A question for my fellow mental giants:

A question for my fellow mental giants:

Is it objectively better to date a brainy art woman, a brainy science woman, or a brainlet chick?

never the brainlet

big brains are HOT

chose one

Don't date poor and stupid people regardless of how physically attractive they are.

Had to learn that lesson the hard way.

Counterpoint: brainlets are typically physically hotter, and if she's smarter than you she'll probably not respect you.

Try dating someone you like.

>equating poor and stupid

Disagree on the first point. Wealth is transient, and men should be the breadwinners anyway.

counter-counter point: date someone slightly less intelligent than you but still intelligent

or if you're submissive date the smarter girl

Doesn't matter as long as it isn't an art woman. Never put your dick in crazy.

art woman, ofc

Date women who are fun, women who remained children in their souls.

choosing a woman:

1. must be smart and educated in the "has a sane world view and can opine on it and its meta socially". geniusses allowed, but broad horizon required.
2. must be attractive and classy in the "able to impress socially" level. model/porn star hot not a deal breaker, but not required.
3. must be comfortable with own body and enjoy sex to a degree. nympho not a deal breaker but not required.
4. must be able to lead a household. desperate housewife level not required, but should theoretically be possible (as in: it's okay if she's a bit sloppy because she has a career as well and thus isn't a full time housewife, but she should know how to clean, cook, etc.).
5. must be able to make her own money. college degree not absolutely required, but she would have to be very special to be viable without.
6. most important requirement (do NOT compromise on this): must be loving and provide the emotional component that you asshole probably lack. this is very important to keep you stable as you progress and will provide stable ground at home when your work life hits you in the face.
7. another one not to compromise on at any cost: absolute loyalty. if she hasn't decided she wants to be with you long term, dismiss instsantly.

this is pretty much it. everything else is to be seen as a bonus.

of course, this goes both ways. if you can't provide these qualities, you shouldn't expect to find a woman who does.

now go ahead, fall in love and try to analyze as objectively as you can. if you're able to, try to rely on the judgement of others. that is, if you have parents you're on good terms with and you trust, listen to what they have to say, same for friends. you don't have to take their word for the truth, but it should at least make you think.

don't fuck this up. a functional emotional background at home is the most important puzzle piece of a lasting career and consistent performance.

She must have adequately sized tits and ass
She must be able to make you genuinely laugh
She must cry when you are apart


Brainlets will still disrespect you thats why they're brainlets

counter-counter-counter point: the majority of the female species are brainlets

Basically this. I need someone to counter act my autism and seriousness, my wife does that for me. She's not stupid, smart enough for med school, but she's not interested in knowledge in and of itself like autists are.

>implying a woman would be seen with you

counter-counter-counter-counter point: what if im a borderline brainlet too?

I'm sure all those women majoring with an art degree have the same set of skills as Davinci.

Sow a fleshlight into a Dakimakura pillow and don't waste your time with 3DPD. Just focus on science.

Artists quite often have more brain that scientists, as a consequence they are not as ignorants as stem people, who most of the time barely read a thing outside their specific field.

I was very much surprised at how many stem people enjoyed Ready Player One and call themselves fans of Stephen King. I don't care how talented you are in your field, if you like those things, you are a retard.

>Is it objectively better to date a brainy art woman, a brainy science woman, or a brainlet chick?
I'd discard brainy science. For some reason science women look at best like the very devil.
Brainlet chicks are more attractive physically. Artists are in between, though sometimes perceived as hot because of their position.

Until they try to jew you out of your money or you being unable to stand their bad habits.

brainlet bc they wont be smart enough to use lawyers to get every dime you have in the divorce courts