Looking for best Anti-nihilist philosophy

Looking for best Anti-nihilist philosophy

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If you're trying to lift yourself out of nihilism, you can't. The way out is through, and only the beast you become at the bottom of the pit is strong enough to claw its way out. You can maybe save your social life by becoming an ironic walking Bernard Black reference but either way you're doomed to at least a few more years of misery.

That's some deep shit, user. Thank you.

my diary, desu

All suffering is self caused. Have fun with your misery.


You need to doubt everything before you can believe again -- this is natural.

Read Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard.


Stop hogging all the dubs in this thread


All Things Are Nothing To Me

What is not supposed to be my concern! First and foremost, the Good Cause, then God’s cause, the cause of mankind, of truth, of freedom, of humanity, of justice; further, the cause of my people, my prince, my fatherland; finally, even the cause of Mind, and a thousand other causes. Only my cause is never to be my concern. "Shame on the egoist who thinks only of himself!"

Let us look and see, then, how they manage their concerns – they for whose cause we are to labor, devote ourselves, and grow enthusiastic.

You have much profound information to give about God, and have for thousands of years "searched the depths of the Godhead," and looked into its heart, so that you can doubtless tell us how God himself attends to "God’s cause," which we are called to serve. And you do not conceal the Lord’s doings, either. Now, what is his cause? Has he, as is demanded of us, made an alien cause, the cause of truth or love, his own? You are shocked by this misunderstanding, and you instruct us that God’s cause is indeed the cause of truth and love, but that this cause cannot be called alien to him, because God is himself truth and love; you are shocked by the assumption that God could be like us poor worms in furthering an alien cause as his own. "Should God take up the cause of truth if he were not himself truth?" He cares only for his cause, but, because he is all in all, therefore all is his cause! But we, we are not all in all, and our cause is altogether little and contemptible; therefore we must "serve a higher cause." – Now it is clear, God cares only for what is his, busies himself only with himself, thinks only of himself, and has only himself before his eyes; woe to all that is not well-pleasing to him. He serves no higher person, and satisfies only himself. His cause is – a purely egoistic cause.

How is it with mankind, whose cause we are to make our own? Is its cause that of another, and does mankind serve a higher cause? No, mankind looks only at itself, mankind will promote the interests of mankind only, mankind is its own cause. That it may develop, it causes nations and individuals to wear themselves out in its service, and, when they have accomplished what mankind needs, it throws them on the dung-heap of history in gratitude. Is not mankind’s cause – a purely egoistic cause?

I have no need to take up each thing that wants to throw its cause on us and show that it is occupied only with itself, not with us, only with its good, not with ours. Look at the rest for yourselves. Do truth, freedom, humanity, justice, desire anything else than that you grow enthusiastic and serve them?


They all have an admirable time of it when they receive zealous homage. Just observe the nation that is defended by devoted patriots. The patriots fall in bloody battle or in the fight with hunger and want; what does the nation care for that? By the manure of their corpses the nation comes to "its bloom"! The individuals have died "for the great cause of the nation," and the nation sends some words of thanks after them and – has the profit of it. I call that a paying kind of egoism.

But only look at that Sultan who cares so lovingly for his people. Is he not pure unselfishness itself, and does he not hourly sacrifice himself for his people? Oh, yes, for "his people." Just try it; show yourself not as his, but as your own; for breaking away from his egoism you will take a trip to jail. The Sultan has set his cause on nothing but himself; he is to himself all in all, he is to himself the only one, and tolerates nobody who would dare not to be one of "his people."

And will you not learn by these brilliant examples that the egoist gets on best? I for my part take a lesson from them, and propose, instead of further unselfishly serving those great egoists, rather to be the egoist myself.

God and mankind have concerned themselves for nothing, for nothing but themselves. Let me then likewise concern myself for myself, who am equally with God the nothing of all others, who am my all, who am the only one.

If God, if mankind, as you affirm, have substance enough in themselves to be all in all to themselves, then I feel that I shall still less lack that, and that I shall have no complaint to make of my "emptiness." I am not nothing in the sense of emptiness, but I am the creative nothing, the nothing out of which I myself as creator create everything.

Away, then, with every concern that is not altogether my concern! You think at least the "good cause" must be my concern? What’s good, what’s bad? Why, I myself am my concern, and I am neither good nor bad. Neither has meaning for me.

