Typical child """prodigies"""

>Come from a family that has an income of $250,000+
>Father is an MIT mathematics professor
>Mother is a Harvard Psychology professor
>Father teaches son how to do calculus in elementary school, teaches basic abstract algebra in middle school, and by the time they are in high school they are enrolled in MIT taking all the undergraduate mathematics courses
>By the time they graduate high school they took Calculus I-III, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Topology, higher level Geometry course
>Easily ace SAT (paid private tutors to ensure this)
>Enroll in MIT where daddy teaches to major in math
>Take Graduate courses all 4 years of college
>Considered a "GENIUS" due to early start in education
>Easily gets into Harvard for a PhD in Math

If you say this kid had """muh privledge"" then leftist will defend it and say no anyone is capable of this.*

*Just need mommy and daddy to be rich and put you through college courses early

Other urls found in this thread:


>both parents aren't brainlets and thus the son isn't a brainlet either

eh I'd definitely call him privileged but not in the liberal sense of the word (although of course that applies to his case as well)

leftists like diversity except in the intelectual sense

Take another high IQ kid
>High IQ kid like kid in OP
>Parents IQ 90-100
>Family income $25,000
>Attend rural highschool
>Highest math class offered is Calculus I
>Scores average on SAT (no tutors and no one in the school really knows what the SAT is/how to prepare for it)
>Gets into a below 50 State School
>Starts at Calculus II freshman year
>Takes maybe 1-2 graduate courses senior year

Even with same IQ as kid in OP, kid in OP will be considered more intelligent, successful and obtain more wealth than kid in this example.

>this kid is richard p. feynman
>OP's kid burns out before finishing his PhD, decides he wants to do nothing but paint murals in a hippy commune because never given a chance to decide for himself what he liked.

>High IQ kid like kid in OP
>Parents IQ 90-100
Stopped reading there.

that was sad to read

What does this have to do with Veeky Forums?

You seem to set it out as negative that parents push their child towards success btw

Iq is not 100% genetic

It is related though. There's outliers and averages.

Reminder that intelligence is up to 60% genetics once you reach adulthood.

It's not but the odds of Cletus and Luane Marie producing intellectual juggernaut are exceedingly low.

The rural kid will be successful in a completely different way
You do know there are quite a few famous engineers and scientists that started out as children of farmers right?
Just because you're born in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean you're strapped to a life of failure
Just because you're not graduating grad school at 12 doesn't mean you're life is over and you haven't achieved youre potential

Most kids are capable of doing calculus in middle school. It's that American math education is painfully slow; 2nd-8th grade math for non-accelerated students is basically the same thing with bigger numbers.

Maybe really basic calculus but don't overestimate the intelligence of children
I see 9th graders struggle with basic algebra and that's not because of shitty teachers because these kids have been doing basic algebra since at least 5th grade

If it goes so slow why are they still so stupid?

Calculus is literally applied algebra. It boggles me that people think it's "sooo hard" when all it is is new rules and by which you apply algebra. Set up problem, plug shit in, use algebra to evaluate. If you can pass Alg II, you can do Calculus.

When you advance too slowly and use a skill too little you forget what you've learned, which means you need to constantly re-learn; it's inefficient and you make never get gud.

So youre saying that doing the same shit every year means that you get worse at it?
Somehow I really don't believe that

If you read the biographies of people like feynman, gell-mann, they were uber advanced. Feynman was is no way rich. Gell mann was in grad school while he was still a teen

I'm just saying that if you spend 6 years doing hello world you're probably never going to be any good at programming.

You could have one hell of an obfuscated "hello world" program, though.

Personally I blame the no child left behind mentality. Basically that if any student is behind it's because the teacher is neglecting him and if anyone's ahead it means he's getting too much attention.

