CS is the best

CS kek here.
If you don't know Java, JavaScript, HTML, MySQL, and Netbeans your a retarded fag.

CS is boring.


I'm a math major and I know all of those except for netbeans. I use eclipse and visual studio instead.

You're a code monkey and you shouldn't postere

>CS kek here.
>If you don't know Java, JavaScript, HTML, MySQL, and Netbeans your a retarded fag.

Well, Java is a shitty language, use C# or Python.
JavaScript + HTML is stupid frontend stuff. I hate it. Backend all the way.
MySQL isn't the worst but also not the best, PostgreSQL is better.
Netbeans is shit. Use IntelliJ.

Furthermore, CS is way more than programming... Take a look at complexity theory, algorithms, computability theory, graph theory, logic, discrete mathematics and so on.

>Proposing Python as an alternative to Java
Is this bait?



>I don't know any of those
feels bad man

>Not using Node.js

If you want a statically typed language, you can use C#. But I'd still prefer Python

I didn't mention node because when I hear Java I think of applications, not servers. Of course all my backends are written in node, although I want to learn Ruby on rails. Just hadn't the chance and motivation yet...

C# sucks
RoR is for pussies

I am an EE and fluent in all of those. Boasting about knowing HTML and javascript is pretty cringy btw.

Runescape is serversided java I think.

Screw rails, it's hot garbage. Use grails instead

Saying that knowing how to program is equivalent to CS is like saying that doing calculus practice problems and integrals is equivalent to mathematics. Boring.

>knowing Netbeans
lol since when is netbeans a thing you can know? I mean I know how to push the build button

>Runescape is serversided java I think.

Osrs. Rs3 is going with something new.

> webdev

you are so detached it's surreal

So what? I know Java can be used for servers but that is not the association I have with it. Java is for writing (mostly) ugly and buggy applications.