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Science #85
After I have sex with a girl I instantly stop being attracted to her
Is this right?
Hey Vsauce, Micheal here!
About to assemble the chamber of my fusion reactor
Can Veeky Forums help me with a Statistical Mechanics problem?
Alright guys, I can't do no science, but I need some help...
Shit tier Universities
True or false?
Your score was 29 out of a possible 50
FTA disproved
Is getting a degree in Geology worth it or is it a meme ?
Friendly reminder that if your are not working on artificial general intelligence or life extension...
SpaceX Launch - Jan 14th
Thank you Veeky Forums
Charles Darwin was a racist
The Concept of Infinity
So I'm in my final year of a STEM PhD and I have nothing worthwhile to write about in my thesis nor have the motivation...
Is there any REAL evidence for evolution?
Would it be possible to terraform our Moon? How would its climate interact with ours if it were possible?
Scientists genetically modified salmonella to eat cancerous tumors
Why does prosperity make people kill themselves?
Science is kind of bullshit
Songs constantly stuck in my mind
Are aussie uni's very credible compared to the US and UK?
Is China the most scientifically backwards place in history for its size? I have never heard of any Einsteins, Newtons...
I go through a pound of cacao a month
Can electricity be converted into momentum?
How do i generate a random number in my head?
You major in physics
When, biologically speaking, does life begin if this is majorly controversial?
Are black holes bullshit
Is it just me, or does this guy not seem that smart?
Physics future?
So can you electrocute the gay out of faggots or not?
Hi Veeky Forums, highschool senior here who was accepted to both Stanford and Cornell...
MIT/Caltech anons
Brainlet here
Innovation is dead
I think we should call element 119 "vonneumannium". Thoughts?
I have an idea...
Master's degree in statistics
I need to start using LaTeX, mainly because I'm tired of being a word fag...
Hello there
CS is the best
Alright Veeky Forums, can you solve this?
G-g-guys, if I can pass calc 1 and 2 with good grades...
So I have to do a self-choosen project in science or mathematics so you any ideas ?
Taking signal processing course to see how much of a joke engineering classes are
Is global warming a hoax?
I was studying physics and a little question hit me like a meteor...
Veeky Forums how does one raise their iq? want to get into genius level
Imagine that you have a very long line and that you are asked to mark a number of points in consecutive fashion along...
I met Michio Kaku. How fucking jealous are you Veeky Forums?
If you roll a ball down the stairs, does it get to the flag faster than if you just roll it along flat ground?
Maths Video Game
Why are men sexually attracted to adolescent girls?
Hi guys
Was General Relativity really a hard idea to come up with
How many of you here have attended a private school? How many people in top Unies usually have?
Tell me more about x-ray crystallography, Veeky Forums. I hear integral membrane proteins are quite a challenge
Publication stories
When will immortality become a real thing Veeky Forums? 2050? or 22nd Century?
Redpill me on vaccines
So if trump keeps his promises and removes regulations from coorporations will it usher in a new age of technological...
Rejected from Oxford
Most lucerative PhDs, what are they?
Female/male brain
Why don't liberals believe in the IQ test? Because they don't want to admit that there are inferior races?
ITT we prove the Riemann hypothesis one word at a time
Found this today in whats called the reuse room at my university...
What maths did you fags take each year of high school?
Should I isolate myself studying pure math rigorously until I reach a plateau, and start abusing psychedelics?
What is PhD life actually like? Before, during and after, please greentext it new faggots
A true Veeky Forums-nerd would get this in 1.3 seconds
It is possible to know the area of a polygon only by knowing his edges and angles ?
Why did evolution allow humans to become so intelligent?
Is the president elect a brainlet?
"Why do I exist? What is the meaning of life?"
What do you guys think about solipsism and derealization/depersonalization?
ITT: describe your worst teacher/professor you've ever had
ITT we post quackery
Free will?
If I completed 2 years of classical music history I could impress every pleb I met by injecting my knowledge into the...
G.O.A.T. Textbook Thread
Al-Haytham's legacy
There was a Musk thread a while ago and somebody there said that Musk is a fraud who uses public money for outdated...
Is our President right?
Unable answer question in exam
What is a good introductory book for topology?
From what i'm gathering i would just use the rule of sums and coefficients to isolate and then replace i with the sum...
So I just cracked open pic related, but someting is wrong. The beverage feels VERY watered down to me...
Is it morally wrong to publish fraudulent research?
