Guys i can't understand what is wrong with hedonism, please help me

Guys i can't understand what is wrong with hedonism, please help me

It's selfish and spiritually shallow

It's a fancy word for "childish" and a frail attempt at justifying a lack of emotional control, temperance, and self-discipline that comes with spending one's life doing what feels good because you're not hurting anyone.
It seems fine initially, everybody wants to have fun, then the lack of restraint shows after you're too fat to run, addicted to fast food and whatever other fun chemicals you wanted to have a neato time with, and emotionally underdeveloped from running away from negative vibes.

I have a lot of hedonic friends and their weakness honestly disgusts me. You have to understand that choosing one action inadvertently chooses the counterbalance that comes with it.

I'd really like to fuck that cow

Thank you guys

How does hedonism even imply "weakness". It is not a matter of "just live the moment #YOLO", it is about living a life that would be most joyful. A hedonist thinks also of his joy in future.

A hedonistic moment of Now can be the tragedy of the future. Here, hedonism's basic rule dies.

You'll grow bored of it eventually and wish you'd spent that time doing something more fulfilling

Or at least I did

I guess the real kicker is that it doesn't really question the nature of our desires, which are more often socially/culturally/unconsciously motivated, not really our own desires.

Any mature system of ethics is based off of a sort of hedonism, without relying on any "spooks" or external, baseless justifications. But the kind of hedonism that you're talking about, is unfulfilling, because it's a facet of reflective consciousness to question and ultimately reject certain desires.

nothing as long as its negative utilitarian hedonism

This. My senior year of college, I was finally single for the first time since high school and started partying and doing drugs way more. Stopped reading and exercising as much. It continued that way for a few years until I decided to stop doing drugs (except drinking), and started exercising and reading a lot more.

I wish I had spent those years more constructively but oh well. I eventually got genuinely bored of it so I guess at least it's out of my system for good. Being a "hedonist" basically means you haven't grown up yet, IMO.

>t's a fancy word for "childish" and a frail attempt at justifying a lack of emotional control, temperance, and self-discipline that comes with spending one's life doing what feels good

Yeah, basically this.

>it doesn't really question the nature of our desires, which are more often socially/culturally/unconsciously motivated

And also 1000% this. Lots of good replies in this thread.

"pursuit of pleasure" is the commonest definition of hedonism. This excludes long-term meaning or fulfillment.

It doesn't provide real happiness.

I suppose there are things that may seem to be pleasurable now that may fuck you up in the future. "I wanna inject heroin and fuck every day" may seem pleasurable now, but it won't when you get some disease from it.

Otherwise, go for it. I don't care.

Nothing, Hedonism is fine for a lot of immature people, and they'll live hedonistic lives til they die with no regrets. As long as being hedonistic makes you happy, you're good. I know an old man on my street who has done nothing with his life besides drink, smoke, drugs, whores, fishing, gambling and shooting, and he never regretted it - a real Bukowski he is.

It's when you start to become unhappy that Hedonism becomes 'wrong' for you, so you need to pursue a new idea.

>This excludes long-term meaning or fulfillment.

Immediacy is what defines hedonism.
It FEELS good NOW, not invests in something good later. Anything sort of sacrifice of time, energy, or resources with the intent of a later payoff is not hedonism. It's not even philosophy really, it's just common sense.

Think of that fable about the Ant and the Grasshopper, they represent Stoicism and Hedonism respectively.

That's retarded.

You're stupid for saying it.

Hedonism doesn't imply a lack of foresight.
Not true hedonism anyhow. The connotative sense (a la "woo girls") is what you're talking about .

Consider: conditioning your decisions on an expectation of future pleasure is risky. You might die before the payoff. So from a hedonic viewpoint, near pleasure is worth more than far pleasure. Given a choice between two equally pleasurable events where one is immediately accessable and the other requires a waiting period, always take the close one. Obviously. Even if the far reward is greater than the near, the smart choice can still be immediate pleasure.

Hedonism isn't dumb, most people just suck at it.

You're wrong.

It looks like we've found an expert on the subject!
Let us know the, user, since there is obvious interest from all parties, what are the tenets of hedonism?

>Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that pleasure is the primary or most important intrinsic good.[1] A hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).

Not that you're wrong, i'm wondering why is any different from your own statement.
I think everyone is in agreement as to what hedonism is.

"Our hearts are restless, Lord, until they rest in thee."

and betrays a simple mind.
>yay this feels good!
>yay my brain likes this!
>yay #YOLO
all in all it just leaves the planet you inhabited worse off then when you came into it ( admittedly you didn't ask to but still)
nurture life, learn, and leave a improved mark on the planet.

The issue is that the hedonistic ideal is not only impossible to reach, but inherently has diminishing returns. I could sit here and try to explain it through abstract terms, but you can understand it just as well by eating your favorite food continually, or fapping back to back as many times as you can. The human mind is incapable of truly sustainable pleasure, and the pursuit of hedonistic pleasures will only lead to a diminished ability to experience pleasure more and more, until the hedonistic pursuit just becomes the pursuit to feel somewhat neutral.

Hedonism ( bad ) = the raiders and bandits fucking and living in filth in the old mad maxx films. without law and governance hedonism gives way to anarchy

ascetic ( good ) = free thinkers. finding solace and pleasure in being an intelligent being, and walking the earth in which can be both improved and a theater for great pleasure if with other like minded individuals.

In theory "hedonism" can be stretched like old vagina to include long-term fulfillment as a form of pleasure, but nobody in pursuit of long-term fulfillment or personal growth uses that definition of hedonism. The use of "pleasure" as a quantifier betrays the hedonist's lack of higher aspirations.

Even though many drugs are less harmful than alcohol you choose to continue using that substance which is one of the leading causes of death among society? Why?