The divine is God’s concern; the human, man’s. My concern is neither the divine nor the human, not the true, good, just, free, etc., but solely what is mine, and it is not a general one, but is – unique, as I am unique.

Nothing is more to me than myself!

Jordan B Petersonism

Neoplatonism, if you take a more pantheist approach to the All

>All Things Are Nothing To Me
This is such a poor translation, it's astounding actually.

They explain it in footnotes, in fairness.

Apparently you didn't start with the Greeks. Start with the Greeks.

Can we make Bernard Veeky Forums's hero already jizus

Absolute bullshit

Joseph Campbell (heroes) and Carl Jung (archetypes).

second this


have you read Pascal's Pensees? they predate nihilism by a long time, since it is XVII century literature, but it may be what you need.

>self pride

sounds spooky

philosophy is food to nihilism. philosophy is miasma.

best anti-nihilist philosophy? become a farmer

>become a farmer
Henry David Thoreau?


Look into death by starvation by hegesias of cyrene for really old nihilism.

Can you say you're through?
Please be sincere.

Tolstoy's Confession - only a God can save the one from the nihilism that inevitably is at the end of the road; and Tolstoy's the closest thing we have

how? it's gone, hombre.


Don Quijote and Candide second this.

Phosphorescent blues

The Divine Comedy


If your an atheist you can't escape nihilism. Atheism is just a branch of nihilism and an atheist rejecting nihilism is objectively wrong.

Top post

Contemplate its ideal form, pleb

Nice. You almost got me with that bait.


this post is exactly why nihilism is cringe tier
It's like the metal of philosophy while Plato and Aristotle are its Bach and Beethoven.

You can accept what you want out of philosophy, its not your instruction to life and its not a guide to YOUR life,

This is the way I see it

We live to be as full as possible, we are never complete. So your life has to be centered on doing as much, and achieving as much as you can Carpe Diem. Every day you wake up find new purpose and be optimistic. You can always learn more, and achieve more no matter your age. Because frankly, in 60 years you'll be dead, and in 100 years you'll be forgotten. But notice, Alexander the Great, Plato, David Bowie, Robin Williams, Shakespeare, Mozart, ZYZZ, they all did extraordinary things. We wont forget them, simply cause of that.

But to find the key to happiness, is to accept first, that you're a nobody. Like 98% of the world, you are an insignificant, and you should love it, and you should strive to evolve out of it.

But then again, this is my philosophy. If you were a real thinker, you'd think about what's fact and opinion, before accepting Nihilism as a guide. It is only a philosophy, you take what you WANT from it

That would make Nietzsche some ironic parody of metal? Perhaps some avant-grade music that through the precise use of the forms makes fun of metal and at the same time creates something better?

Absolute truth. Depression is learned helplessness. I can't blame you entirely because your decisions to be a shitter aren't entirely conscious. Consider anti-depressants.

Do you feel better now

Seconding this. I don't think it will save you from nihilism, since its a Christian work and you won't find any antidote in it unless you are already Christian. But it is certainly the greatest essay ever written on the source of nihilism. It's extremely critical of Nietzsche, but also very influenced by his work and his, especially his work on society's confrontation with nihilism. I'd recommend it to anyone.


>trying to find meaning in a failed political and economic system
More like "modern versions of Marxism", if anything.

>he wants to "overcome" nihilism
>he sees "nihilism" as inherently pessimistic and morbid
>he believes that because there are no objective values or beliefs, one cannot impose any subjective values and beliefs upon one's self
>he doesn't wish to indulge in nihlistic hedonism not realizing that hedonism is more than sex and drugs, but even if it were there is no reason to see this as a "bad" thing for "right" and "wrong" are man made concepts

You are free to do whatever you want OP. Liberate yourself from these shackles brother; you are still capable of feeling pleasure, of striving for something desirable. What is it you desire?

whats the point

There's meaning to be found through self-knowledge. By knowing yourself you can thrive for those things that deeply satisfy your own standards and ambitions, even if you fully acknowledge that those aspirations are meaningless in the big scheme of things.
The tricky part on this ride is to truly know yourself. If one plans to dedicate their live to this task then it must be the most serious and important thing in their entire worldview, otherwise you're bound to fail because you're not giving it enough importance to do whatever it takes to achieve said knowledge.

No point in what? No point to whom?

