Since it's Christmas, I want to thank some of you faggots. I'm sure mods will probably delete this thread and ban me, but I feel like saying it anyway.
>have shitty upbringing, be depressed social outcast, completely give up on education and basically everything except video games >completely fail maths with the lowest possible grade and leave high school without knowing how to convert a fraction to a decimal, do long division, add fractions, etc. >slowly get interested in education over time, get the crazy idea of studying engineering >come on Veeky Forums asking for advice, get laughed at by most, but encouraged by others >decide to do it anyway >autistically study maths in my room everyday from the beginning, starting from learning the multiplication table and going all the way to differential and integral calculus >2 years later studying engineering in a Russel group uni after sitting an alternative entrance exam
So thank you faggots. Have a good Christmas.
Elijah Price
Merry Christmas.
Brayden Mitchell
I'm happy for you, user. Merry Christmas.
Asher Cox
Merry Christmas fa[math] [/math]m
Hudson Gray
cool story, I hope I can tell one as inspiring too someday
Merry christmas
Wyatt Foster
I forgot to mention how useful the stupid questions threads were.
Owen Morris
Awesome, Merry Christmas!
But OP is still a fag
Lucas Flores
Good job user. Merry Christmas
Gavin Clark
>only calculus
Kek fucking brainlet
Cooper Johnson
Cheers, mate!
Jose Robinson
Merry Christmas
Ayden Clark
Merry Christmas OP - I hope to pass engineering too.
Adam Cruz
Chase Rodriguez
Merry Christmas.
Kys yourself too.
Wyatt Rodriguez
Same situation here, junior year civil engineering now. Although I had geometry under my belt.
The benefit of Veeky Forums is you just get called a faggot then you realize you are and that only you can change that.
Jack Foster
Merry Christmas, buddy.
Happy New Years too!
May the Lord bless you this new year.
Angel Parker
Well done OP. Congratulations and best wishes for the future.
Tyler Ward
It is funny that you mention turning a fraction into decimals because I study pure mathematics and I don't know how to do that. Like 2/7. I have no idea how to turn it into a decimal lol and I got an A on number theory last semester.
Merry christmas my nigga
Christopher Williams
Jackson Anderson
Well done OP what uni m8
Juan Moore
I miss chubby Christina
Joseph Parker
That's the big secret. Math, engineering, physics, chemistry...It's all easy if you have an interest and put the work in.
Robert Bailey
just remember the pattern of sevenths and increase to the next highest number as your starting number 142857 285714 428571 etc