>Personally I blame the no child left behind mentality. Basically that if any student is behind it's because the teacher is neglecting him and if anyone's ahead it means he's getting too much attention.
Also, it's no surprise that the people who are good at a field universally are the ones who either have parents/tutors help or just do shit on it outside of the classroom. Our education system is shit, literally shit. Sure it might have been a big step up when 90% of people were farmers and nobody knew how to read or write and had minimal access to books but fuck me is it pointless now-a-days.

>high iq
>average sat scores
SAT and IQ correlate well, so this point is pretty idiotic. Also if that kid had a passion for math they would independently study it; it's not like books don't exist in rural areas.

It's a slow crawl of Marxist policy. Marxists couldn't win in the free market place of ideas so they instead are using every tool at their hands with political correctness to take control of the school system. Which they've largely done. Which is where all these social justice types come from. Someone clamoring for more equality and more social justice = marxist usually.

You're right that the no child left behind policy / mentality was complete bullshit and it's a continuation of the slow crawl of marxism. Obama signed an act that if black students were being suspended more than white students it was because of racism or implicit bias and not because black students acted aggressively / more dangerous far more often.

So you are not allowed to suspend more black students than white students even if black students won't shut the fuck up in class and are beating peoples asses in the hallway.

I've been tested twice as a teen and I scored a 141 on the WAIS and a 138 on Stanford-Binet. I got a dogshit score of 1700 years ago when the max was 2400 because I had learned absolutely no math, and I also didn't read any books. My essay was absolute shit, as well. I think my math score was a 510, or so.

Now I'm studying Math at Berkeley, which is weird change of course.

Anecdotal, but sure, there are outliers.

It gives me some solace to remember that these delusions usually collapse under their own weight /eventually/. The sad part is that that generally means a total collapse of the society infected by them and potentially hundreds of years of chaos thereafter.

He is privileged. Leftists don't defend the equality of everyone - of course we're not equal.

Leftists defend the equality of opportunities. Which means that this kid and another, less fortunate, must be able to access the same schools on the same criteria and both should have a fair chance to enter a prestigious university.

As a result
1) It would be normal to give priority to education in less fortunate area
2) It would be normal for college to be free to make sure the low-income family has reasons to believe their son can go into it
3) It would be normal for high-school to be well-funded by the federal government to reduce the inequalities caused by different upbringing

The problem is that they aren't delusions at the moment. The largest evidence towards them not being delusions is that things like the pay gap myth are spouted by quite literally the president of the USA. It's in the media in Key and Peele skits, it's in the news, it's everywhere.

All these victimhood myths are dishonest and disingenuous. Right now SJW's - Marxists are literally using determinism to say that everyone is a victim of circumstance. Because there is no free will and the universe is set in motion and every action is predetermined so fat people - blacks - the sea of minorities they always talk about are just victims of the universe. Except white straight males because the universe was kindest to them so fuck them. (Asians always get forgotten by them apparently).

This is so dishonest. How did the area get less fortunate in the first place?

Take a black school for example, why did investment leave. Why does investment still leave? Why do people not want to live around black schools.

Because they are hotbeds of violence and no one likes being assaulted, robbed, raped, or murdered. The current iteration being spouted completely destroys the concept of race or gender even though we can quite literally see race and gender and through lifetimes of experience we know that there's a difference between men and women and how they act to survive.

However they bastardize these definitions to say that there is no such thing as race or gender. It's all a social construct and society is the great determiner of these power structures and it has nothing to do with biological inclination. Meanwhile the most progressive nation on earth - Norway - has 90% female nurses and 90% male engineers. Almost like there's biological differences between these peoples to make them drift certain ways.

Women enjoy a more social atmosphere and care taking. Men are more autistic and lose themselves in their work and like to be left alone a lot of the time.

Like , I too am gifted intellectually but I went to a terrible HS and did really badly on the math and reading section. I think I scored something like a 900 out of 1600 but somehow aced the writing section kek.

