Best way to deal with a plagiarist?

How would you deal with a plagiarist?

I recently found out that a researcher at a University has plagiarized my published research results. The researcher plagiarized only my results/findings, but not my copyrighted text (so this is not a copyright issue). The researcher is attempting to create a fraudulent priority dispute in hopes of stealing the credit, and the financial rewards, related to my findings.

I was thinking about notifying their University of the fraud, but I believe that the University would just cover up the fraud. So, I'm thinking that suing the researcher for defamation might be the best course of action. Any better ideas?

Proof or it didn't happen. You sound like a nutjob.

That sounds pretty horrid, I know I'd be extremely mad. Best thing to do is contact the author of it first and find out if it was really plagiarism. There's so much shit being written that it's quite possible he just arrived at the same results as you.

I should clarify that It was not accidental plagiarism. I have clear and convincing court admissible evidence that this plagiarist actually fabricated their story/evidence.

Just let it go, you will be much happier that way.

Get a lawyer if you think it's financially viable. Via which institution did you publish your research? You may want to contact them for financial backup at least.

So post it.


Why don't you just confront them and ask whats up first instead of running around like a goof. Maybe they will add your name to the paper

I don't want to toll the statutes of limitations yet.

You're lying and you are almost certainly a totally crazy NEET who hears voices and thinks all the papers on Arxiv are ripping you off.


I'm not. I've met some researchers like that before though.

You wouldn't be tolling the statute of limitations by releasing the evidence to the public, and you would want the statute of limitations to be tolled before you go to court anyway. This makes no sense, you're lying.

If it happens to be a different approach that leads to the same result, that sounds like science to me.

It's possible that he never even read your paper.

I'm not OP but if I were him I wouldn't post my paper on Veeky Forums for sure. Who wants to be linked to this shithole?

I plan on contacting the plaigarist first and giving them an opportunity to right their wrongs, but I anticipate they will not respond. So, I will likely need a plan B to fix the problem.

Cause of actions start tolling from the discovery of the cause of action. In some cases, the mere act of discussing the litigation can start tolling the statutes of limitations.

>I recently found out that a researcher at a University has plagiarized my published research results

suck it up OP, if he "plagiarized" your "results", probably your paper wasn't very good or significant enough

it really doesn't matter unless you've found way to make new Radar absorbing material, room temperature superconductors,
batteries with 15 ~ 300% more capacity, new more powerful magnets or has proved the existence of solutions to Navier-Stokes

and by the way, what the fuck do you even research?

My research has already secured several million dollars worth of funding and that excludes the value of my company. The mere fact that someone plagiarized my research is evidence that it has value, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted their time stealing it.

I wont disclose my identity/research due to the statutes of limitations issue.

Yeah, and that is exactly what you want, moron. Tolling is GOOD for the plaintiff because it gives you more time to legitimately bring suit.

The only way you could have secured millions of dollars of funding is if you are part of a recognized research institution, which would have its own legal representation, in which case you would not be coming onto Veeky Forums to ask for legal advice. You are a liar and don't even have the basic knowledge in research organizations or law to make the lie work. Admit it.

Is it really that farfetched to believe that in order to learn calculus you have to invent your own personal form of calculus in your mind? As in yes, the end goal is concrete, but the path to get there within one's own mind is a personal abstract creation of which can and most likely will vary widely from individual to individual.

My copypasta has already secured several million internets worth of reposts and that excludes the value of my toaster. The mere fact that someone reposted my copypasta is evidence that it has value, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted their time copy pasting it.

I wont disclose my identity/copypasta due to the statutes of anonymous imageboards issue.

Dude, you kinda sound convincing until this post.
Better luck next time.
Remember, shitposting is not good for the soul.

That's called an algorithm user, a form of heuristic. There's nothing wrong with that and in fact, they facilitate a deeper understanding of math. However the point of that post was that some looney tune crazy motherfuckers legitimately think they're breaking new ground when all they're doing is creating algorithms for their own use.