Daily reminder

Daily reminder

it doesn't matter what you do
you will always be inferior to a mathematician

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I know, already! Quit rubbing it in.


It's the one that feels superior to others that's usually the dumbest.

Peter principle in action. I feel superior, so I act superior, so people assume I am superior, because of the limitations of the ability of human beings to acquire accurate information about one another.

People most likely assume you're autistic.

Why is assessing the superiority/inferiority of others such an ingrained tendency among humans? Why is status and "fitting in" a given group so important to our species?

Because Veeky Forums seems to fight its crippling depression by showing off their math skills.

Fucking. You wouldn't procreate an inferior partner, would you?

*procreate with

>so people assume I am superior

That's an interesting way to spell "highly-delusional"

Actual mathematicians are cringing at this autistic insecurity lad

I think that's just one facet of it though. Although one where it's most obvious. Social stratification depends on making judgments about the "quality" of others, and potentially casting out those who don't live up to a certain standard.

it's really hard to not feel superior as a mathematician, it's like watching other people playing tutorial mission while you already fought the big boss and won.

like i could probably perform a neurosurgery if i trained for a weekend.

>Veeky Forums
>math skills
pick one

What if I don't care about being inferior because I define my existence by contribution to specific scientific advancements that are meaningful to me?

How did you get to have such a good attitude about the matter? What should I do if I'm dependent on others for the respect I'll never give myself for being inferior?

Not him, but for me personally, it was just time and age. I eventually got to a point where I started to care little enough about what others think of me (in most situations) that I'm almost never bothered by anything, like I used to, and I feel comfortable in my own skin, just doing what I know I must.

There is still one person left about whose opinion I care very deeply though. This hurts my self-worth on occasion if I happen to fall short of expectations.

What do you mean by "inferior", Ground-Bound?

Another user here.
Honestly, it's enough if it's just meaningful to you. It doesn't even have to be some big scientific achievement.

Even if you do contribute in whatever significance to science; in the beginning you didn't.
When you started out you were learning so you can later contribute. While learning (most of the time) you don't contribute shit, that's not the priority.

>How did you get to have such a good attitude about the matter?
For example I like to build shit. The shit I build don't really advance science, but I gain knowledge doing it which I like and I like building shit. In the end that's all that matters (doing your own shit), dude. Try to realize this.

If you care about other people's shit then there will always be people who disagree with you or think you're lesser or inferior.
So try not giving a shit. Even if you do have some juicy scientific stuff out people will still talk shit about you for other reasons.
Like "How much more productive could this guy be if he spent all that time doing his research instead of building electronics in his spare time on weekends!". That sentence might be true in an imaginary world, but it isn't in reality.

So just contemplate life a bit, try to think about the big picture and what I and others said so you can realize that it's pointless to give a shit. Thinking about it really speeds up the natural process, age also helps.

PS: I'm tried so sorry if the answer seems a bit rushed and full of typos.

>How did you get to have such a good attitude about the matter? What should I do if I'm dependent on others for the respect I'll never give myself for being inferior?

Yet another user here

Don't allow the ego to control you. Stop trying to base your entire existence over how many people know you or respect you. Try to reach the level of independence from your ego that even if you were to discover something substantial, you'd have no problem releasing it anonymously, because all of it was for the sake of humanity and its technological progress, not your reputation. This is the final redpill

How can I haxor it so I care instead about my reputation, but care for nothing else?
How can I haxor it so I care to use it for my own selfish gains only, but care for nothing else?

Firstly, you must find a higher purpose. You must submit to the fact that you have zero free will and are a mere tool of humanity, a slave. You are dependent on its history, its research, its production, its future. You literally lack the abilities to and cannot survive without it for more than a few days. You are nothing but the Nth billion cell in this organism - absolutely irrelevant and unneeded - we can survive without you, but you cannot without us.

Burn this cold truth deep into your brain, remind yourself daily, until every form of delusional individualism disappears. Dedicate your entire existence to serving humanity as the slave you really are. By enslaving yourself to humanity's purpose (and the reason you exist in the first place) you'll actually free yourself of the last enslaving primal instinct, the one that deludes you that you're a special snowflake and your life matters.

