or will do this again is of no concern to myself, because myself is an immediate atemporal process that will be gone the next immediate moment. To concern myself with what happened a second ago or a second in the future is absurd in itself. So how absurd it is to concern myself with something so far removed from the immediacy of existence.

Infinite isn't a number, you retard.

No, even Nietzsche realized that.

It's a thought experiment.

It makes better sense if you make mention of the demon who mentions the idea - that you will life your life again and again, exactly as it is/was/will be. Do you praise that demon, or curse it?

One of Nietzsche's quips, that I like, is that if you say 'Yes' to a single moment of joy in life - you are therefore saying 'Yes' to whatever unhappiness/pain/etc preceded it.

Any ontological answer to that question would tarnish the utility of the concept



your powers are limited to some amount, while time is infinite.

So far yes


one must take an infinite high burden on his shoulders, i.e. the whole to compete with his own life

like jesus did

*the whole world


>still entertaining the idea of self as a subjective phenomenon

You wouldn't even be able to tell the difference from the smallest thread of hair to the puniest line of thought in yourself after the recurrence.

How do you get subjectivity from my post? I'm describing absolute non-experiential process. Its really the antithesis of describing self as subjective.