
How much description is too much?

I'm working on my first novel and throwing everything on the page with the idea that I can edit it down later. But it makes me wonder if there's a limit on how much description to include (like the surroundings, what my characters are seeing and feeling).

I don't want to lose my readers, have them nodding off or putting the book down because I get lost in the weeds.

What's your opinion, Veeky Forums? Do you like a lot of description to get you into the story, or do you prefer sparse description (a la Hemingway)?

Other urls found in this thread:

If the prose is dank enough, you can do anything. Don't worry about plot-plebs

>getting dust in your vag and butt
>getting body fluids/excretions on your book covers
>sitting naked on a pile of books while reading

Likes and shares, my Veeky Forumszen friendo

Reading is sexy was a trend on tumblir where non readers and absolute plebs, in general vapid feminists, thought to themselves that if they took pictures with books men will like them for who they are and not just their vaginas.

The greatest novel ever written has virtually no plot at all and is nothing but description.

is this tristram shandy

>uncle toby

OP here...

So basically, don't worry about it. If my writing is strong enough it doesn't really matter.

Cheers for the feedback.

Read rotters OP, it's about this kid and when he gets stressed he over discribeds things around him. also he's a grave robber

You're under the illusion anyone wants you. We don't. You're a loser and you've got nothing going for you, beyond that, hardly any of you can support yourselves. Beyond that, you repeat the same tired talking points and expect everything to land on your lap, but it doesn't because you've scared everyone away by being shallow.

You and everyone here, are the last thing on anyone's minds. You're pathetic and lonely and sore from it.You aren't on anyone's-menu aside from being prey.

I have a whole folder of slutty women reading books and that one is my new favorite. Thanks OP.

Don't rise to the bait, every time he gets a (YOU) his brain receives a small surge of pleasurable chemicals, reinforcing the behavior and ensuring he will try it again.

I sometimes like to remind men here where they stand in the food chain when they get uppity. But you are right.

You're right, all these women have very high standards to go along with their self-esteem.

>Arthur Schopenhauer cited Tristram Shandy as one of the greatest novels ever written.[3]

If it's good enough for Arthur, it's good enough for me.

Higher than yours to post their bodies. If you posted yours you would be laughed at. And humiliated. And you understand that.

I was just pointing out you aren't the target of anyone's affections. You don't need to get angry at me for pointing that out, you need to get used to it being pointed out.

You're creepy and alone

Tbqh, you can describe a lot, as long as you don't describe one specific thing too hard.

You need to leave some room for the imagination.

For example:

Instead of writing: "He was a man with a large dark beard, opaque round glasses, and a cane with a lion's head, and a....blah blah blah"

You write:

"He stood not quite 6 feet tall, and he gazed at me with hard eyes that had seen more war than men should."

Not really, I've had girls send me their nudes on here after posting mine.
Mind you, that was before r9k or soc existed.
Here's a tip: Girls with high self esteem don't post nudes on tumblr or Veeky Forums. They get all the validation they need from facebook selfies and real life.

I think some guys here would worship the ground a woman walked on if she was nice to them, but maybe I'm just projecting. The squeaky misogynist wheel gets the YOUs

>Not really, I've had girls send me their nudes on here after posting mine.

Oh wow you got pussy from /soc/ how fucking intimidating.

>Mind you, that was before r9k or soc existed.

Oh wait, so it's been literal years?

>Here's a tip: Girls with high self esteem don't post nudes on tumblr or Veeky Forums. They get all the validation they need from facebook selfies and real life.

Here's a tip, men who know anything about women don't let someone know, someone telling them they're creepy, that their experience with the opposite sex is through the internet exchanging nudes.

Because beyond being hardly impressive, it's incredibly autistic.

Hemingway is actually uses detailed description a lot, he just repeats words and usually uses short ones.
Just write right.

Wow you really respond quickly. This must be important.
>Oh wow you got pussy from /soc/ how fucking intimidating.
Maybe read the whole post before responding.
>Oh wait, so it's been literal years?
Since I used Veeky Forums for pussy? Yes.
>Here's a tip, men who know anything about women don't let someone know, someone telling them they're creepy, that their experience with the opposite sex is through the internet exchanging nudes.
Did that sentence make sense in your head before you wrote it?

