Problem of the day thread #3

Level: Only for genius?
Concepts used: Multiple Integrals, Integral with circle on it, Multiple integrals with circle on them.

Goal: Find Answer _____ ?

Hehe I laughed good joke thread op you really combined some clever joking concepts used on this board into a well synthesized jokey thread that I'm sure many of our fellow anonymous posters will have a good time laughing at. Thank you for your contributions to our great community!


-1/12 + e^(i+pi)-1+0



Duh guys, it's 0. How can you be so dumm

[math] (3-3*6+2)=?? [/math]
Since [math] 3-3*6+2 ≠ ?? [/math], this evaluates as a Boolean to False.


another problem of the day guise!!
Level: eckstreem genuis

What did Einstein mean when he pointed to his brain in that image? I bet he meant think because he thought a lot right?



I got fed with math when this shit stopped being exact and became semantics, fucking niggas lied to me.

= 3-3*6+2
= 3-(18)+2
= (-15)+2
= -13

3-3x6+2 = 3-3-3-3-3-3-3+2

3-3-3-3-3-3-3+2 = (3-3) - (3-3) - (3-3) - (3+2)

(3-3) - (3-3) - (3-3) - (3+2) = 0 - 0 - 0 - 5 = -5



3-3x6+2 = N
3-3x3x2+2 = N
3-(3^2)x2+2 = N

N-2+3 = -(3^2)x2
(2-3+N)/2 = 3^2
1-(3+N)/2 = 3^2
2+(3+N) = 3^2
5+N = 3^2
N = 3^2 - 5

N = 4

>2+(3+N) = 3^2
Oops, changed signs there.

2-(3+N) = 3^2
2-3-N = 3^2
-N = 3^2 + 1
N = -10

d(3-3x6+2)/d3 = -6

integral(-6*d3) = -6(3) = -18

[eqn]x \,=\, -\frac{?? \,-\, 5}{18}[/eqn]

where did the plus come from?

[math]?^2=-13 \\ ?=i√13 \\ Answer:(i√13)?[/math]
You are supposed to give your answer in terms of 1 question mark otherwise there wouldn't be on in the answer space.


>Not using Polish Notation

Freindlu reminder that no one outside of gradeschool uses "x" for multiplication so the real problem being solved is:
