So did I get meme'd?

So did I get meme'd?

Other urls found in this thread:!Gs8WnKpK/!55_aZqpFn1aXXZa1YFwl0doKP6a9jb1-2YiGWoM-DWQ!2gNWiQiY!n9tVkbhC!2gNWiQiY!Xt5MHt1N0WkHoBjY8zhVI_zPxL7jGOP0zWjhkwSDK-U!n9tVkbhC!AJ0btVsxDtEILnd3chYZbsoh75X3X04f1NPMND3vfVo

So did I.

By a 3.78 Mb horizontal Jpeg of a grey book cover.

You sure did, senpai.

>that sideways
>that file size
did you get maimed OP?

captcha: put down that car rim, it's not food

Who cares, I got it too. I just want to be tackling it at the same time as all other English speakers. Discuss as I go etc.

Plus I think the book will go up in valurle with time so theres that.

This is pandemonium. This book will not leave Veeky Forums's consciousness for a while, and it'll take that long for it to be fully recognized as a meme.

Dose it make any sense?

I want the book, but this beast wieghts 6kg. I'd have to pay 50 bucks for the books plus 100 to ship it overseas.

What about Book Depository?

It makes a lot more sense than Finnegan's Wake. It will take a while before any non-meme analysis can be made, however

>that apostrophe
give back your dubs

They're selling it for $139

Not much cheaper.

I'm thinking will be in this thread and it will be terrible


Ouch, I see it here for $80. Do they change prices based off of location?

I really hope this publisher comes out with a non-meme paperback edition.

its for patricians only

the formatting is absolutely crucial, theres no way to publish a different sized version.

john woods also formatted it manually with indesign which he learned just for this book (the fucking mad man) so it's not like it can be easily scaled down.


>Do they change prices based off of location?
It looks that way. That's the reason they have free shipping.

so close

0_0 0_0

You 'are' the meme.

Guys stop meming this book. It's actually fucking incredible an English version even exists, see:

what are all those boxes on your browser links too? not familiar with all of them

>Discuss as I go
can you give me a single example of someone on Veeky Forums actually discussing this book that isn't
>lol eets so beeg

Only like 2-3 memers actually have a copy atm. Doesn't come out until sept 23rd in Canada (my location).

fair enough

but I'm predicting that the level off discussion will not improve


Your bookshelf gives me at least a half chubb.

nowhere to go but up

I got the book in the mail today. Only read 20 pages so far. I've almost finished finnegans wake already and I can see why the comparison is made although they are very different. For me, bottom's dream seems like its going to be easier to read, albeit longer. He has a lot of strange punctuation and marking techniques but you get used to it after the first page. I found finnegans wake's writing style much more difficult to get used too. So far, interesting. Not "magnificent" like everybody is saying but a fun challenge.

sticky this comment

I don't believe the meme that giant times bound with high quality materials means that it's a masterpiece.

As if such a presentation gives it more literary value than a dogeared paperback.

The format and size are crucial to the book.

Probably doesn't matter that much when you decide to go with a translation, but still.


Can somebody explain all the fucking punctuation and how to read it please. Is it some form of emoticon? Visual descriptors of characters expressions/responses?

That's a lot of links to Better Than Food Book Reviews

I bashed my head on the first page a while. I can't tell what is what, but I think three or four people are hopping a barbwire fence into a field. Horrorfield?
Also there are a ton of cow and cuckoos
A girl who hasn't seen a sunset?

The plot is not that hard to discern. What I'm asking is if the punctuation is supposed to represent something and how to read the punctuation.

>not that hard to discern
well now I just feel bad.

Is it the same in the german version?

Is it even possible to publish this as an ebook? At least a pdf facsimile? Or should I smother all budding hope already?

The page size is important. There have been smaller facsimiles, but the physical size of it is important

Why? I don't understand how that would be important. I can zoom in on the pdf if needed.

I think Schmidt meant it to be read as a whole. The three columns of text overlap and relate to each other.

If anyone has a copy of "Zettel's Traum: an analysis" by Langbehn it'd be a great help

thanks for the tip

I've a copy now, how do I upload .pdf?


or you can email it me senpai

Yes, please post as a PDF and provide the link.

google drive?

use vpn dum dum

why did this explode on this board lately? was it an untranslated classic that people are finally glad to get a hold of or did one person force a meme?

sorry if this is pleb but I have never heard a single mention of this book until recently.