How do I maximize my chances of getting cancer within just a few months? It has to be achieved via legal methods only
Here's proof that souls exist. When a person dies time still passes on him or it doesn't. If time doesn't pass for him...
Course requires textbook
Where does a uneducated shit start learning sciences , like physics , chemistry and mathematics...
Why is it acceptable for 10% of people to own 90% of the world's wealth...
I'm die-hard anti-religion and anti-Creationism (an evolutionist if you will)...
Is the Earth heated from within?
How do you get to the stage where you can do this stuff?
Physical/body health at its peak
Who's with me?
Math Memes
AlphaGo goes 60-0 vs top GO players including Ke jie
The only President who ever written a science research paper to be replaced by a celebrity TV host
If you are as good at math as you claim, why aren't you a poker pro yet?
Square has four lines
The truth about evolution
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Sheaves Edition
Redpill me on study habits
Calc optimization
I have been using Sci-hub for my classes tons and tons of time. From APS, AAS, ACS, and AAES...
This is a recent photo of the Earth and Moon taken from Mars
Why does Veeky Forums hate comp sci and engineering?
I do not know if this topic belongs on this board but I want to hear Veeky Forums's point of view:
Why aren't you getting a PhD in pharmacology, Veeky Forums?
What are you retards taking this semester?
How harmful is the radiation from a CT scan?
Dunno where else to post this
A question for my fellow mental giants:
Why are STEM students so salty and rustled all the time about Humanities students? Both are tied with a desire to learn...
Does the subject of Organic Chemistry need to be fixed? I mean with regards to how its taught...
Post the biggest scientific hoaxes and frauds
Ah, second semester classes have finally started up! All of this knowledge just ready to get soaked in by my brain
What's the most unscientific thing you believe to be true?
Does anyone else on Veeky Forums wish to become a Renaissance Man?
Holy shit Veeky Forums, you've just been teleported back to 15th century central Europe
Does the educational system suck at selling math, or is math just inherently disliked?
What significant scientific, medical and technological advances do you expect to see within the next 25 years?
ITT: The most complex subjects in biology
How do I get better at math?
Whats the scientific reason for this board being so toxic?
Was he the true GOAT mathematician
Hey Veeky Forums
Prove that modern physics isn't just philosophy
What is the quickest way to learn Linear Algebra?
I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of negative numbers. What a crock of shit...
If you're going 80mph, how long will it take you to go 80 miles?
Why did we evolve these useless things
Retarded US Space Program
Most of you have an IQ 125+. Feynman's IQ was 125
Hi, I'm making a collection of mathematics textbooks...
High school graduate (barely)
Machine Learning
Why wouldn't this work?
Hidden Figures: Katherine Johnson
Do you believe that the Moon Landings from nearly 50 years ago were real?
Global warming is causing all this cold! Don't you know anything?
I can make cat-girle with CRISPERcas9 ?
Can society still exist if no one had emotions?
What is nothing? Don't use a negative definition
So, now that SpaceX has been given FAA approval for return to flight and the launch is scheduled for Jan 9, 822 GMT...
Does Marijuana use make you retarded?
No seriously, what are fields?
Miniature Brain Found In 16 Year Old Jap Girl's Ovary
Hey guys can you recommend me any good books on quantum mechanics...
Had a thought that's probably been thought before
Why are brainlet plebes so obsessed with doing drugs...
What is the evolutionary reason behind Europeans being okay with Muslims taking over their homeland?
Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others...
Tfw no one will ever understand your job no matter how well you explain it
Hey Veeky Forums
Can't stand this cunt
Alright so I don't really have any intelligent friends...
Kinetic energy
What is your major and why is it pure math?
You're studying mechanical engineering?
Height Growth at 19
Hi! Zayne here from The New Reddit Journal of Science! Feel free to AMA and I'll do my best to ELI5
Best way to deal with a plagiarist?
Is there a way to visualize 4D space? I want to "feel" it and still haven't found a reliable source yet
How does it feel to know that the smartest man on the planet is a fat American creationist bartender who attended...
On philosophical terms, have you ever considered that the purpose of being human is to exist never being fulfilled?
Veeky Forums humour thread
Mathematics absolutely btfo
Do any of you Veeky Forumsgays actually unironically find your studies "fun"?
Post term grades, we're having a big dick competition
Olbers paradox/infinite universe/big bang
Too old to go back to school?