Look, I'm not claiming to have high self-esteem or to not be a loser, I'm just saying that being male and on Veeky Forums doesn't mean that you're totally unattractive, which is what you seem to be assuming and implying.

>Look, I'm not claiming to have high self-esteem

Good. You don't have it.

>or to not be a loser

Good. You are a creepy loser.

>I'm just saying that being male and on Veeky Forums doesn't mean that you're totally unattractive,

You are unattractive

>which is what you seem to be assuming and implying.

I am.

How is it even something especially r9k to state that there was an actual trend of sluts taking pictures with books because they were vapid and required validation for their intellect, and got it with their bodies?
It isn't an ALL WOMEN SUCK READ SCHOPENHAUER, it's just what the pictures were about.
Is this some meta r9k posting?

No. It's just lonely friendless men do this superiority baiting all the time for no reason.I thought I might as well start for every time I see it.

You'd still sleep with me though, once you calmed down and stopped being so histrionic and hysterical. Seriously, your last two posts have been total trainwrecks. Just like I'm going to (consensually) wreck your vagina.

This is like some tallest dwarf-variety poppy syndrome

>You'd still sleep with me though

Hit and a miss. I'm a lesbian.

>once you calmed down and stopped being so histrionic and hysterical

This is actually what you're being.

>Seriously, your last two posts have been total trainwrecks. Just like I'm going to (consensually) wreck your vagina.

You'd still sleep with me though, once you calmed down and stopped being so histrionic and hysterical. Seriously, your last two posts have been total trainwrecks

It's a mirror, isn't it?

It's hard to show intellectual prowess on instagram. How is it different than that guy with the beard who got kicked out of the SEALS ?

>I thought I might as well start for every time I see it.

Please don't.

How is the fact that people here may or may not be ugly loser virgin neckbeard atheist homosexuals related to women in those pictures looking for validation of men for their intellect without their intellect and only with their bodies?

This is hilarious. I'm sure you're totally gay.

>How is the fact that people here may or may not be ugly loser virgin neckbeard atheist homosexuals related to women in those pictures looking for validation of men for their intellect without their intellect and only with their bodies?

Because there is nothing inherently sexual about anatomy. You are asking for attention more, by stirring the pot. You are being the attention whore.

This is exciting

>Oh wait, so it's been literal years?
Very close to literal decade

Nudes now are not like nudes then either.

I'm sure you have no choice but to be. And by the way, people who have to point out their laughing aren't actually laughing.

>It's hard to show intellectual prowess on instagram.
It is. Don't know why you'd even try it when it's done easily irl, by you know, reading quality works, writing, good grades, successful jobs etc?
>How is it different than that guy with the beard who got kicked out of the SEALS ?
I don't know, how is that even related?
People look for validation because they lead empty lives.
It isn't something found in only women or men. But here people aren't posting pictures of half naked men in sexual poses with books thrown around pretending to be intelligent.

Mods plz ban those two fags

I don't know if I appreciate your posts more as a genuine angry reaction or just a really impressive troll role-play. They'd both be fantastic.

>People look for validation because they lead empty lives.

Do you lead an empty life looking for validation that what I'm saying isn't true?

People look for validation because they lead empty lives.

Isn't that sort of redundant? I mean, people with validation don't seek it. Having a full life gives you validation.

You don't lead an especially full life if you have to admit you at any possible time got nudes from Veeky Forums

>Because there is nothing inherently sexual about anatomy.
These pictures aren't there because they were taken from anatomy textbooks. They are there exactly because they are sexual.
>You are asking for attention more, by stirring the pot. You are being the attention whore.
On an anonymous board where no one will know who posted this, ever? To get 3 (you)s?
Ok, but if I wanted to attention whore I'd go on facebook and post pictures of my books and pretend to be smarter than I really am in sexual poses.
No, I'm mostly content with my life.
Like I've said, this isn't exactly the place for it. Not even the best one on Veeky Forums.

Okay so cool irrelevant personal attack but you didn't answer the question.

>These pictures aren't there because they were taken from anatomy textbooks. They are there exactly because they are sexual.


