Lads i am fucking die

lads i am fucking die

i have not felt hungry once in 5 months, am constipated to high hell, when i do shit it tends to be bloody and my back constantly hurts

immunotherapy better hurry the hell up

drink more water
you will be ok

u have the cancer go to doctor

i already have, they just said i had fucking ibs and told me to go home

Are you the pancreas cancer hypochondriac? Please, go away, I don't care.

it's most likely pancreatic cancer. all i know is i have systemic malignancy. my cells have gone rogue. i am going to have to pay for a ct scan privately tho because my doc is a dumbass bitch who won't refer me

a normal ultrasonic scan is way enough to diagnose it.

Have you tried a liquid diet?

ultrasound misses like 25% of pancreatic tumours, and the operater was dumb as hell. i'm having a ct scan in a couple of weeks and from there i will be diagnosed. i'm never been more sure of anything in my life

god how i can actually feel what backward and archaic times we are living in when it takes 5 months to even diagnose fatal cancer, and how gutted i am to just miss the boat

will that keep me alive?

anyway i'm thinking of giving low dose aspirin a try to buy some time

anyone have any other ideas? not looking for a cure right now, i know we are still a way off that yet

just bee youself

shit just realized how ridiculous that we can't even halt cancer's progress yet

Pancreatic user is my favourite sci meme of 2016.

Seriously though, go see a shrink. You're a hypochondriac

no, im quite a reasonable guy

but i have not felt hungry once in 5 months. whether that be due to tumour supressing cykotines or an immune response im not sure

my bowel movements are so abnormal because of my pancreatic insufficiency from malignancy and thus organ malfunction that my bowels are completely clogged up with smelly sludge. i never evacuate normally, i just force out little bits of sludge. sorry for the tmi

i have non specific back and abdomen pain pretty much constantly, all kinds of weird and wonderful pain, which is quite vague for now, but still it's there. i get stiff back at night which i have never had before in my life due to spine metastasises, and have burning upper right liver pain at times too

my doctor doesnt know shit and just diagnosed me with ibs because she's a feeble, fragile human just like me in my fragile, feeble body mortal body. what an awful time to die. defo going for dat dere cyronic time. slim hope is better than no hope

If you are serious, please for the love of god remember that you are on Veeky Forums. This is NOT the place to recieve serious medical help. Doubt all advice we give you.

here is my advice:
>drink lots of clean water
>take digestive probiotics
>if you arent feeling hungry but you know you need to eat, then try and drink fruit smoothies (NONE OF THAT BOOSTER PROTEIN SHIT)
>if you feel bloated then drink some tea and take a nap
>request to get some bloodwork done if you want a better diagnosis

t. user who just got through a month of stomach infection and really fucking feels bad for you

If you had cancer this advanced (you don't) you would have a ton of diagnostic indicators. Early stage cancer is quite subtle, but if its this advanced, it would be easy to diagnose. A blood test alone would be sufficient to tell that you have something seriously wrong. Go and get a blood test and chest x ray. If the cancer is everywhere (as you claim) a chest x ray will show it very clearly. Also, I didn't have a single pang of hunger for a year and a half, and then I realized it's because I didn't exercise, didn't leave my house enough, and was slightly depressed.

lel obviously i've had bloodwork

and that came back normal, obviously

bloodwork always comes back normal in people that have cancer, current day bloodwork rules out everything but cancer

>current day bloodwork rules out everything but cancer
Now I'm certain you're a retard. One of the main reasons you get annual bloodwork is to detect leukemia, lymphoma, and solid tumors (increased calcium levels, abnormal reticulocytes etc.)