How do I get rid mites from my face? Btw 100 % of people have these mites on their face
Would heat sinks work in space?
I know this question is more of a philosophical one rather than strictly scientific, but I want your opinion anyways
If you drill just a few miles into the crust of the earth...
Guys, I smoke a lot of marijuana, and it's never been a problem...
I just made this to show you something magical, and to keep the man from telling us what we are allowed to know or not...
I stopped eating milk and it cured my acne
Matlab vs. Mathematica
Where the fuck do I go from here
"Stay or switch" is relative to your first choice...
Why didn't we get the fantastic future we were promised?
What is the oldest branch of engineering? Mechanical? Civil? Military? Systems?
Taking "Mathematical Proofs" this semester. How fucked am I?
Show me your notes
All the courses i wanted to take were reserved within an hour of opening applications
Lab screw ups
If Earth really is round, how come the penguins in Antarctica aren't falling off the planet...
Best human diet
Interesting paper on the correlations between college education, economic dissatisfaction...
Earth After Man
Why do laplace and z and fourier transforms work?
Why ist "von Neumann" the favorit mathematician from Veeky Forums ?
Software """""engineer"""""
Who would win?
Just what did this guy invent that we dont know about yet?
Hello all. I hope this is the correct board for this...
Why is Veeky Forums so liberal?
I just found out I'm a brainlet. Veeky Forums please help me
Sup Veeky Forums
What's the point of knowledge?
Dear Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums approved youtube channels?
Fit is too retarded
When did you have your first existential crysis Veeky Forums?
I've read some conflicting reports on black holes and spaghettification...
I never went to college, but I want to become a chemist
Climate denialists BTFO
I'm a fag
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Is this true?
How orthodox is Constructivist mathematics in modern academia?
Scientifically, why is everyone so fucking stupid?
Hello Veeky Forums
Math isn't science
Is this guide still valid?
Elon Musk wants to go to mars. This implies that he will need to process and eat his own shit...
Muh e
If your sink smells of piss can your pour bleach down to clean it or would that create chlorine gas?
Should i study physics
What is more accurate than the Myers-Briggs personality test?
Why do brainlets want to stop climate change?
When Climate Scientists Become Irrelevant
So recently I rewatched Intestellar, and I was asking myself...
The maths to cure autism
Derive with respect to
How do I get into Computer Algebra? I'm a math student with some basic programming experience...
Just how bullshit are personality types, really?
So apparently AlphaGo came back with a vengeance and has been demolishing 9d players left and right...
Hey Veeky Forums I need your help...
Climate Remediation General
There are kids going to Harvard to study mathematics who learned fucking analysis and abstract algebra and category...
Why is SETI and other scientists looking for alien signals in space assuming that other advanced civilizations are...
What does today's philosophers do?
Hello Veeky Forums
Calculus is stupid. why do they try to pretend it's magic
How do you combine a job with school?
How does one become a genetic engineer?
Is the growing use of Adderall for cognitive enhancement a problem?
Fields by Purity
What is Veeky Forums's answer regarding flat earthers ?
What's looks an hydrogen atom in the physical reality ?
How fast does the solar wind blow away Mar's atmosphere? I was thinking, if we ever got serious about terraforming Mars...
Redpill me on the Bogdanovs
Mechanical vs wooden pencil?
Why is Hawking a genius, again?
It is Winter
Checking ACT topics
Question about undergrad math courses
Scientists tend to lean left
The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics...
What does Veeky Forums think of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning? Is it CS tier or better?
Why haven't dogs made any significant scientific break throughs?
Is it possible that primes have no relevant significance at all?
Validity of IQ and psychometric testing
Probability question:
How do I know global warming isn't just the world's most elaborate ebola hoax?
What music helps you to study? I listen to Mozart myself...
How viable is artificial gravity using centripetal force?
Approximating π
How many hours do you guys research a week? I barely do anything at 5 hours of week. All majors, undergrad, grad...
Every real polynomial of two variables defined on the real plane R^2 and bounded from below attains its minimum
What is the most average thing that exists?
Would it be practical for a first world nation to go vegan?
Look at this smug piece of shit
I want a good old palaeontology thread. Who's got a favourite Dino or some any other prehistoric lifeform...
Do grades really define intelligence? I've met some really originally thinking people who have failed at the academy...
As a 143 IQ 5th year electrical engineering student and also a little handsome...