I went to a community college, but ended up doing pure math degree/cs, have research experience and am now acing my courses at a top and well-ranked university. One where students had to score much, much, much higher than me to be at and they aren't doing nearly as well as I am.

Pseudo-sociology aside, you're thinking of this the wrong way.

Black/poor neighbourhoods in general are usually disrupted because there are few/no jobs.

There are no jobs because there's no wealth.

There's no wealth because there's a general disinvestment, including in education, done (sometimes on purpose) by local and federal governments.

Take a public water company. Underfund it. The quality of service becomes extremely low and so you argue that the sector should be even more underfunded, because the government obviously isn't efficient. Rinse and repeat.

It seems that the same thing is happening with every other public service in America these days, including schools.

>everyone is a victim of circumstance. Because there is no free will and the universe is set in motion and every action is predetermined so fat people - blacks - the sea of minorities they always talk about are just victims of the universe.
This is largely true though. Nobody decides to be born retarded or in Africa, and these circumstances do realistically impose limits on what you can do. But this doesn't mean we should give up objective standards; we must still be realistic about each person's ability, and hold people accountable for their actions. Just because cletus didn't choose to be a retarded redneck doesn't change the facts of the matter. You cannot say well if only cletus is given a seat in a great school he could be a physicist despite the fact that he's the result of four generations of first cousins having kids with each other. This shit is irrational, a waste of time and resources.

>There's no wealth because there's a general disinvestment, including in education, done (sometimes on purpose) by local and federal governments.
Wow hold up. You're saying that black neighbourhoods are full of poor, violent, dumb assholes because the government purposefully siphons funds away from their areas? Are you fucking retarded?

> How did the area get less fortunate in the first place?
You mean besides having your family kidnapped, forced to work for no wages for 100 years, only being allowed to do the lowest of jobs/wages and then have those jobs taken away by automation?

Gee I have no idea, why those families would have no accumulated wealth to go to school.

underrated post

>because the government purposefully siphons funds away from their areas?
>what is privatisation of public services
And even then, ever noticed how the police in rich areas tend to be much more funded than in poor ones ?
Territorial inequality is a real thing. Especially in the US.

>black neighbourhoods are full of poor, violent, dumb assholes
First off, that's a stereotype. Secondly, yes. When there's almost no quality school, bare minimum of police, and private prisons lobbying judges for maximum occupation while keeping the inmates in precarious conditions, it's no wonder than crime rates rise.

Open a school, close a prison.

Cool. Doing well at a 4 year means nothing.

This is why no one cares about GPA when you go to find a job, and why top companies WILL ask for SAT scores. Getting a 1600 or 2400 is more impressive and indicative of intelligence than getting a 3.9 or 4.0 at a top school. All the latter requires is hard work. Don't kid yourselves, brainlets.

>But m-muh SJW gubmint takeover

No children left behind doesn't imply slowing down progress of the class. That's more of a byproduct of overcrowded class rooms and lack of funds/will to personalize teaching.

Most of teaching problems come from the fact that you apply general teaching method to an entire class room instead of evaluating each student as individually as you can, or at least allowing students to specialize in something to be sure a class for example has mostly students interested in thing X, and further separation based on skill levels so you're sure students are both paying attention and don't have big under and over achievers in the group.

It devolved into a discussion about privilege because marxists are trying to destroy capitalism through a slow and progressive march.

Naw m8 you're wrong, every area blacks move in becomes a shithole because they're just shit people. Also white admixture is a strong predictor of higher IQ and lower criminality. Somehow I don't think this could be because all the whities notice that they're only as dark as a 3/4 black and oppress them less.

>Examination that tests highschool level courses is more impressive and indicative of intelligence

You must have a major in protocology, because you pull a lot of things out of your ass

This thread got very /pol/ very fast

You can't study for the SAT. You could study for years and get a measly 50 point increase. The same can't be said of the typical uni exam.

