It has been proven that memories are not stored in the brain:

It has been proven that memories are not stored in the brain:

What now Sciencefags?

memories are stored in grey matter and white matter aids in recollection. damage to grey matter = permanent memory loss while damage to white matter = temporary memory loss

Did you even read the article buddy? They removed the worm's whole brain and after it regenerated it still remembered it's training.

i'm talking about humans

Are you a worm?

If I take off your head, would it hurt?

This is really cool. They seem to have discovered that a worms memory forming mechanisms may be decentralized to its entire nervous system, which would be expected in an organism like a worm.

If you believe this applies to humans then indeed, if we removed your brain you probably would not feel any different.

>what is the central nervous system

I choked on my coffee m8 topkek

Training may have more to do with your neuromuscular connections remembering movements though. That's not at all similar to a human maintaining memories in the event of their brain being removed. It'd be more similar to a guy remembering he can do a bicep curl, not his mother's maiden name.

>memories are not stored in the brain
Depending on the type of memory, this is nothing new. Eric Kandel got the Nobel prize for his work in the late 50's, which mapped neural correlates of conditioned stimuli. These correlates are manifested through almost the entire nervous system. Also, motor memories (e.g. knowing how to walk or ride a bike) are largely implemented by extra-cerebral mechanics, such as recurrent connections within the spinal cord. However, more complex memories (e.g. episodic memories like what you had for dinner last night) are manifest as a network of connections within the brain itself, involving the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and associated structures.

Aside from all of that, it's somewhat questionable to talk about a 'brain' in a simple organism like a worm. They don't have a cortex like more complex organisms do.

You can have that removed, you know.

worms have no memories they have reflexes. those are bodily functions in their biology, not something they learned while living. a worm can't learn shit, he does what every simple cell does, eat and procreate.

>It has been proven that memories are not stored in the brain
in the case of worms

I understood this reference

well in dragon ball z super they train to have their limbs act independently
so there :)

It's a fucking worm, buddy. The genetic makeup of a worm is vastly different than a human. Worms can regrow about a quarter of their body if it gets cut off. Let me cut your legs off and see if they regrow.

I didn't

>Then the team showed the worms with the regrown heads where to find food, essentially a refresher course

Fun fact: worms have two cerebral ganglia (primitive brains). It probably acts like RAID in data storage, one brain is removed, it grows back and other brain acts as a backup.

These worms have what are called ganglia which are just a small collection of nervous tissues. They are very different to our central nervous system, which is where we've decided to hide our memories. What you are seeing is more similar to a regenerative peripheral nervous system which controls movements and sensations. The cephalized region probably contains very basic sensory systems that a more centralized ganglia reads from and controls.

it's not a human, religious hooligan