Veeky Forums got blown the fuck out (BTFO)



>It is far easier for scientists to acquire needed collaboration from mathematicians and statisticians than it is for mathematicians and statisticians to find scientists able to make use of their equations.


He's an ecologist, so it's not surprising that he makes these embarrassing claims.

Charles Darwin was a brainlet who couldn't into math

Michael Faraday was a brainlet who couldn't into math

>eo wilson
literally who?

t. i actually know who he is

Then who is he?

some popsci author sociobiologist.

Why is he a tenured Harvard professor then?

>american higher education

It's because the health sciences are inbred with irreproducible studies and journals filled with hundreds of thousands of hacks citing each other. They look good on paper because of their high impact factors, but they aren't even doing real science.

This is how that Asian women managed to rediscover integration and it went unnoticed for decades and 100s of citations. Because there are no standards in the field, they just pass review and cite each other because each author is worse than the last.

They all need to be stripped of their funding and built from the ground up.

>math is number crunching
Stopped reading right there

Smart people are proven to have more empathy and generally come from sheltered backgrounds. They don't understand the reality of niggers and multiculturalism because they are very much insulated from it within their field.

A very common phenomenon where a very liberal 'tolerant' white kid grows up in the suburbs and then moves into the inner city later in life and usually becomes very racist almost overnight.

>Asian women managed to rediscover integration

I'm a brainlet, but even I can see that this is why there is a replication crisis in science.

If we can't even trust scientists to "crunch their own numbers" anymore, then who the fuck can we trust?

the number crunching is not the problem

Sure, I can deal with that. Non-mathematical sciences can be cool, too. For instance, I think being a marine biologist would be real fuckin' neato. Floating around in an underwater robot n shit, looking at cucumbers that breathe through their asses. It'd be pretty lit.

>you don't have to be a mathematician to be Kneel degrees tayson, user!
>mom, i don't have to know math to be a physicist!
>yes honey1 let's gib uni 10000000 dollars for your future, okay?

Tenured professor using equivalence relations in sentences. That's such a dumb annoying meme. Look how smart and clever I am. I think with math symbols. Aren't I special?!

There you go user.

What fucking nonsense. Anyone who works in real scientific research knows this isn't true.

True, but irrelevant

People who unashamedly spread lies like this are actually going to ruin lives and people's academic records.

Oh boy, make an article to find are under curve with triangles and rectangles. Holy shit mathematicians BTFO!
(Image courtesy: Tai M.M.: A mathematical model for...)

Faraday was really brilliant, but the world needed Maxwell and is equation to fully use Faraday's discoveries

223 citations kek

I've slaved away for years on some of my publications and no one gives a shit. This person publishes a well-known concept, magically gets it past colleagues and reviewers, and 223 fucking people cite the thing in their papers.

>A very common phenomenon where a very liberal 'tolerant' white kid grows up in the suburbs and then moves into the inner city later in life and usually becomes very racist almost overnight.

source for this?

I noticed you didn't post Edward's Fraenkel counter essay.

>mathematics is number crunching


i've seen this a few times and i still dont udnerstand. is what theyre doing legit? do they know about integration? is it because they dont have a mathematical formula to represent this data?

where is the source, im interested
i like frenkel
supa hawt


Not every scientist is a physicist. It's the only science that needs advanced math.

some guy told me that a lot of people reference her as a joke when they do numerical integration in a paper.

A "social experimenter"

Biology does if you do anything more interesting than memorizing the color of giraffes

But it's not even a good numerical integration method!

>That is just sad! Who really uses [INSERT REQUIRED GEN ED, SOCIAL SCIENCE, OR LIBERAL ARTS COURSE HERE]. Preventing bright people from getting a college degree because they cannot pass something they will NEVER use is wrong. I have a degree and still think [INSERT REQUIRED GEN ED, SOCIAL SCIENCE, OR LIBERAL ARTS COURSE HERE] is totally useless. Unless you are going into the [INSERT REQUIRED GEN ED, SOCIAL SCIENCE, OR LIBERAL ARTS COURSE HERE] field, all you need is [INSERT REQUIRED GEN ED, SOCIAL SCIENCE, OR LIBERAL ARTS COURSE HERE] basics and common sense.

Why do you do gen-eds after high school?


You mean in general you don't need to know anything above basic tensor calculus to be able to do science?
Yeah, that's the truth.
person on the pic is delusional though.

Is this real?

This is wrong but it's a widespread opinion for biology. And then you have retards and a load of women coming in to the field and expecting to just memorize everything and do qualitative research.
And then the field suffers because of this majority instead of developing a more rigorous approach.


Fucking hell

>This is wrong but it's a widespread opinion for biology.

This is true even out of the US.

A lot of people come into biology thinking that is a "math-free" STEM field, and when they realize about their error they end up in ecology or zoology trying to avoid as much math as posible.

I have found people that are in their 3ยบ year and still don't know how to do simple integrals or know what the fuck is a parametric distribution or a non-parametric distribution.

>and common sense

Oh boiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I remember back in HS I had this 'Critical Thinking' class which was basically common sense and logic without typical logic notation.

There were two components, one with mathematics and one without mathematics. The one with mathematics would be simple problems like "How many numbers end in a 6 in this range" and the non-math problems would present some data and then ask you what does the data imply. "From this data, is the bear blue, green or gay?".

And people would fail those because they would get really fucking hard. Hard in the sense that they were non-trivial so if you had any brainlet gene in your body, you were fucked. You were going to fall into carefully placed wording that would you commit logical fallacies.

If university had a common sense class in the same style, people would then complain about that.

>That is just sad! Who really uses common sense? Preventing bright people from getting a college degree because they cannot pass something they will NEVER use is wrong. I have a degree and still think common sense is totally useless. Unless you are going into the workforce or into business, all you need is to suck the dick of your professors and then your boss, so teach that instead.

Majority of white people living in cities and their surrounding suburbs(at least in the NE) are liberal so it can't be that common of a phoenomenon. Most transplants to cities such as NYC also make too much to live in the public housing projects anyways.

This desu