>On an anonymous board where no one will know who posted this, ever? To get 3 (you)s?

Yes,you are this pathetic. And you don't even know it.

>Ok, but if I wanted to attention whore I'd go on facebook and post pictures of my books and pretend to be smarter than I really am in sexual poses.

No, because nobody wants to see your body and it would generally turn everyone off.

>No, I'm mostly content with my life.

No you're not.

It did answer the question.

Why are you so intent on putting other people down? Is your life so full that you have to make other people hurt to feel better?

Because most people need to hear it once or twice.

The question was about paradoxes, not about how you project my life to be. I know you're really enjoying insulting everyone but I'm really more interested in questions of logic.

You should pay attention and ask the person who made the claim first, not distract from the truth that you go by day to day hoping your life will get better and women might enter it.

How empathic of you to try to hurt anonymous stranger's feelings for their own good.

Peter Geach is pretty dank

Isn't that empathetic? You need to change.

When someone responds to your statement that "all of you have no women in your life" with "no, there are women in my life", don't you think that just accusing them of lying is a bit childish and ungrounded, especially when you have zero other information about their lives?

Attention whoring Veeky Forums lesbian tier
But the claim that women who took these pictures are vapid sluts wasn't disputed at all for some reason.

>But the claim that women who took these pictures are vapid sluts wasn't disputed at all for some reason.

What makes posting your body a vapid slut? What makes for vapidity is posting about the bait picture in a thread about literature.

You do this because you are vapid. You cannot see anything else outside of looking to be upset about social issues. You are both creepy and naive.

You will go another day on Veeky Forums depressed.

>What makes posting your body a vapid slut?
It doesn't.
Being a vapid slut makes you post your body.

Do you just see anatomy for its sexual aspects and not aesthetic qualities? Are you not a vapid slut looking for social issues to be angry? Instead of staying on topic and discussing literature?

You wanted this response by posting the bait, so you got the response through me. You crave.

Just do what I do, and write as much detail as possible. If someone puts down your book because it was "too descriptive" then clearly they were never gonna finish the book in the first place. Of course, this has its exceptions, but you have to be a Final Fantasy 13 writer to get to the point where it feels like you're stuck in place.

>What makes posting your body a vapid slut?
Like the other user pointed out, it's the other way around. Posting your body also has a context and these pictures aren't devoid of it.
>What makes for vapidity is posting about the bait picture in a thread about literature.
No, it makes for more replies because you are more likely to look at a thread with something sexual than something else. It's clickbait of sorts.
>You do this because you are vapid.
I do this because I don't feel tired and am wasting time in bed.
But, assuming I was doing it because of it doesn't even challenge the fact that women who pose in these pictures are validation seeking vapid sluts.
>You cannot see anything else outside of looking to be upset about social issues.
This isn't a particularly striking social issue. It's just sluts being mad that someone called sluts on pictures sluts.
>You are both creepy and naive.
Ok. And?
>You will go another day on Veeky Forums depressed.
Ok. And?
>Do you just see anatomy for its sexual aspects and not aesthetic qualities?
These were made for their sexual aspects and aren't even interesting aesthetically.
It's just sluts half naked with books.
>Are you not a vapid slut looking for social issues to be angry? Instead of staying on topic and discussing literature?
If you really wanted that you wouldn't have argued this much.
>You wanted this response by posting the bait, so you got the response through me. You crave.

>No, it makes for more replies because you are more likely to look at a thread with something sexual than something else. It's clickbait of sorts.

That's all you needed to say. You didn't need to say "ok, and?", over and over.

>It's just sluts being mad that someone called sluts on pictures sluts.

The difference is nobody sees the aesthetic quality of your body or personality and generally find you repulsive. In this way you feel jealous and would love to be a slut, or at least, what you believe that is. But you're not. You're fat in all the wrong places and have personality problems.

>That's all you needed to say. You didn't need to say "ok, and?", over and over.
Ok, and?
>The difference is nobody sees the aesthetic quality of your body or personality and generally find you repulsive.
Hon, how's that even related?
>In this way you feel jealous and would love to be a slut, or at least, what you believe that is.
Why would I feel jealous of sluts if I'm a man?
>But you're not. You're fat in all the wrong places and have personality problems.
I'm pretty chubby, and I may have some personality problems, but at least I'm not a slut who takes pictures of my naked body with books to appear smart before other stupid people.