No he's correct that blacks will always pull an area down. A large reason for this is that they cannot in large numbers enter a high trust society. That's why they hate black conservatives so much. Black conservatives usually have a pretty happy family, are very good neighbours and have sacrificed and strived to succeed.

However the sheer overwhelming number of black people that are not conservative.. well you can tell it by their moral fiber and their attitudes. 72% single motherhood. What is the cause of 72% single motherhood? It's shit fathers and shit mothers. People who cheat on each other constantly and have higher rates of STD's like herpes and HIV and fuck around behind the others back. So black men blame black women for their place in life. And black women blame black men for being deadbeats who don't even attempt to raise their child.

Blacks cannot enter a high trust society because they want a village mentality. The women all sit and work all day taking care of the children while the men hunt and do whatever else they want. Except in the modern society hunting = going out and getting pussy or drugs.

Any thread that talks about privilege is going to get /pol/'d.

Flint Michigan?

t. Black studies major who knows everything about black culture

Poverty is much more powerful than you could imagine, and no, poor black people doesn't always "bring an area" down, because they don't have the resources to move, and if they can move in an area, it was a poor district from the get go.

This just in: poor white people who live in areas with poor access to jobs and education exist, and they're still less violent and criminal than blacks ;)

Do you have any stats on that? I'm not an overtly racist person but if shit like this is true then what else is there to blame other than genetics?

>why top companies WILL ask for SAT scores
No they fucking don't. Google does not give two shits what that you got 2350/2400. They care about your collegiate extracurriculars and research experience. They may ask for transcripts or some such, but that's just to find out how much you know about a given subject.

>what else is there to blame other than genetics?
History. Everything else being equal, a black guy will have an harder time being employed.

Also, most poor black neighbourhoods are plagued by gangs and trafficking due to their urban nature. Poor white regions are more rural and have less visible effects of the inequalities. They are also considerable older.

tl;dr : Apples and Oranges. Violent black people are more compared to English Chavs than poor rural farmers.

>ell you can tell it by their moral fiber and their attitudes. 72% single motherhood. What is the cause of 72% single motherhood? It's shit fathers and shit mothers


Would there be a way to set up something like a twitch chat but with hentai streaming?

My bad wrong board.

This is the first thing I found, and I guess you could interpret it a multitude of ways.

How large are the samples in both groups?

Also how was the sample taken place?

Also how did the control for things like discrimination, the fact that there may simply be just less rich black kids than poor white kids, and sampling bias.

Also what are they in prison for and if we are talking about 1950-1990s, how large a part might racism play in this?

Seems kinda click-bait.

Also "kids"= 20-28?

A black guy can be shot for telling an officer he has a gun. From here, it's not surprising the justice system is against them.

>They're doing the best of all
>They have 100140848098234x the violent crime rate

A shitty ghetto mother whooping one of her children at the riot in Ferguson gets 30 million shares and shown as a good mother despite being horrendously fat and no father in sight. Look at all the BLM moms.. no father in sight.

NYT is full of shit and is a place of pure virtue signalling now. They have created completely false stories within the last year alone.

The only time NYT does something good is when they are actually documenting something with no agenda.

Like this: Warning - Graphic Violence

Take analysis sometime, friendo. The system has made you into an idiot.

Apparently the data is from the National longitudinal survey of youth:

>The NLSY79 Cohort is a longitudinal project that follows the lives of a sample of American youth born between 1957-64. The cohort originally included 12,686 respondents ages 14-22 when first interviewed in 1979; after two subsamples were dropped, 9,964 respondents remain in the eligible samples.

It's an interesting question about how much discrimination from police/courts could factor in, but it's going to be really hard to untangle. I'm not sure you could prove/disprove it one way or the other, since I don't think you'll find many willing participants for a trial where the participants commit a crime the same way and see who gets charged/convicted.

