Is math racist?

Is math racist?

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>CNN article
>Posted in the final months of elections

CNN was bought by Hillary and her donors and basically ever since she won the nomitation and the main race started CNN and other bought outlets started populating their sites with stories that would rile up Clinton supporters and would make Trump supporters change, seeing how "racism" is a "problem". And look at that! Hillary Clinton will say she will fix racism! YOU BETTER VOTE FOR HILLARY MATE!

So no, probably not. You know, the world was hyped at the time. Any article that would swing voters was basically greenlit for no other reason than that. I mean, just read the title. "Math is racist". That just sounds like the most desperate example "WE NEED TO SAY SOMETHING IS RACIST OR ELSE PEOPLE WILL FORGET ABOUT HOW HILLARY IS NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!".


Teaching and schools are racist probably not the things they do a piss poor job of attempting to teach. The whole system is built for visual learners anyway if you lean another way it's like going to a pound me in the ass prison.


> misuse of basic statistics

>literally defending american public schools

Not defending schools. Blaming niggers.


>Is math racist?

Next thing you know, quantum physics is going to be considered racist because it doesn't have enough Norwegians.

Do you have any proof to back up your claims?

why do you dumbfucks believe every image posted online? the one OP posted was doctored, and, if by some act of god, you idiots are basing the entire article and argument based off of it's clickbait title

this is why Democracy is dying, because uneducated idiots who think they know more than they do

Basic reasoning skills, but sorry i cant teach you those


The idea is that machine learning algorithms can learn biases which tend towards minority groups. This can affect a decision, such as to offer a loan on a house.

It was a real article. I say was because I would hope even a lost-cause 'news' source like CNN would come to their senses and remove that garbage. Regardless, this did show up on their website for some time after publishing it. The article itself was fluff. Beside the point, you and I both know it would never be appropriate to name an article that's not utter rubbish something so retarded.


math and "white science" belongs to

Reality is racist.

>I have no actual proof for my claims better act like a smug retard about it instead of admitting it




And the actual result was normal people saying the Left is simply insane and must be defeated. However, the echo chamber kept the Left from realizing this.

>Teaching and schools are racist probably
Black education scores have dropped since the Great Society and welfare were created. Racist, but in a low expectations, paternalistic, "blacks can't succeed on their own" way.

Mate Hillary got 2.7 million more votes.

Wait a year until studies are done.
I honestly believe illegals are more than that. Obama encouraging illegal behavior might have contributed most of that difference.

I am talking truth, not politics.

You have to go back:

Bro, a near zero amount of illegal voted. I also keep hearing this Obama told illegal to vote memo, put have never received any actual evidence.

Alright, I looked up the source of the claim. Some dude on Twitter said that he had all the registration info of all registered voters, and then from that, somehow deduced 3 million illegals voted. That's clearly retarded.

There was a study that between 11 and 14% of illegals voted in 2012 and 2016. Obama's speech is on Youtube. Google.

>visual learner meme
Multisensory input is optimal for all learning. It's the practice that really does it.

>There was a study
You know the drill. Citation needed.

Older one, 6.4% and growing each election.

I will find the 11% study when I get home.

Please look over the article again and compare it to your statement. The case study specifically deals with non-citizens, NOT illegals, and it doesn't give any data estimates for how many of the respondents were undocumented.

Non-citizens CAN vote in the US elections without it being illegal. They just can't run for high office.