Really need some help with this one guys. Been stuck several days now. :/
Discuss what would happens if Earth were to become a rogue planet
Have I understood correctly that when approaching the event horizon...
Hey guys i hope that we can compile a comprehensive crowd-sourced logically ordered semi-historically accurate list of...
Complete this sequence
Why are Americans obsessed with what university they go to instead of what subjects they study?
Is the study of Physics just applied math?
Is it possible for a white couple with no black ancestors to have a black child?
I want to build my own AI. Where should I start?
Okay so a person I talk with counters literally any possible argument with what boils down to "well quantum mechanics...
High School Biology
Why did women evolve to enjoy sex and being promiscuous?
Conic topology in relation to physical phenomena: black holes and wormholes:
Assmuing it can survive moving that fast how fast would a 9mm round have to be moving to shred through a tank?
During New Year's Eve, we were told that my sister's father in law has Alzheimer. So...
ITT: how would you go about presenting physics in an appealing way to a 13-14 years old girl?
Editing genes to eliminate cancer or Schizophrenia could stop the rise of geniuses, scientist warns
I want to be immortal Veeky Forums. What are the chances of it being made possible during our lifetimes...
Here's a bunch of MIT graduates failing to power a light bulb with a wire and battery. So much for prestige! LOL
Any psychologyfags here? How/why do people develop cuck fetishes?
Tfw you realize "probablity" is a meme
ITT. Sci approved movies
Good Day Veeky Forums brainlett here, can I ask you guys a question please?
Stirling engine efficiency?
Discrete Math challenge
I just read Nick Bostrom's simulation-argument as a whole and was quite impressed
What's all that bullshit about the poles melting and raising the oceans?
What's that Veeky Forumsentists
Do you consider humanities to be as valuable as sciences?
I'm learning quantum mechanics and there's one thing I don't understand. I hope Veeky Forums can help me
Anyone here study biology?
Do you hate (((psychology)))? Want it gone from your board? Vote it away
Since Quantum Mechanics destroys the materialistic theory of a "mechanical"...
I'm just gonna leave this here
Why are modern day biologists so stupid?
Stirling Engine
Reminder that today has no astronomical significance
Vaccines cause breast cancer and testicle cancer, part 2
Theoretically, if my life goal is to cure cancer, where should I start? PHD in biology?
So are these ladies actually respectable scientists or have their achievements been exaggerated?
Well im not sure weather this should go here but im gonna post anyway i have no idea what this and id like some help...
All the good math related jobs are in statistics right?
Some food for thought to get your /sci-juice revving for 2017 you fucking nerds
Where did the american education system fail so horrendously?
There are people on this board who believe that true randomness exists
So, Veeky Forums, are viruses alive?
If a black hole is a singularity, how can we have large and small black holes...
Veeky Forums...
"You should be able to solve this" thread
School hacks / Study tips
I mathematically proved the pyramid builders had knowledge of the meter and the speed of light...
Post your degrees niggas
If anyone who thinks Mensa is legit has an IQ of -1/12. IQ test are made up by some shit tier psychology majors...
Engineering profitability:
Do you think if the dinosaurs didn't go extinct, that THIS would have dominated the Earth?!
Mom and dad are maths teachers
Be me
So I'm trying to get into computational linguistics, I'm almost finished my undergrad in mathematics...
Which of these structures is the strongest?
Does real perpetual motion machine exist?
What's your favorite equation/theorem/science fact Veeky Forums?
We have uniform thin rigid disc rolling without slipping on a horizontal rigid plane...
Test dropping
So let me get this straight: There are ACTUALLY people on this board, RIGHT NOW...
Daily reminder that IQ is a meme
Thoughts on this FB meme?
Remember my post yesterday where I said I bought some Frozen DHMO on Amazon and that I was going to kill my cheating gf...
Where would mathematics be today if Galois actually had good handwriting?
Just so we're clear, 3D printing is a meme, right?
What is momentum?
There's actually retards who think centrifugal force is real in 2016/17
What would most likely happen if a larger solar flare struck Earth?
Has anyone else blown their chances of ever achieving anything intellectually worthwhile?
So what level are you on?
I'm 25 years old with probs about 6 months to live most likely
Who else is /superior/ in here ?
Queendom Culture-Fair IQ Test With Veeky Forums
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread | QTDDTOT
2017 plans
I flip a biased coin
For the purposes of science fiction, what would be the most convincing way to send information backwards through time...
Reducing global average temperature
Is this still the go to calculator?