Okay, but we can't change history, so what is the point of blaming it exactly?
>Everything else being equal, a black guy will have an harder time being employed.
I'm not quite sure if I'm convinced of that. As I said before, I'm not overtly racist. I'm a logical and rational human being. If I was an employer, I'd hire based on skill alone, not race or age or gender. If we assume all people are like me, then how does history change anything? We must blame race. If there are people not like me, then they are the ones to blame. But history should not be blamed.

>most poor black neighbourhoods are plagued by gangs and trafficking due to their urban nature.
That makes sense. It's a cultural problem, not a racial one. The real question is, why are the urban poor mostly black while the rural poor mostly white? I guess we could blame history for that, but again it's impractical and solves nothing. Should we put the blame on the entire system and label it institutional racism? Or should the people who passed these racist policies be at fault? Or are the policies even racist at all? Again, without data we can't really be sure whether the differences in races are really there or just superficially placed there by racist people.

Interesting. But as you pointed out, this doesn't tell us much. We could be dealing with racist cops and assume institutional racism, but at the same time we could assume nonracists cops and dealing with a legitimate difference between races. It's most likely a combination of the two, which sucks because both sides of the fight gets fuel for the fire.

anyone above the age of 13 who can pass the entrance exams can start community college, and that shit is free if you are a turbo poor.

kids choose to not get an education and instead elect to hide in their glorified day care facility (aka high "school").

literally anyone on Veeky Forums could (read: should) have their first 2 years of undergrad knocked out before they turn 18.

>I don't think you'll find many willing participants for a trial where the participants commit a crime the same way and see who gets charged/convicted.
Actually maybe the government should commission such a study and guarantee the participants immunity for participating. This data could be quite informative/useful.

Nah you're wrong. My sat score signaled more my socioeconomic upbringing. Attending a prestigious university and doing well means more than my 900 SAT score from years ago. Plus I have research experience & on the path of attending a PhD program. They don't ask for SAT scores in google interviews. They check to see if I know algorithms/data structures which is by far more difficult than anything asked on the SAT. If I took it now I'd probably ace it.

You can study for the SAT. I made like a 30% jump between my PSAT and the SAT itself.

What makes kids worse at it is they never see useful application of their material until they can take a physics class so they never try. On top of that, they have summer breaks and typically do absolutely zero studying over the break so they forget everything. Classes, at least in the US aren't really designed for kids to learn unless the kid is in a private school or an accelerated program. Kindergarten through 8th grade usually function more like a daycare that has math worksheets and uses larger books and poems for storytime than an actual place for someone to learn.

Well we know the united states has a history of racism that was pretty bad at least two generations ago (could probably meet someone whose grandpa or father was a slave). We also know that there was a lot of effort to keep black people from gaining much power during that time so it would be fair to say history is a good answer. Another good answer is that good change take time and you are being impatiant.

Also it is incredibly difficult to research foal play when the ones that are committing the foal play have the power.

>Kindergarten through 8th grade usually function more like a daycare that has math worksheets and uses larger books and poems for storytime than an actual place for someone to learn.
That's actually a remarkable apt description of the problem.

>tfw you literally are this kid

Irony in that is that only the kids that have someone that went to college in their lives know this. If you didn't know this , then I doubt there would be any way to know this without already knowing this.

Pst that is if the school that you go to has a physics program.

>born in a shittier place
>parents barely have any money for anything
>fuck around all time during high school missing classes and playing video games
>i kinda liked programming and physics so i studied for them
>get prizes at national contests enough to bump my cv
>get accepted to decent university with scholarship
>work harder, finish my undergraduate first, do my masters at a top 10 university
>now doing my phd at the best university in my field
>family is proud, summer internships at google, good career prospects, loving gf for almost 2 years

i also think im privileged because of my smarts that allow me the capacity to sort my life out

you are probably a plant, planned to be an poster boy of fairness and possibility. the ethical thing when you realize it would be to refuse and go to shit instead.

he has already fallen for the pussy. ethics rarely has any bearing any longer at that point.

