Electrical engineering jokes

Electrical engineering jokes

You're "joke" gave me a cancer more deadly and malignant than was previously thought possible

Last night I plugged your sister non-grounded.

Your major

Two atoms are during meeting.

One says I think I've lost an electrons
Two says why
One says Ohmmmmm, no idea
Two says I get it OHMS haha


Doctor como electricista en el hospital: "Bueno, señor, chapuza rehecha" "Bueno", gruñe el electricista, "puedo reparar mi torpeza menos, lo cubren con tierra"! Si te gusta el humor negro, se ocupará de seguro esta broma en su repertorio Simplemente bien contrarrestado

And the third one says "Im going H-OHM"

And then the buddist one sat down, crossed its legs and chanted "OHM.... OHM..." HAHA

You have to go back, Paco.


Charging a capacitor with high voltage, yelling catch, and throwing it to someone.


Laughs in mistranslated spanish.

>STEMlords in charge of using Google translate

What is this shiiiiit????

Reddit go

This thread sucks.

actual Paco here

Im actually a chem major at an ivy league


what is affirmative action

TSMC 20nm

A proton and an electron are having a conversation.

The electron says "must be nice getting to be thought of as a particle as opposed to a jumble of quantum nonsense that hipsters and neckbeards will pretend to understand in order to seem like an actual interesting human being for once in their lives."

The proton responds "Oh quit being so negative."

Goyim can wire my house and I'll pay them 6figures because they'll get electrocuted to death one way or another someday.

why was 6 afraid of 7?
"For you, no charge!"

what did the electrical engineer say to the other electrical engineer

"im gay"

Our electronics materials prof would get big laffs when people mixed silicon and silicone in speech.

This is by far the worst thread I've been in, yet I'm somehow enjoying myself.