
How do I convince my gf homeopathy is a farse?
She is a medical vet with doctor and masters degrees.

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Most of the times the fact that water can't have a memory is enough for me.

Maybe the fact that that's literally where the term 'snake oil' comes from

Also this

Eat a ton of that shit

>mix water with some shit and dilute it until it's just basically water
how does it even make sense to her in the first place?

whats a medical vet?

RCTs haven't shown an effect greater than placebo.

I had the same problem, and it took a while to overcome, because she had been indoctrinated by her family from a young age.
At first I was blatantly rude about it, because I'm an asshole. This was completely ineffective. A while later I took a gentler approach, and I sent her some papers that she could peruse on her own time, without me breathing down her neck. This seems to have been effective, as I haven't seen any of those miserable little dispensers ever since.

I think a big part of the problem is that many people don't realize the difference between homeopathy and "herbal" medicine in general. Since the latter actually has some demonstrable efficacy, it can be hard for some people to realize that the former is completely useless.

You can't. Honestly, if she's studied something and still believes that crap, then fuck it. Just make sure she doesn't go full retard and takes real medication when she's seriously sick. Medication is overused these days anyway. People stuff themselves with chemicals all the time, even when it's just a bit of fever and a cough or something. You shouldn't, medication is for when your body is not expected to manage without. Everything else will just weaken your body over time. It's apparently super common in third world countries without proper health care to take antibiotics for everything. Wife of my brother is from Peru. Took antibiotics for every little shit. Now that she's living in a developed country she won't just get antibiotics around the corner. As you can imagine, she has no immune system to speak of. She's super fragile, gets sick all the time. It's fucking pathetic.

In that sense homeopathy is actually a good thing. So yeah, I'd take some homeopathy freak over a hysterical hypochondriac any time. Just make sure she gets proper treatment something serious happens.

The big problem is that homeopathy actually works. But you don't dispense it like drugs, there isn't a remedy for a headache like taking an aspirin (and hey, not all headaches respond to aspirin), remedies are given depending on the symptom picture exhibited by the patient, and on various other 'diagnostic' criteria. which is why homeopathy doesn't easily fit with RCT's; you can't give x pill for y condition if neither the treatment nor the patient are viewed from the biomedical model.

And this is obviously a bait thread, similar has been posted before, I'm not a homeopath and have no interest in arguing the point so just run along and don't bother replying. And do you want to know womething that will really piss off you skeptics? I'm a healer, and can feel subtle energies. Several times I've identified homeopathic remedies by holding them in my hand and feeling the 'vibe'. Explain that, and inb4 coincidence, don't be a fucking retard.

distinguish homeopathy from phytotherapy

many people think it's the same

Doctors are extremely arrogant (it's not as if they'd last long emotionally if they weren't know-it-alls, if they questioned themselves and their core beliefs).

Worse, they read a few books by the same stuffy professors so they're very narrow-minded.

She'd have to step down off her pedestal to learn and I doubt she's going to do that, as in read more books on chemistry, biology, nutrition. Few people are life-long learners.

Problem is, she sees homeopathy working on animals. They don't experience any placebo effect so it's really difficult to convince her that homeopathy is nonsense.

>give animal placebo (sugar pill or saline solution with """homeopathic""" dose)
>it responds to the treatment
>vet concludes animals don't experience any placebo effect
This is why she isn't a scientist.
Works cited rom here: sciencebasedmedicine.org/is-there-a-placebo-effect-for-animals/
McMillan, FD. The Placebo Effect in Animals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1999; 215(7): 992-9.
Pavlov, IP. Conditioned Reflexes. London: Oxford Press, 1927. 23–78.
Voudouris, NJ, Peck, CL, Coleman, G. Conditioned placebo responses. J Pers Soc Psychol 1985; 48: 47-53.
Gantt, WH, Newton, JO, Royer, FL, et al. Effect of person. Conditional Reflex 1966; 1: 18-35.
Lynch, B. Heart rate changes in the horse to human contact. Psychophysiology 1974; 11: 472-478.
Newton, JF, Ehrlich, WW. Coronary blood flow in dogs: effect of person. Conditional Reflex 1966; 1: 81.
Gross, WB. The benefits of tender loving care. Int J Stud Anim Prob 1980; 1: 147-149.
Heinsworth, PH, Brand, A, Willems, PJ. The behavioral response of sows to the presence of human beings and their productivity. Livestock Prod Sci 1981; 8: 67-74.
Wilson, DV, Berney, CE, Peroni, DL, et al. The effects of a single acupuncture treatment in horses with severe recurrent airway obstruction. Equine Vet J 2004; 36(6): 489-94.

Isn't the post hoc fallacy something which gets attention in medical training? How could anyone be a competent medical professional otherwise?

You guys cite 'homeopathy' but never elaborate.

This thread is retarded. With such a broad generalization there is no argument for its effectiveness.

You're seriously suggesting this article as informed? It's a crock from the third paragraph, almost immediately shooting himself down by admitting
>there is little evidence that they exist in animals. (1)
So the first reference, "The Placebo Effect in Animals" should actually be titled, "The Lack of Placebo Effect in Animals".

Then he goes on to suggest that conditioned reflexes could account for healing because animals might like going to the vet and being handled (have you ever owned a cat?) but acknowledges there is no evidence for it.

The next 7 citations are used to show that pleasant handling has positive physiological relaxation effects, and one acupuncture treatment has similar effects.

Having completely failed to provide any evidence for the placebo effect in animals beyond a nice relaxing handling effect, the author of the article then goes on to claim that if it isn't in the animal's mind, then it must be in the owner's mind.

This isn't science, this is desperate wishful thinking and the author of that article should be ashamed, as should you be for posting it here.

I'd put up with a lot of bullshit for a gf that makes 6 figures. The only thing that would concern me is if you want to have kids and she wont allow them to have access to western medicine.

Otherwise, shut up and ride it out.

Some original 'snake oil' was found and analyzed and it actually is a muscle relaxant. So it wasn't a total bumpkin remedy. Apparently.

>She is a medical vet with doctor and masters degrees.
I don't believe you. If you're telling the truth you should smack whoever gave her a degree.

My explanation is that you're schizophrenic. Humans do not have anything in them, especially not in their hands, that can sense energy other than light, sound, and heat.

If that is your only frame of reference, you obviously won't be able to consider anything else.

>especially not in their hands
ROFL you have no idea how retarded you sound to even the most inexperienced healer.

And have you ever had sex? If you had, you might have noticed something else going on in the interaction between the bodies; something subtle, something with a sense of a quality or a feel to it, sexual energy; something not easily explained by touch alone. Maybe one day, when you're older. Until then, go back to getting your worldview from books, if it serves you.

I'm not the guy, but believe whatever you want to believe, but don't expect people not to assume you are just insane. Neither your pointless analogies nor your condescending tone will change that.

>sexual energy
you retarded man