You are fucking pathetic.

pancreatic cancer is notoriously difficult to diagnose with our current methods. when it is finally diagnosed it's almost always dx at an advanced stage

> A blood test alone would be sufficient to tell that you have something seriously wrong
this is completely false. there is currently no blood test for cancer, well there is specific tests for specific cancers some of the time, but gps certainly dont issue them

and i have not had a chest x-ray but that wouldnt diagnose pancan, or early mets to liver . the gold standard right now is a ct scan, thats what i will have soon and that i'm sure will diagnose me. and this is how it usually goes with pancan, nothing but that ct scan reveals anything that points towards cancer and a ct scan is so hard to actually get your gp to give because the symptoms are vague and they would rather send you home with ibs or some shit like in my case

> Also, I didn't have a single pang of hunger for a year and a half, and then I realized it's because I didn't exercise, didn't leave my house enough, and was slightly depressed
i am literally currently completely unable to feel physically hunger, i've tried exercise, i'm not even particularly depressed, i just cant feel hunger because my dying body is too occupied for that shit right now

i know for a fact i have pancan and ill post the pathology report in a few weeks

yes, specific tests can detect specific cancers, i'm not denying this. CA-17 test can detect pancreatic cancer i believe, but this is not issued until it's already heavily suspected, and in someone young pancan is unlikely to ever be heavily suspected unless you're literally salivating blood

im wrong its called CA-19-9

Okay, I'll wait on the pathology report. I would put $500 on you not having pancreatic cancer. Your symptoms could be a million things, the least likely of which is pancreatic cancer. And your complete certaintly that you have it is a sure sign that the problem is psychological

My mom died of lung cancer. There are no words to describe the horrors.

You didn't pay attention to what I said. They don't detect cancer per se, they just detect that something is really fucking wrong. Clear example: high blood calcium indicates that there is something really really wrong with you. They will investigate further, and eventually will probably detect a solid tumor.

You are aware that all those symptoms are pretty soft and might just as well be psychosomatic and caused by your hypochondria? It's so blatantly obvious that you have psychological problem from your countless threads, whining about the same shit over and over that I can't believe you don't notice it yourself.


OP, get your CT scan (which btw isn't super healthy and will cost you a lot) and then shut up.

>Your symptoms could be a million things, the least likely of which is pancreatic cancer
not really, besides lots of those things have been ruled out over time. and pancan isnt unlikely when all your symptoms look like pancan, regardless of your age

my blood calcium levels were normal a couple of months ago irrc. doesnt really mean much

hypochon doesnt cause pain
hypochon doesnt cause a lack of physical appetite
hypochon doesnt cause this kind of abnormality in bowel habits

if you have a pancreatic cancer that makes symptoms as you are describing it is literally impossible to not see it in ultrasound. very small/early stage cancer can be overseen, but they also dont make any symptoms.

it will cost me about 600 gbp

a price im willing to pay if it means getting dxed with dignity rather than doubled over in pain at A & E

If your symptoms only looked like pancreatic cancer, the doctor would have immediately ordered a CT. A million people have symptoms like yours. And your incessant posting just proves you're mentally ill.

Came here to post this.

no, tumours on the pancreatic body/tail are very difficult to pick up with transabdominal US, which must be what i have, considering i don't have jaundice (a pancreatic head ailment)

US is an awful DX for pancan all in all

you have no clue what you are talking about. a cancer that starts making symptoms like you are describing it is roughly tennis ball sized. you think a doctor can not see a tennis ball sized thing inside your body where there shouldnt be one?

>hypochon doesnt cause pain
Yes, it does. You can just imagine the pain, there's no way to determine whether you are actually feeling it.

>hypochon doesnt cause a lack of physical appetite
Yes, it does. You can just imagine the lack of appetite, I have no way to measure you are actually feeling it.

>hypochon doesnt cause this kind of abnormality in bowel habits
Yes, it does. There's no way to definitely say that your bowel habits are "abnormal". It's just your subjective opinion, no hard symptoms here neither.

But what I see are countless threads about your imagined condition, countless hours wasted into researching pancreas cancer, an intense, aggressive belief that something must be wrong with you. And that is pretty hard evidence to me that you are indeed a hypochondriac. Seek help or at least shut the fuck up.

