Does he fall?

Does he fall?

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For the same reason this doesn't fall.

Is he drunk?

no, he flies

The wheels would act like gyroscopes and the rider would maintain an upright position with a bit of effort.

Does he rotate?

Without friction he wouldn't be able to get on the bike

he doesn't fall because he has good balance not because of this

or do we have internal gyroscopes or something

>do we have internal gyroscopes

There are more bacteria cells in the human body than human cells. The combined force of all those flagellum act as an internal gyroscope preventing you from falling over while standing or riding a bike.

There are two opposing forces of the same velocity. Thus, he will not fall but he will remain in the same position. His displacement will be the same until he changes velocity.

mu is the coefficient of friction and mu=0 (there's no friction here).

you're such a fucking dumbass! I thought people on Veeky Forums were supposed to be smart!
unless you're baiting me, kill yourself.
you shift your weight through your muscles to keep balanced. you do not have any control over the bacteria in your gut. they just stay there to digest your food for you.


There is no momentum in his body, (you guys really think the gyroscopic force of light wheels is going to sustain him) look at how this guy cycling on a treadmill can't balance properly

Welp, he'll just stay in the same position forever :^)

>forces of the same velocity

boy, you better recognize

you guys

friction doesn't factor
he's moving 2m/s absolute
not 2m/s relative to the conveyor
he's going to fucking ride off the edge

Yes. The 0 friction force will make him fall to the left side of the picture.


The conveyor is actually moving at 2m/s, while the dude is at -2m/s. Velocity is a vector, not a scalar.

is this a troll thread?

this is the thing people get confused on.
is the rider moving relative to the conveyor belt or absolutely?
it's up to debate
or is it?

Nigga that's physics 101. Brainlet

relative to the conveyor obviously

joke's on you, Einstein, I've defined my coordinate system as positive x to the left.

No, m/s in this case is tangential velocity.


His wheels do

µ=0, nuff said

/* Bait aside ... */
Rollers – if you have them, if you can borrow them, one of your older riding friends has his pair from 1987, 1969, or even 1994. Rollers don’t require any special magic, just a little practice.
Riding them is far more appealing than a stationary bike stand. You have that live feeling. And when you learn to stand and sprint you can almost convince yourself that you’re on a road, perhaps about to find the limits of adhesion and gravity…so maybe be thoughtful when you stand and hammer.

To aid in your technique for staying on rollers – use a sawhorse on one side, so you can stabilize with a hand. Use a low bench on the other side, so you can put your foot down. And don’t clip in! use flat pedals so you can catch yourself with your feet.

That also allows you to just walk into the room, and jump on the bike for 10 minutes instead of idly looking out the window, watching TV, or checking your Facebook likes.

Wind trainers / stationary trainers – same info – except without the small frisson of potential falling. Far less fun than rollers. But if you already have enough excitement in your life, or you have easier access to a stationary trainer – sure use it. All the same applies.

no vertical force so no. That a human would be able to do that is another story.

Dude, you just fell for it. So hard. Like a person with no internal gyroscope.

Let me guess, you tried charging your iPhone with your microwave too.

no, because in contrast to the gif, OP's case doesnt have friction

i feel sorry for all the people who reckon he won't fall

>muh gyroscope effect
the wheels don't have anywhere near enough mass or velocity for that to keep him from falling over

The wind coming from the right at 2 m/s will propel him off the side

wow, way to suck at balancing. It's this simple

some people are trolling but i worry for some who don't know that the wheels can rotate but will slide across the surface due to mu = 0 so he doesn't move forwards and he falls off the back

>μ = 0

>don’t clip in!
rollers are easier when you are clipped in