There is no objective point in anything. However, I continue to do things because they are enjoyable to me. Therefore, the point is TO MAKE ME FEEL "GOOD" and there IS a point TO ME. I don't care if it doesn't matter in the long run. I don't care if it doesn't matter to anyone else. It matters to me. Now. I am telling you this because I want you to not feel hollow, because it will make ME feel good that YOU feel good too.

You're feeling apathetic, user. Misery, anguish; these things you can dig yourself out of. Apathy is the most difficult of all. You can overcome it, but I'm not saying you will. In fact, you might never. But it doesn't mean you can't nor that you have to; You're not obligated to overcome it if you don't want to user.

Look at this meme picture, user. It's the most baby-tier philosophy picture of all time, probably the first picture someone sees when they're introduced to nihilism. Doesn't make it any less true though; in order to become the sleazy 90s cat on the right, you're gonna have to be the guy on the left for a while.

if youre truly apathetic send me whatever money you have in your account to me since it doesnt matter desu

i didnt upload the fucking picture god dammit

lets see if i get right this time

So unless you're a sociopath, it's a worthless philosophy?

Absolutely not. I'm sure those with a conscience are able to benefit from nihilism as much as their sociopathic companions.

One is still able to hold on to ethics and morality from the same foundation of "do good things to other because they feel good"; I make children laugh because their laughter makes me feel joy. I take care of the ill because their misery puts an emotional burden on me, knowing I might lose someone I care about soon and an empathetic reaction knowing that if I was in their place, they'd likely do the same for me. I give to the homeless because the subtle annoyance of giving money doesn't even begin compare to the satisfaction I receive from helping someone else, especially when they show genuine appreciation for it.

Nihilism doesn't mean giving up your morals, not unless you're able to completely ignore your biological urges to care for the well-being of you and your own species.

Who are the bottom three?

That's sociopathic "morality". You don't have to be Hannibal Lecter to be a sociopath.

Old white men, who gives a shit.

It's human nature. We sacrifice ourselves because our pain is easier to stomach than the pain of others suffering. How is that sociopathy? You do realize sociopathy is an outdated term referring to people who show antisocial tendencies, completely disregarding the health of others, right?


I do pls tell

From left to right: Pyrrho, Epicurus, and Gregory Palamas.

Thank you.

How well does it handle or deal with Stirner?

did you write this yourself?

jeremy commonforth - the urine tapes

Nietzsche is like Varg's prison stuff

I used to tell myself this but there really is no way out.

The good thing is, you can just make your home at the bottom of the pit and get pretty comfy there for the short while your life lasts.

The trick is to be like the last man.


what a bunch of nonsense
the self is an illusion, all is related, when you do good for someone else you're doing good for yourself, there's no difference between your pain and somebody else's pain because everything effects everything else, the only thing being an immoral egoist will lead to is chaos

the bible, starting with ecclesiastes. also, dostoevsky and kierkegaard.

>there's no difference between your pain and somebody else's pain
My pain is pain, the other person's pain exists merely conceptually to me. It might as well not be pain at all, hippie.

yes, but that pain exists in the same reality you exist in, effecting his behavior, his behavior effects other people which effect other people and eventually yourself, multiply by a billion immoral faggots and you've got yourself the modern world.

>I used to tell myself this but there really is no way out.
Sure there is, if you're rich :)

>the self is an illusion, all is related, when you do good for someone else you're doing good for yourself, there's no difference between your pain and somebody else's pain because everything effects everything else

The conspiracy against the human race by Thomas Ligotti

The Quran

>there's no difference between your pain and somebody else's pain
So if I get a raging erection and cum the hardest I have ever cum just from cutting myself because I'm a sadomasochist, would I be inflicting pleasure on someone when I move on to cut them???

How can you be so certain that everybody perceives reality in the same way? It is effectively only a personal internal processing/interpretation of what their own senses tell them, and God know how those people process those signals. Nobody is born exactly the same way unless they are twins, clones, and so on.

Agree, I think that Muhammad was übermensch as fuck

>Born in tough mecca hoods
>See some holy shit
>Enlightened, unite whole nations of nomads under your prophecies and conquer succesfully places of culture and civilization
>Have a harem, molest qt lolis
>Once retired, fly into heaven with a winged horse

Based Muhammad

Inshallah, my brother.

Can't be the Overman when you're Allah's cuck, matey.