>mfw headaches in regions since April
>mfw CT scan in summer didn't catch anything
>mfw headaches are sort of back
>mfw feel two bumps on different areas in head
>mfw I don't even remember if those were even there
>mfw no face

GPs are awful, they're literally paid to not kniw very much. as the singularity approaches jesus, we will look at GPs like we looked at victorian doctors now. pancan lacks specific symptoms except jaundice, whereas only like 50% of pancan tumours cause jaundice.otherwise symptoms are vague, but when they continually chronically it means you probs have cancer. gps dont pick up on this this though, if you dont have jaundice you have literally zero chance of them suspecting pancan, regardless of age, if you 're young it makes the odds less than zero

Okay, nobody will convince you you're not mentally ill. Go get your CT scan ASAP then.

>has fatty stools but not jaundice

Literally impossible w/ pancreatic cancer. 50% of pancan cases have jaundice, but jaundice and fatty stools are caused by same underlying pathology and thus go together. Idiot

not true. cancer is extremely unpredictable right now. a highly malignant 2cm tumour can cause all kinds of symptoms, especially when its become systemic

i really hope youre right, i hope i am as mentally ill as i seem from your POV, from my POV, i'm praying for a miracle

if the tumour is further back it wont block the bile duct in the way to cause jaundice, but it could still retard the digestive process if the pancreatic duct further back is compromised, as the entirety of the organ is involved in our every day living

>this level of mental gymnastics
Okay, just go get your CT scan. Post results here so we can say "I told you so"

What is the longest you have gone without eating in that time?

24 hours

never felt hungry

could obviously have gone longer but didnt want to waste away. gotta keep myself strong for chemo innit

i guess it will be the result of the biopsy

but yes i willl post the pathology report

so you are not only in a demographic group that has an almost impossible chance to get pancreatic cancer, you dont have just normal pancreatic cancer, no, you have some kind of super rare pancreatic cancer that makes symptoms like its tennis ball sized but is only 2cm sitting somewhere in the back hiding from the doctors. got it. you really are a very special snowflake.

>super rare pancreatic cancer
no i have pancreatic adenocarcinoma, just not of the head, which happens in like6 0% of cases, other 40% doesnt cause symptoms

its really not that THAT rare, young people do die of pancan, pic related

You show so obvious textbook symptoms of massive hypochondria that it's almost comical.

i hope youre right

How about you google that instead of details about every kind of pancreas cancer there is? Read through the article and admit that there is something wrong with you.

lel just googling is entry level, ive been reading ncbi articles every day for the last 5 months, i know about every pancan cancer there is, and i know that all my syptoms point towards it, anyway hopefully there is nothing wrong with me and its all just some crazy physical manifestiation of this brain we all know so much about, stranger things have happened i guess :)

i meant

*we all know so little about

>anyway hopefully there is nothing wrong with me
No, you don't hope that. I know people like you, my brother is exactly like you. You crave for the attention. You love it. Sometimes you lie awake at night and fantasize about having the diagnosis, telling your mom and dad and coworkers. You prepare dramatic responses and reactions to the diagnosis. You not only read those articles to back your shitty threads up, but also to perfect the fantasy in your head in all its details. You used to only think about it, but recently you started posting these threads. You don't talk about it to anybody yet, that's the next step.

OP BTFO completely

I think I have a stomach infection myself, my body never digests and food. Literally fucking nothing, what I eat is what comes out. Help Veeky Forums

>for the last 5 months
>I've had aggressive, end stage pancreatic cancer for the last 5 months and I'm still not sick enough to stop posting.

Utter shit, my auntie literally just died from pancreatic cancer, all that was wrong with her was persistent heart burn (for about 3 days). She lasted about 6 weeks. From the symptoms you're positing it sounds like you sounds be sitting in a hospital bed, saying goodbye to your loved ones. You're so clearly full of shit, it's pathetic.

>this bait gets 50+ replies again

>full of shit

>my bowels are completely clogged up with smelly sludge
It's called poo, user.


i've seen about 5 doctors

I hope OP dies

fucking die or go to already, cancerfag