There is this cute Chinese girl at my school, and as we were walking out of calculus...
I have a masters degree in math, AMA
Stephen hawking
John Titor, the Time Traveler and Nowaday
Lads i am fucking die
How come white society still can't technologically advance beyond ancient Black Egyptian science achievements?
How far underground would I have to build my nuclear reactor so that when it melts down those idiot surface dwellers...
Alright, sci, I've been studying physics throughout highschool and part of college...
This is how a /pol/tard responded when i told him a perfect circle is a geometrical shape that only exists in pure...
Brainlet Euthanasia
How do you study science, especially physics, without becoming depressed...
I think I just discovered new mathematics. What happens if we have a function like this:
The T-rex had feathers, hollow bones, and was most likely warm blooded
Veeky Forums's approved Youtube science channels
Math related tattoos
Why can't they keep the lines aligned?
Tfw smart but lazy
Daily reminder
Is he an actual scientist? Is he a meme? What are his contributions to astronomy?
Can science predict the stock market? No I don't mean using the bullshit that economics teaches
Is who wants to be a millionaire just a game of luck?
How many extra calories would you burn if you lowered your room temperature to 12 degrees celsius?
What does a biochem degree get you?
I would like to have a balloon sinuplasty done...
Why do you pretend to like mathematics?
What is the Feynman Lectures/SICP/Rudin of chemistry and biochemistry?
God I fucking hate reddit...
What's the possibility of god existing?
He isn't majoring in a engineering degree
Hey Veeky Forums I was fucking my girlfriend the other night, and it got me thinking...
Who else hates math textbooks with modern layouts?
I choose to switch my choice to door number 2
Is math racist?
To all the physics and math fags here...
How can I solve this system of equations? I've tried all night and all day but I get nowhere every time
The Unit Circle
Biological limbs will always be superior to non-biological ones
What is your field?
Let's settle this shit once and for all
Veeky Forums Ylyl Thread
Find a good, interesting, and challenging book
Is it possible the Earth is semi hollow and there is a hole from North pole to South pole?
School hacks / Study tips
Integrating arrhenius equation
Does Veeky Forums prefer Star Wars or Star Trek?
When did you publish your first paper Veeky Forums...
The big bang
Jacob Barnett, Math Prodigy
How do we solve the /pol/ problem?
Is there any truth in buddhist monks having superhuman qualities through meditation?
Is the first number 1 or 0
Locate the position of 20 chess knights in the grid...
Tfw too intelligent to get a degree because being smart has no effect on your actions and studying is determined by...
Another autism test
If there are an infinite amount of universes...
Why is the racial intelligence divide so taboo?
What is the Veeky Forums opinion on this guy?
What are my work oportunities in Japan with a Physics doctorate?
Is a 3.8 GPA at an ~okay~ (top 20% range) school for mathematics?
What is the most thermally efficient engine ever produced?
Why is work=F*d? Derrive without using kinetic energy = square of speed times half of mass
Daily reminder that Terence Tao didn't go to an elite university to do his bachelors and masters
Chemistry General
IQTestDK & Raven's Progressive Matrices
Why does Veeky Forums seem to have a low opinion on Numberphile?
Quantum computing
This motherfucker slaps ur gf's ass
What keeps women from going into science...
Is global warming real?
STEMtards Still Buttmad
Denying science
Why do people keep memeing this shit?
Cheetahs heading towards extinction as population crashes
Will Computer Science become the new Physics of the 20th century? Discuss
I watched some PBS Space Time about how mass is a property or state of energy and how we're measuring mass defect and...
Universities: America got CUCKED
Hey Veeky Forums
Jordan Normal Form
Thoughts on time travel? I like to think it will eventually be possible, though maybe not with today's technology...
Should determinants be taught early or not?
Veeky Forums got blown the fuck out (BTFO)
How dangerous is ionizing radiation to the human body?
Statistically the smartest men are liberal and atheists
When will human cloning be legal?
The fact is that the sky is an artificial projection. We have gone to space. The images are not fake...
Euclid is outdated
Confirmation Bias and the Consensus Fallacy
Christmas dinner
Actuarial science: is it the most profitable STE(M) related occupation to date?
Deep fucking dreaming?
Why is everybody saying robots kill jobs, when all the countries with the most robots dont have unemployment issues...
Any physicists here that can answer this question?
I doubt any of you mathfags will be able to solve pic related
Starting your sentences with "Let..." outside of a math textbook
Why do so many smart people (Asians) choose engineering over math and physics?