>Muhammad allah's cuck

If you honestly think that Muhammad got high orders?
He was his own boss and he bossed everyone else, if something wasn't as he wanted - a vision! and everybody kissed his feet
That's the prophet life I understand, not that virgin-kike-dying-of-starvation-on-a-cross kind of prophet life

>So if I get a raging erection and cum the hardest I have ever cum just from cutting myself because I'm a sadomasochist, would I be inflicting pleasure on someone when I move on to cut them???

You're obviously far too stupid to understand metaphysical concepts but I'll try to elaborate, so your feeble mind would have a chance to comprehend, good and bad exist in the world as our instinctual capacity to feel them, our basic understanding of good and bad from the purely emotional, the yet untainted by the "reason" perception of good and bad that is, is simple and equal to all the human species, we all like to feel good, and we all feel good from the same things, love, when people treat us nicely, sensual pleasure etc and we all feel bad from the opposite of what I've listed, these elemental "emotional atoms" if you will are the way we all similarly experience good and bad in the same manner, the actual subjective experience itself is of no relevance, as long as we are able to discern the pragmatic experience and communicate it through language sufficiently it is proof enough for he sufficient similarity of subjective phenomenona, when reason starts to kick in the understanding of good and bad can be influenced by the consciousness' ability to give and take meaning to Platonic forms of feelings and thoughts and thus effecting the way we experience them, the masochist in your example is suffering from a distorted view of good and bad making him take pleasure, unnaturally, from hurting himself, the pleasure he feels from distorting his natural inclination for the elemental good and bad are immoral by themselves and although their effect on the greater whole is complicated as much as everything else it can be said that he is taking pleasure from something that is wrong and that would propogate his need to feel further pleasure from further wrongness distorting more and more the lines between what he perceives as good and bad, the person he would cut would be more liable to do bad because the will to good and bad directly connects to one's state of mind, he will be more liable to come back home and shout at his wife for no reason other than that he feels shitty, she will be more liable to the an immoral action now because *She* feels bad at her husband shouting at her and goes to work and lets out her frustration at someone etc etc until it comes back to the masochist, like energy distribution, there's a balance of good and bad existing in our reality and one's thoughts feelings and actions all contribute to its general sum.

Holy crap that was gay to read.

Deleuze desu


Dong ding!

nah, deleuze ist pretty nihilistic

Here, read this, wuss

this desu


It's the most dull plot anyone could ever think up. An average guy doing average stuff. Joyce compares this guy to one of the greatest heroes in literature.

Joyce doesn't just tell you that this man's life is worth a story, he shows you by using the most elegant writing ever to turn the boring plot into something you can read over and over.

The lesson is it's all a matter of perspective. Even the most boring and basic things in life can be appreciated as grand works of art if you think about it that way.

You could improve your life and see beauty in it all or not. It's only you who experiences your perspective so it's entirely up to you.

>Solve your nihilism by reading more nihilism


There's no escaping the truth, user.

Once you realize the veracity of nihilism, there's no going back.

this. once you've accepted nihilism as the truth through logic and reasoning reasoning, the only thing that can get you to reject nihilism is having a powerful personal experience.

Unironically this. The problem is you want a God, an idea, or existence itself to come and lift you out of alienation and make your life seem better. You will never escape the nothingness after life, but you can change the insufferable way we live our lives and give meaning to it for yourself and the generations to come. Expel the demon of idealism.

Who is this cock commandant

Stirner. For real though.

Nothings ever mattered ever, realizing it doesn't mean shit. Be liberated by the knowledge that you can do exactly what you want. Cross-dress and smoke a cigarette, do heroin, or work hard to get a job you want, build something, help homeless people, write a book about how meaningless things are (like Ligotti does), whatever you want it doesn't matter.

Now, if you're thinking "I don't know what I want," then you are probably somewhat new to nihilism; there's always that initial shock period that everyone goes through where you become a bit depressed and nothing seems fun. It will pass though if you just wait it out.
Other problems might arise from your depression though and prolong it. The cool thing is that none of those problems even matter. Just be honest with yourself about why you're upset.

>that everyone goes through where you become a bit depressed and nothing seems fun. It will pass though if you just wait it out.
If you have money, if not you can kill yourself right away, you're fucked forever.

You can always lynch them

Yup, totally agree. Unless you have some kind of genuine personal experience or you're religious then there's no way out of nihilism.

yea that's what pulled me out of it, i had a personal mystic experience that forced me to believe in God