Having grown up in a lower class blue collar family constantly in debt and struggling to put myself through college, my greatest ambition in life is to be in a position to do this for my progeny

Anybody who struggle with hunger through college? If you succeeded how did you do it?

Drink lots of water, and only water

Eat ramen, chicken breast, whatever vegetables are on sale, eggs

for price: porridge for breakfast. pasta or large packs rice, eggs, tuna and beans for protein. sometimes chicken are on sale. probably the cheapest animal meat you could get ahold of.

>Anybody who struggle with hunger through college? If you succeeded how did you do it?
Big sacks of rice/beans are gud, things like potatoes/carrots/corn/onions are generally quite cheap. Also if you can get cheap clams then it's a good way to get iron and b12; especially seeing as the next best thing is red meat which can be quite expensive.

>this "smart" and not realizing the benefit of a vegan diet

You never fail to disappoint me, Veeky Forums

>If you say this kid had """muh privledge"" then rightists will defend it and say no anyone is capable of this.

To add to other remarks, lentils are awesome. Great protein source, high in fiber, high in a good number micros, and are prepared quickly wit hn good variety.

>anyone is capable of this*
*conditions apply:
• high IQ
• high motivation
• high-income parents who care


Lol u wut m8?

if youre not a brainlet you won't do average or close to average on the SAT. To get top tier scores preparing helps but if you can't get at least 2000 without putting in any effort you probably dont have much potential to waste.

>an idiot from /pol/ in this thread thinks that SJWs are Marxists

Anyway, the prodigies I've met were all homeschooled because the parents realized the school system was not only inadequate but damaging.

It's probably not that low, but they are simply never found and their intelligence becomes stifled when they grow up. Affirmative action is still the wrong way to go about it though. The best way is to simply increase the general education level of the population and fight against anti-intellectualism such that even the level of backward "farmers" is increased. The western world has done decent progress on this, and one can hope these improvements continue.

People don't know this, though.

We have to make it a meme, or at least an infographic.

This isn't feasible because it's contrary to the interests of the ruling class. Our society requires a certain amount of skilled and unskilled laborers to function, and keeping the labor pool well-supplied is more of a priority for them than making sure everyone's smart enough to understand how they're being exploited by the system.

It's a nice dream, but it won't happen.

Not true. You underestimate how shitty some HS are. In my HS I didn't even know what the SAT was or what was on it / its format / the time limits etc. Easy to do shitty on it under those circumstances.

If you keep on making excuses, you will never be successful.

>don't know about SAT
Google it.
>don't have Internet
Go to your local library and Google it.
>they don't have Internet
Use the books in your library.
>they don't have books on the SAT
Go to another library.
>no other libraries in area
Drive to a different area.
>don't have a car
Get a job and save up for a car.
>no jobs in my area
Make your own job and earn money that way.

You can have excuses or you can have results. Life isn't fair, deal with it.

You make it sound trivial to prepare for the SAT. it wasn't. I made a 900 on it. I ended up at a community college and eventually a top 10. No longer matters.

You do not understand and not capable of understanding how truly shitty my white trash, 4H club, confederate flag, no AP courses high school was.

It has already happened to a certain extent though, which goes against your naive conspiracy theory. You can still do decently academically, relatively speaking, if you're born today in a poor family with a modest amount of education. If you're in the US, your parent are still likely to have finished high school, be literate, value education to a certain extent, and have no expectation of making you drop out of school as soon as possible to make you work to support them. Go back a hundred or two hundred years ago and most people were not even finishing high school. It's undeniable that there has been progress. There is no policy of the government right now, in western countries, that goes against the education of the population, even in principle: it's quite the opposite actually. Your worldview is a dream.

What part on my list did you get stuck on? You didn't know how to use Google?

Also, not making excuses. It's just the reality of the situation. I'm now pulling off a 4.0 GPA at a prestigious university, so it isn't holding me back.