Do you guys believe this,if not demonstrate why not
Will any actual sane person marry a robot in the future?
Are there any neurologists in Veeky Forums? Could we discuss the subject? I must admit I am a neophyte...
Category Theory
Does anyone else get that rush when they explain something to somebody else and they suddenly understand it...
Fuck you for meming me into math...
Greek Mathematicians vs. German Engineers
>tfw we're about to enter a prime number year for the first time 6 years
How did you decide between majoring in math or physics?
What would the implications be if someone were to find and release a solution to Navier-Stokes?
How does one get into MIT right after high school?
What is the evolutionary purpose of sleep?
The dangerous "greenhouse gas" carbon dioxide makes up 96% of Mars' atmosphere
What is time?
I was thinking of posting this in /adv/, but then I remembered how garbage it is...
Does IQ really mean anything?
Is racial egalitarianism the brainlet's approach to anthropology?
Why are labs required as a physics major?
Can AI make art that humans will appreciate and buy?
Who here Stanford/MIT/Caltech master race? Are you enjoying your time? What are you majoring in...
Is the universe truly infinite?
What do you do to get as comfy as possible when you're studying, Veeky Forums?
These are the most cited papers in computer science
Are there any numbers for which this true?
This is the most fucked up cancer known to mankind
Was he
Hey guys, so I am going to be taking statistics and probability for engineers and scientists next semester...
What happens if two objects which are both travelling at light speed toward each other collide?
Java hobby
While ebooks are cheaper, I feel like I learn better with physical books
Please tell me how to find the truth about the hard problem of consciousness. I'm slowly going crazy
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Can I get a grades thread for brainlets like me? Shit just got put up
Would it be possible to see 4 spatial dimensions under the effect of strong phychedelic drugs like DMT...
Are physics or math majors smarter?
Since it's Christmas, I want to thank some of you faggots. I'm sure mods will probably delete this thread and ban me...
I fucked up
Is th universe really deterministic?
Why do some authors make their books so impossibly hard and excruciatingly painful to read...
Why do you want to be an American Mathematician instead of a German Engineer?
Mathematical rigor in physics (calculus)
Classroom RP thread
Anyone else here AMS at Stony Brook?
Any Med students who can explain this shit?
When did you realize that Veeky Forumstards are the most dangerous people on the planet?
What does Veeky Forums think of Systems Engineering? Is it a meme degree/field...
Number Theorists are a bunch of lightweights
Solve this!
Make $$? Machine Learning/Math degree
Friendly reminder that in 2 or 3 decades...
Muh laws of physics
What is the origin of logic...
Why is the political right wing more strongly associated with anti-science than the left?
Why didn't Feynman realize CS is a meme?
If you guys claim to be the smartest board on the site, then why are the majority of you still piss poor?
Disprove this
Is doing maths in colours really helpful...
Help me understand the basics of circuits like volts and current and shit
Muh future
Welcome to the thread "say some complex or mind-blowing fact about the human body, human mind or science in general...
Do you think Space Elevators will ever become a reality?
Is there any game that effectively stimulates your memory, reaction, intelligence...
Calculators are not permitted in this course
Cool diseases thread
How does sci feel about statistics?
ITT Veeky Forums-approved video gaymes
Preparing for math undergrad
Head transplant
Where do I find the motivation to study for my computer science and math exams?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread - No Spergs Allowed Edition
How true is this?
What is Veeky Forums's thoughts on pornography? This book changed my mind on it desu...
You should be able to solve this
Thoughts on Nikola Tesla?
Will electric motors ever be able to generate enough force to replace fossil fuels in areas like airlines and cargo...
In the middle of a c++ test
Why are European universities so terrible?
Itt: represent your genitals matgematically in some way
How do we reverse the effects of global warming?
Most of Veeky Forums find topology, combinatorics, and number theory interesting. But what is the dryest...
A gang of integrals slap your gfs ass at the club. what do?
In an infinitely repeating pattern of three integers, said integers being 1, 2, and 2...
End of Semester
What controls torso length? (Racethread)
Be me taking Real Analysis
To any pharmaceutical engineers lurking
Global warming
What does Veeky Forums think of this book?
Okay so Algebra ruined this kids chances of becoming a college graduate. Why is this allowed to happen?
ITT: God tier math youtubers
Can blood extinguish a fire?