It just came out this month, before this either German speakers or liars talked about how great it was.

>sorry if this is pleb but I have never heard a single mention of this book until recently.

newfag. it's been memed for years.
>was it an untranslated classic that people are finally glad to get a hold

> Read this thread

>Book sounds intriguing

>Order on Amazon

>Read a little more about it

>1500 pages of incomprehensible mindfuck

>I'm in way over my head

>Cancel order

i bought this just because it's a meme without knowing anything about it. it just came. is it meant to be read like a normal book?

read the translator afterword (it's like two pages). you can dip in and out of it if you want. schmidt gave it the humbs up.!Gs8WnKpK/!55_aZqpFn1aXXZa1YFwl0doKP6a9jb1-2YiGWoM-DWQ

Saw some screenshots of it and it reminds me a bit of House of Leaves, which I loved. Should I get it?

Pretty busy with school so I doubt I'd be able to read it any time soon. If the price is going to go up I might as well get it though.

It's (post-)modern m8. The whole idea of modernism is to separate the artistic aristocrats from the common people/mob.

t. Taking a course on modernism

(Learned on Wednesday about why the CIA sponsored abstract-expressionism because it shifted art away from political attitudes)

If anyone's interested in the CIA reading or the other articles for the class, let me know and I can upload the PDFs to Mega.

inb4 CIA memes

That sounds cool m8
pls link

Awesome, glad someone's interested.

The first link is about the CIA stuff.

The second is the first chapter of a book about the relationship between Romanticism and Modernism. I don't remember the specifics of the second link, but it was really, really good. Planning on getting a copy of the Library of America with Axel's Castle in it.!2gNWiQiY!n9tVkbhC

Mate, the links require the decryption codes


I was wondering why the URLs were so short

>The whole idea of modernism is to separate the artistic aristocrats from the common people/mob
How does this make sense when Ulysses venerated the wisdom of the everyman? Sounds like you got a shit professor m8.

Just because he venerated their wisdom doesn't mean that he didn't want to bar them from reading his work

Hola Gabriel. But seriously tho, why use US$ when you deal with euros


is this bait?

On Amazon, this book is $38 for me. Seems pretty cheap, considering everyone else on here paid $60+ for it; some, even $130+.

Is it worth getting? Is there necessary reading beforehand?

I hate Goethe so much

go to bed arno

My boy user.

I'm a bit late to this comment, but indesign isn't hard to use if you're halfway computer literate. It's a bitch of a program but it's not difficult.

I'll agree that if he had to use it, a mass-market paperback of Zettel's Traum probably won't be on the books (lolol) anytime soon.

You need to read Explains a lot about the format

It is kinda weird to have this book on the radar for years and thinking "Veeky Forums would shit its meme pants over this", but no one ever really discusses it, but then suddenly it turns into the meme of the week.

Did it get an english translation?


Ach du meine Goethe.

>Is there necessary reading beforehand
no just dive right in

>Is it worth getting? Is there necessary reading beforehand?
Shakespear, obviously


dumb newfag

dumb fag

Read the thread dummy. It's John 'madman' Woods crowning achievement.

Half chub

>Read the thread
user I am on Veeky Forums I don't read.

Is it a bookstore or your shelves in the background?

It's from an IG account


> I sorted them in order of how much I read of each one before I secretly gave up and and gave it a five star rating on Goodreads along with a quirky review about BURIED books using Arno Schmidt's punctuation style

This is a FAB(ulist)=ulous door=stopper and a BURIED=book.


See how an exclusive=author in the bURIED bOOK cOLLECTION has just pub=lickly printed a 3rd copy of his* bURIED 1200 page "post=modern" novel.

Clearseeing. Nipping Pastiche.

Dude's names is Justin Holinka. Biggest pseud on that app. Has tons obscure and amazing works often in good editions, and little to nothing insightful to say about them. Ever.

Well, he does call himself a book collection in the little bio bit. Collectors don't necessarily interact with all the things they collect.

Calls himself a reader, too...

>being this jealous of a random IGer


try being rich