We have the energy technology to phase out coal completely, and natural gas could follow suite soon

We have the energy technology to phase out coal completely, and natural gas could follow suite soon.
But how do we replace oil, is there any viable technology upcoming?
Some like to claim hemp oil as an alternative but I don't think that's possible

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Take down the companies and lobby politians and get the media to support you

Is this a serious answer?

What I'm asking is what products or tech can we use to phase out oil in manufacturing plastics and other products, that are emissions free?



Bio fuels

Biodiesel and ethanol could replace petroleum fuels entirely but the oil lobby is too strong

Fusion is a viable upcoming technology, but how quickly we see it will depend on how much money is thrown at it. I've seen estimates anywhere between 10 years from now to 50 years from now. As far as I know, once they test it in smaller reactors and everything works as intended - they can scale it up so that it starts to produce more electricity than is required to do the fusion process.

You do know even if there is a viable alternative, nations are still going to keep buying oil right? Imagine if we stopped buying up all the oil. Then its not in the West, its in RTussia, the Middle East or the hands of some enemy. Then, said enemy either:

1) Starts using it regardless of the evironment, producing and profiting more than us because they are willing to exploit this cheap, storable, energy dense resource.
2) Even worse, mobilizes against us and uses this cheap, storable energy dense resource to launch an assualt on us while we're still charging our tanks in a fucking electricity station.

Corporations aren't retarded, renewable energy, environmentally friendly energy is in their interest to, running those factories cost a lot of money, but oil/coal is too dangerous in the hands of our enemies, which is why we need to secure contracts with oil rich nations and keep buying it from them.

Technology is not energy. One is an energy source, the other an energy sink.

That meme has consumed more energy than any "energy-technology" meme so far invented.
>they can scale it up so that it starts to produce more electricity than is required to do the fusion process
No they can't but when you pump that much cash into it you start cooking the books.

Yeah ignore the shining ball in the sky.


We could use ethanol easily and on a large scale, but big oil won't be happy.

>The explosion of the Ivy Mike hydrogen bomb. The hydrogen bomb is the only known man-made item to achieve fusion energy gain factor larger than 1.

You know these things, all factors and inputs considered, are a net energy loss correct? It's better to just grow the corn and eat it.


As a fuel there is ethanol, biogas and biodiesel. There is no need to totally replace oil, we need just to use less to dont depend of some countries.

Not if we automate and use solar farming. It'd be a net energy gain.

As long as oil reserves are present on Earth, people will use oil.

Solar panels have their niche like windmills and can only really supplement a grid, like ethanol can only supplement the transportation grid. Nukes can power a grid but I doubt there are enough resources to rebuild the entire transportation grid around electric in time.

Basically looks like a large depopulation coupled with a dramatic drop in quality of life for most this century unless a new source of energy equivalent to fossil fuels is discovered. Compounding this problem we already have pseudo totalitarian energy rationing world government apparatus forming pushing the big lie, that energy restriction is good because this will save the planet and CO2 is a pollutant! What they are really trying to save is themselves. Interdasting times ahead!

Whale oil, obviously.

>Compounding this problem we already have pseudo totalitarian energy rationing world government apparatus forming pushing the big lie
What the fuck are you on about?

>that energy restriction is good because this will save the planet
Nobody is pushing for energy restrictions, because they clearly would be either ineffective or disastrous.

>and CO2 is a pollutant!
Unless you mangle the definition of "pollutant" beyond recognition, it unambiguously is.

Energy depletion is going to be bad enough, it doesn't help there are despotic pseudo world government entities like the UN looking to control the remaining fossil fuels through the AGW meme, carbon taxation and carbon trading schemes. This just implies more energy will go into engorging these useless parasitic organizations impeding real solutions.

Energy restriction is on the horizon, the days of cheap energy are over, you'll see!

Again the AGW meme is certainly painting CO2 out as a pollutant, an evil greenhouse gas, to be sequestered, regulated and controlled, obviously this is just an overt power grab and has nothing to do with pollution.

I just notice a lot of energy ignorance on the board. A lot of historical ignorance as well, the last thing you want to be enabling is something like the UN. They just appointed a devout Roman Catholic to head it up going forward, enabling something like the UN is enabling a new age dark age. Do you really think the church wants to solve problems? It thrives in utter misery, poverty and ignorance.

So everyone itt has been talking about energy, but I asked about replacing oil in regards to manufacturing and production, what kind of replacements are being researched?

>despotic pseudo world government entities like the UN
Do you even know what the fucking UN is?

>Energy restriction is on the horizon
By who? How are they going to enforce it? What possible motivation do they have for an action that's going to massively undermine their own position?
Politicians get votes by sucking up to the public, and money by sucking up to industry. You think either of them are going to be happy about that?

>Again the AGW meme is certainly painting CO2 out as a pollutant, an evil greenhouse gas, to be sequestered, regulated and controlled, obviously this is just an overt power grab and has nothing to do with pollution.
God forbid we consider pollution an actual issue, and regulate it as such.

>the last thing you want to be enabling is something like the UN
The UN is utterly powerless. What are they going to do, agree to make a non-binding advisory statement?

I'd actually like to hear something about that as well.

Ethanol can be made from things other than corn

Old fashioned nuclear fission tech, partnered up with things like electric cars would be good, especially now that we can get an essentially unlimited supply of uranium from the ocean.

Bumping again

Solar, nuclear, electric, wind

kill the CEOs of fossil fuel industry

We don't even need wind/solar. We discovered essentially unlimited energy decades ago.