Nothing can travel faster than the speed of lig-
Please explain this to me. My calculator confirms but I sense some deeper meaning here
What causes people to form relationships with intellectually inferior creatures such as "friends" and "lovers"...
What scientific discoveries and technological achievements are you most looking forward to...
Feynman Technique
Just a reminder that art is now a part of science
So I was thinking about buying the complete fyneman lectures...
Science of cocksucking
How much does mathematical knowledge really matter in programming?
Humanity will never leave this spot
Integrate 1 / (x2 + 3x + 2)
How can child geniuses be so childish?
How to understand analysis?
Between Semesters
Is math invented or discovered?
Is Introduction to Statistics hard? Would it be harder than College Algebra?
Im a grad student in a good university and i wantppl to know that engineering professors are telling their grad...
Sound has harmonics
Reminder that if you are a physics major at a uni without a subatomic physics laboratoy you should give up
How do we prevent the end of the universe?
What is the most abstract, difficult to fully see and understand, or counterintuitive mathematical theorem you know?
Peter Thiel plans to live to 120
Have any of you sciencecucks ever even bothered to personally verify the (((climate change))) theory...
A thought popped into my head today, and It's starting to bother me
Help me shop for math textbooks
Simple combinatorics,but retarded question
Who wants to discuss the book that ended the Scientific "Method"?
Fuuuuuuuuuck dude, this man is a living meme
Graduate Students Thread
Has there been any scientific data which shows that people who believe in determinism are more intelligent than people...
Anyone else in uni right now?
Naturally Occuring Fibonnaci Sequence
Can any of you brailets represent (a) in a more simplified equation?
Any meds students here? I bought this, why did the manual say I can wear it for only 3 hours a day...
Physics Reading List
Essential textbooks for each of the major topics in math
/sqt/: Stupid Questions Thread
CERN measures antimatter spectrum
My girlfriend...
Make Money from Machine Learning
Does anyone else feel existential dread about the fact that humanity is trapped in our solar system by physics and...
Problem of the day thread #3
Someone explain this to me
1 --> 11 --> 21 --> ?
What should I do in order to succeed as a chem engineering major during my time in university?
Scientifically Why is life so boring?
Ask someone who just got rejected from med school anything
How can math be real if Russell's paradox is real?
Why is this meme so fucking popular, Veeky Forums?
Is there an universal beauty standard for woman? how can we tell?
G-guys..? I'm on the West Coast of the U.S
I don't understand why people go for math/physics degrees. an engineering degree makes you more hireable...
Is this true?
Niche pharmaceuticals
How much autism would I need to actually go through with this?
What does sci think about engineering?
You should be a le to solve this
How would one go about creating and programming portals in the first place?
Would it be possible for a technologically advanced civilisation to build a habitable ring around a star...
When the hell we will be able to define a kilogram?
Electric cars
What would a singularity inside a black hole look like?
Have to finish all this in 3.5 months
/sp/ BTFO!!!!!!!!
Grade Inflation
Finding x here
Tell me Veeky Forums, is this guy just full of shit...
Anyone else here think this is completely fucking delusional?
ITT: Bad Psychology
Does he have a point, Veeky Forums?
Post your grades
Why Islam - strictly logically speaking - has to be the true religion
So what the hell is going on with this poster?
Beautiful math theorems, equations, proofs
Is it really so outrageous to think that years ago there were ENORMOUS trees that all became petrified after a massive...
Important thread
Problem of the day thread #1
Will this ever be possible? If so, When?
Math Thread
Flat earth theory
What's it like to study Physics?
LIVE United Launch Alliance Echostar
What's so special of Euclid's Elements? Is it even worth paying attention to in the modern world...
Can you really fry your brain?
Electrical engineering jokes
Every Physicist is a mathematician but not every mathematician is a Physicist. Thus a physicist is the lord of all
Space wtf is it?
How can we stabilise the world population at sustainable levels without having to resort to an expensive genocide and /...
Studying Mathematics 10-12 hours a day?
Is peak oil a meme?
Why do they hate us Veeky Forums? For what reason would they want to torment me so?
When will there be a cure for tinnitus?
Programming while knowing EE, math and computer engineering = god tier
ITT Veeky Forums-approved books that aren't textbooks
Is Elon Musk really going to make all of our Sci-Fi dreams come true?
Veeky Forums My father has this theory, is he mental?
Love is the one thing that we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space
What is the difference between a computer genius and a math genius?
