Tl;dr of neechee

tl;dr of neechee

shit I don't really know

Chicken Soup for the pseud.

this one becomes nude

no more metaphysics
"truth" is just a means to an end
morality is geneologically based in ressentment
"humanity" must be overcome
one must protect horses at all costs

Read Kaufmann's Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist.

Who is this semen demon?

Dude, everything is subjective, lmao

Nigga just do whatever the fuck you want lol

is chicken soup also chicken soup for the pseud

Start with the Greeks and work your way to him

>>"truth" is just a means to an end
truth is approbation

Who is this

Life would be extremely painful (unless your a big guy) for you.

>tl;dr of neechee

"Just be yourself"

Fo Porter

Don't shave upper lip. srsly.


It is tho

>dfw no russian gg

Forms aren't real but the stuff is. Take back the power, nigga.

Which Nietzsche book is this from?

God is dead; I am God

good post. meme neechee understanding 9/10

>Morals? DIY, brah
>Everythings, like, subjective, knowhatimsayin´?
>Don´t be a pussyass "scientific", be a hardass artistic nigga
>You literally can´t know nuffin, so stop pretending
Am I cool yet, guise?

thank ye

Simone DeMoan

hahaha haha

All you really need to know is how to pronounce his name, just like Kant.

the good one

too bad about the degenerate tattoo, dropped

>What is science


Only true patricians and masculinists can afford tattoos, no wonder some reading faggot doesn't like them