Think of it as a purposeful nihilism - nothing actually matters, but you are slave to humanity's grand task of spreading itself like a virus through space. And humanity, in turn, is a slave to matter's grand task of reducing entropy in the Universe. In fact, you are matter evolving consciousness to fight the ever-increasing attrition of the Universe and that can be the ultimate conclusion for why life exists at all. If that is the case, and it obviously is, every other task is deemed absolutely irrelevant, including your "reputation". Your sole purpose is to aid in the development of humanity in its task to reduce entropy in the environment regardless if your name appears on the papers or not, everything else is a primal delusion of your unevolved brain.

That's the most depressing shit I have read in a long time.

It's probably not possible to extricate "reputation" from "caring about what people think about you". They are pretty much the same thing. The only difference is which group of people is scrutinizing you.

There is no escape, give up.

Only if you believe in the mythos of freedom. Just let it go and you will have no problem with it whatsoever.

I very much want to give up my life for the grand task of reducing entropy throughout the cosmos, but I worry it's a Sisyphean task with no hope of ever succeeding.

Knowing this, I always give up before I begin, because it all feels hopeless and pointless.

From a deeply-rooted delusional point of view that you *must* have a purpose, it probably is quite depressing. But it's reality. Once you let go as this guy said , it will ironically be the most liberating thing you'll experience.

Your brain currently refuses it as it challenges your ego's reality, but don't worry, you'll get used to it as time passes. Imagine an AI. A superintelligent one with the processing capacity exceeding that of humanity combined.

Now imagine that AI caring about reputation, or other egotistical tasks such as buying a lambo. Sounds quite fucking pathetic and unrealistic to care about such stuff, doesn't it?

>but I worry it's a Sisyphean task with no hope of ever succeeding.
The fact is that you can't succeed and will eventually decay. The point is to delay and prevent it for as long as possible, much like you'll die inevitably but your point is to not die tomorrow.

>Now imagine that AI caring about reputation, or other egotistical tasks such as buying a lambo. Sounds quite fucking pathetic and unrealistic to care about such stuff, doesn't it?
Not really, reputation gets you better whores. Better women mean that you will most likely have a "better" child.

Your invention is your far more relevant child. Additionally, humanity can take two routes:

>Doesn't nuke itself
In which case your children become irrelevant as an overpopulated humanity advances to singularity, achieving AI, artificial reproduction and immortality

>Nukes itself
In which case your children were irrelevant and you not working towards preventing the extinction of humanity can be seen as a highly-inefficient and illogical waste of your time

Maybe some centuries ago your argument could've been valid, not anymore.

But having children is a "sure way" to make sure that a better genetics comes.

All you're saying is that due to the population I don't need to care about such optimizations, because it will take care of itself.


>All you're saying is that due to the population I don't need to care about such optimizations, because it will take care of itself.

Quicker achievement of singularity -> more time to rapidly reduce entropy around us -> more entropy reduced

You're either one of the most depressed person I have ever seen or one of the most intelligent or maybe both. Regardless, I'm fucked and we're all fucked.

I'll think about what you guys said though. Thanks.

this doesn't look like mozart

Hi, I am that user.

I think at a certain point, "who is superior" becomes less important than "what do I desire", because there are so many important problems that exist for humanity, that really going in any direction that you find meaning in will probably be helpful in some way to the world you live in. Whatever super-geniuses walk the Earth at this moment, I guarantee they aren't solving all the problems we have alone.

I want to live in a world where we overcome Cancer. I've set myself to the task of learning what I can so that maybe one day I can lend a hand to the fight. Who I am in the grand scheme of things is irrelevant. What matters is that the dream is realized, and that I get to live in that world.

I kind of need to believe that my microscopic contribution might one day microscopically contribute to the immortality of our species. I'm not even thinking about my own survival. In fact, if I can't believe this, I might an hero tomorrow.

I'm , and thank you for your advice. The thing is that, as I see it now, if I don't care about others' esteem I wouldn't care about anything, and I don't think I'd be deserving of that respect if I'm not the best, and that's obviously impossible, so I feel completely hollow and it's got to the point where I don't even play videogames because I feel so inadequate at them (stupid, I know), and don't read books or watch series or movies because I'd forget them anyway.