How in the HELL do you even begin designing novel enzymes?
Absolute madman
Quantum mechanics rubbish
Nasa earth is Fake!
Writing Surfaces
MIT, where even the cheerleaders have autism
How much stronger than biological human females are biological human males?
What's the difference between a seed and a virus?
Which one of you did this?
Scientific evidence of the holocaust
Is it possible to make above $200k a year with a PhD in Mathematics?
Everything is a mathematical equation and since everything is governed my math, and by the principle of probability...
What does Veeky Forums think of electromechanical engineering
Can we have a /grades/ thread?
Do you think it is possible for a human to breed with another non-hominid primate?
What is the purpose of science?
What is Neil Degrasse Tyson's IQ?
Politics aside, is there ANY agreed upon science when it comes to transgender issues?
Fingerprints of the CREATOR
I head this board believes that commercial nuclear fusion power plants are realistically impossible. Why is that?
Why does pic related happen?
ITT brainlets are exposed
Why is it so taboo to even imply that one race is smarter than another? I mean they'll say that 60...
Why are most physics books dull and austere ?
Mathematical Induction
ITT we post our major, what year we're in and our current gpa
Spend so much time learning derivatives
Trump election and what it means for the environment
How would you explain what's going on here?
Consequences of a US-Russia nuclear war
Heh...when am I ever gonna need to use Calculus in real life?
I'm an Electrical Engineering major, junior
So mathematics was pretty much shit
If multiplication is repeated addition, then shouldn't division be repeated subtraction?
What is the most complete area of mathematics?
Have you guys ever wondered what your professor's grades were in college? What GPA did they graduate with...
Is nuclear decay truly random?
American """"""""""education""""""""""
Does he fall?
An ball is dropped from 20.5m. It bounces once, falls back down, then bounces a second time to 7.6m...
Physics exam
How do you reason someone who commits every logical fallacy, and cannot listen to arguments?
Are you smarter than a Nip?
While I was taking geology at uni we, people from the department, would often go out for drinks at the end of the day...
Languages do not become more simple over time, they retain complexity in other areas
If I keep throwing a dice with infinite number of sides, each side representing a unique number...
Imaginary numbers are a pure product of the mind, literally not existing
Reminder that engineering is NOT a science...
If a science doesn't allow any kind of criticism, is it really a science?
Immortality/Stem cells
Veeky Forums BTFO
A goddamn witch hunt
How bad is sugar for you if you manage to stay normal weight?
Hit me with your most ridiculous scientific theories. Bonus points for theories in the realm of Stephen Hawking...
Probability Theory
Well Veeky Forums?
China to send EmDrive to space soon
Alberto Einstein wasn't that smart
Hey /sci what do you think about geology as science
/sqt/: Stupid Questions Thread
92.12% in human anatomy
Discrete maths
Who are the 3 greatest scientists of all time
Is there a way for me to stop being gay...
What is the most disturbing implication of String Theory?
Some resources for improving as a programmar?
Hi, Veeky Forums. Been emailing a professor in the U.K. about fatherhood and anthropology and his works/papers on it...
Quick poll for project I procrastinated on
So how does one get to a parallel universe?
Hey guys, i'm trying to get smarter
ITT these but actually hard
Is this true
Will we ever figure out how to stop the universe from ending...
Chemistry: how much does working with chemicals affect chemists in the long-run?
What are we looking at?
PISA 2015 Veeky Forums Volume
Topology is hard
You know, the phrase "____ btfo" gets thrown around a lot
Mathematical pet peeves
Donald Trump
Ok its time to challenge this meme once and for all
I'm a jew and I can't solve this... so there must be something wrong with the question
Is it too late for a 25 year old who only got up to calc1 to learn enough to make a living in chasing the commercial...
What are my chances to work with space exploration in some way?
I've just finished reading these 9 books and already feel like a non-brainlet. What should i read next?
Car moving at constant speed 100km/h
Why aren't you this smart Veeky Forums?
Quick probability question for you math braniacs-you have 3 dice, given that they are all different...
Math Grade
Alright I'm starting to feel like I have a IQ of 0. The google calculator says the equation 20/5(2x2) = 16...
Autism has become an epidemic
Sleep Paralysis
Veeky Forums wants to cancel this
Is anyone triggered as fuck during finals week because I'm the only one in my house studying while my housemates are...
Be me
Why would anyone believe something this stupid is true?
We're going to live forever guys
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games