>OP makes a thread about tips for descriptive writing
>You and 80% of the anons on the thread turns it into a screaming competition
Good Job, fucking idiots.

>I'm pretty chubby, and I may have some personality problems

That's all you needed to say. You aren't wanted for your body. Thankfully for both of us you don't have to be the whore you want to be.

>Veeky Forums namefag with video game images complaining

>A Veeky Forums namefag that came here to discuss descriptive writing,
>only to find SJW's fighting over the definition of sluts.

Wanna see my Deathwing Terminators and a Land Raider? I even have a free hand angel painted on, not too great, but looks nice on my shelf.

>getting vaginal secretions on your dick and in your mouth is fine, but don't get them on your book cover!

Well yeah, you can wash your dick, but that shit will stay on the book because you can't exactly wash it.

Cells die and flake off, don't they? We secrete shit like sweat all the time. Touching it isn't going to kill you.

Do you know how vaginas work. This isn't going to cover the book in evil green ooze you mong. It's just clear fluid.

Why is some tranny having a fit in this thread?

Can I see? I love the Deathwing color scheme

>implying vaginas dont secrete acidic ooze as a defense mechanism as soon as they encounter something they are not comfortable with doing (reading)
The ooze attracts men to do the work for the vagina.
However, it also burns through concrete, earth, flesh, and books.
Just be careful she does not shed her skin and enter spider form

Truthfully, I have an attractive body and I wouldn't do this.
For validation I post my body on Veeky Forums go swimming, or go for runs shirtless.
Posing with books takes it to another level of psuedness that is just retarded in the end. Just get the girl naked and take a picture. The book does nothing, its like a porn star calling herself an actress. Call it what you want, she sucks dick on camera, or gets naked on camera. Just because she holds up a book does not mean she is cultured, it just means she is another individual in the sex industry trying to seem smart.

You wrongly conflate sex and intelligence as contradictory, when they're totally not at all.


>digits were wasted on this thread

fuckin checked

I really wouldn't be so forward in foregrounding foreplay for integrating so with the forebrain; it barely forms a forefinger outward from the lizard brain and hardly touches the forward lobe.

This is an impressive level of buttheart.
Did you post yourself half naked with books? I mean why are you so upset, you are on Veeky Forums after all...

It has spoken.

this is going to be a rectal holocaust. why did the gods allow it to shit up in this awful thread


You can right whatever you want. Even rules like Show Don't Tell are made up. I read one page of Tolstoy, and it was tell tell tell. It was basically: here's this guy, and he's in the army and his mom sent him a letter, so he decided to go check up on her.

Just remember man, no one cares about the weather. Character BEFORE weather. And don't describe anything that isn't important to the story. Don't describe that the table is made of redwood/mahogany if it doesn't matter. Also, do whatever you want.

i fucking lost it. would read novelization

in awe

Just imitate Yecarthy and make sure to describe the ruby horizons as being the perishing flats of an evening's fanciful specter of the past, a red line of historic tapestry spinning the bile across the graying range.


damn shame that such digits were wasted on a dumb attentionwhore who ruined this entire thread.
such is life.

Posting my deathwing

Second pic


Not bad but you needed to fill and sand the gaps in the lascannons/ heavy bolters

Yeah, the kit is way worse than I remember, I almost lost my nerves trying to glue that shit.
But it looks fine on my shelf like this, I need to paint the recast FW stuff I got.

Neat. Not a fan of Dark Angels in general (tabards over power armour look dumb as hell), but can't argue with the Deathwing bone armour. Did you leave your camera in the bath though?

It's a shitty phone.
I love their Catholic aesthetic, but most things in 40k are dumb af so it doesn't matter.
I'll paint a Duminus Noster on Belial's cape when I get around him, seems like a perfect fit for the space monks.

IMO if you have a whole army painted and lined up together it always looks impressive.

Oh btw, isn't that khaki color a pain the ass? It never covers in one coat.