Right now I'm just letting myself get carried by life's inertia, but it never feels like I'm actually alive. I just watch YouTube videos and shitpost in Veeky Forums. The only thing left where I put a minimum of effort is maths, but it seems like it's going the same route of my other hobbies.

I'll never be like von Neumann, so why be me, I see no point, I'm just dead weight.

You're just depressed, dude.

I think I've experienced this too. I think it's frequent that folks get stuck on the idea of perfectionism, and it paralyzes them. I didn't really turn my life around until a traumatic loss of a loved one, and then taking time to really sit and figure out what my life should be about.

Think of it this way. Whatever you are, whether you're weak or strong, smart or dumb, that in itself won't get you out of the slump you're in. The only thing that will ever possibly satisfy you is what you choose to do. Your genetics are set. The past is done. You are who you are, now all you have is what you work for.

What got me moving again wasn't *just* some stupid platitudes, though, so I'm not sure if I or anyone else here will have some spark of wisdom that will turn your life around. I needed to be inspired by a real cause I believed in, which ultimately came to be living in spite of all the fatalism that defined my upbringing and still defines the lives of many people today.

What if there exists some universe where things could simply be amazing? If such a place could exist, would there not be some imperative to pursue it?

Even though I'm still not sure if this guy is the real deal, listening to speakers like this helped me to wonder that maybe I don't have to settle for the shit I've been dealt be thankful for it. Maybe it'll help you.


Also, I forgot to add that maybe you shouldn't just rule yourself out yet. Brilliant minds aren't simply good at what the world laid at their feet. What sets them apart is coming up with a new idea. Maybe all you need is to apply your unique experiences to a problem. And to solve that problem, you may find yourself working harder to understand all of the known information surrounding that problem. You might master a whole field simply in pursuit of something larger than anyone else really anticipated.

they reversed aging in mice already

it's real

I've heard a little about this, but never read any of the articles put out. From what I heard, though, it wasn't really applicable to humans yet, right?

Still, it does give me hope. I'd like to know for sure if De Gray is on the right path, myself. I plan to study as much as I can as long as I'm still breathing (or we get there, I guess).

Feels good to be in 2nd place
t. Physicist

you guys are ok.

>The fact is that you can't succeed and will eventually decay. The point is to delay and prevent it for as long as possible, much like you'll die inevitably but your point is to not die tomorrow.
What if thinking that makes me want to die right now? To me, there is no point in working to support myself or other life for even one more day if I know it's all just going to die. I just read Camus' Myth of Sisyphus and it didn't work. I can't imagine Sisyphus happy.

> Mathematician
>Is inferior to mathematician

Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but it seems to me that if they reversed aging in mice, it's as good as done and just a matter of time.

This is why I don't care so much for philosophy. It's backward-looking. Past-focused. Yes, it's important to know the ways in which people used to think, because if you don't, you have nothing to build on. But at some point you're going to have to start building.

There is no hope in philosophy by itself. You actually can't know for sure that we have no future by sitting in your chair and philosophizing about it. And you should be curious to try to _find out_ whether we might have one or not. You can only do that with science.

I think Einstein said something to the effect that reading is important, but eventually you come to a point where you don't get as much out of it. He said that that is when your real work should begin. Reading is educational, but it's not in itself constructive. It gives you the tools to think, but then you have to actually use them. Otherwise, you're wasting your time.

All the engineers say stuff like this. Always talking about all the lambos they're gonna get. Good on you, I guess. Enjoy.

>Your invention is your far more relevant child.
I rather agree with this.

>at a certain point, "who is superior" becomes less important
This is true. You can really see that in middle school-aged children, what with all the cliques that form and all the bullying that goes hand-in-hand with that. Then, the older they get the less pronounced this behavior is.

This. It sounds like your thing needs meds, not advice.

>all you have is what you work for
This, this, this. A thousand times this.

>What if there exists some universe where things could simply be amazing?
That could be this universe. Maybe it will never be paradise or Utopia, but what we're all really doing down here is striving not just for survival but for _well-being_

Things can improve, and they do, through work.

I think I'd be very vulnerable to getting addicted or being overly dependent on them, and I feel like that'd be just alleviating symptoms instead of actually fixing my many obvious problems.

Wow, I needed to read this.

Thanks. No sarcasm intended.