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Literature #85
The great debate
Try English in university
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26 years old
Straight White Male Problems: The Novel
Hi Veeky Forums
So how do I go about reading this? I assume just reading it straight through with no commentary is a bad idea...
Shadilay, friends. What ideologies would you consider yourself?
Post the book that fundamentally changed the way you view the world
Post the name of your protanogist
ITT: Books inwhich the protagonist did nothing wrong
Are popular success and literary merit mutually exclusive?
I'm looking for some existential lit with a little edge that is suitable for an angsty 20-something year old...
How do I into social theory? Was thinking of picking up something by Foucault to get started...
That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty...
Does he have any actual potential? There's no way he's completely meritless
Why doesn't he just finish his fucking books?
There are people who unironically hate Hemingway's books because of his world views and views towards women and Jews
What are your guilty pleasures? Pic related
I just finished reading this. What's the Veeky Forums consensus? It felt a pseudy to me at times...
No other author has had as great an impact on literacy as her. She taught a whole generation to love books
Has any novel captured millennials well as of yet?
ITT: Post your shitty pseudonyms
Tfw young joyce was a solid 9/10 qt
Virginia Woolf is a more effective writer than James Joyce because she does not rely on
Irl literature memes that set you the fuck off
Joyce questions
Thoughts on Bolaño?
Would you ever get a literary tattoo?
Most attractive authors
English Majors
If I Liked This Book, Recommend Me Another
I'm looking for a book that proves how pointless sex is...
Thoughts on Slavoj Zizek?
Thoughts on Soren Kierkegaard?
Am I the only one who thought that Submission was too shallow...
Are there any novels where the protagonist frequently spills his spaghetti? Bonus points for autism
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Sanderson General
Who is, bar none, the author with the best prose of all time?
Hey guys, it's me, the 2016 Nobel Laureate in Literature. How's everyone doing today?
Post the most fedora book youve ever been recommended
Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out. I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage...
Where were you when this respectable chap smashed Zizek's commie-psychobabble into smithereens?
Mommy found my manifesto
Does anybody feel the need for a philosophy board...
Where do we go if Veeky Forums gets cut boys?
Now that he's gone, who is the best living writer?
Is evil the lack of good?
University thread
Make Veeky Forums friends so your life doesn't collapse should Veeky Forums be kill
Why do women hate David Foster Wallace and Infinite Jest so much?
What are some good "magical realism" books that are Veeky Forums approved? Classic or contemporary...
Favourite Sonnet
Are there any good female metaphysicians...
Greentext the plot of your new novel
Why do we start with the Greeks?
Anyone here prefer Virgil over Homer, or Latin literature over Greek?
I know this short story I have is good (although it may be pushing it at 12k words)...
I'm sorry in advance that this is not so Veeky Forums but I want to thank you guys for the days I spent here...
Can we have a thread about interesting pictures of writers?
Hegel reading program starts around Christmas, so get your copies...
Nobel Prize
How to get started writing a story?
What is the most American book?
Do you listen to classical music while reading?
Isaac Newton was weird as hell
Dude were all gonna be robots lmfao
It was a good run
So Ferrante got doxxed
ITT: Unpopular literary opinions
Why are reactionaries so powerless to stem the tide of Marxism?
ITT: Write what's on your mind
Dante Translation
Share your bookshelves
Why do you lads meme on this guy so hard? He seems pretty reasonable
What do you call a work that is socio-political but is written with the specific intent to be aesthetic...
Please post a poem you have written and we will read it
Daily reminder that this is a god amongst men
Why is he so well-regarded as a horror author?
Mutter, ich bin dumm
I'm reading the Communist Manifesto
So do anything at all happens here? 100 pages and is just some boring academic love triangle
How lit are you?
Did the Beat period actually contribute anything or was it typical trendshit with superficially deep values...
How do you feel knowing James Franco is more literate than you?
Endless Fun v Blood Meridian
The universe is everyone's WILL
Let's talk about plays. What are your favorites and why?
This book is fucking boring
Its Halloween fuckers. Post your reading lists for this month
Dear Veeky Forums-- do you have any books to do with Judaism to recommend...
Any books, that'll help me cope with my abysmally ugly flesh prison?
Who here understands the philosophy behind modern art and can read it without resorting to spergouts...
Searching for The World as Will and Representation on the internet
What does Veeky Forums subscribe to?
ITT Describe books you've never read
Crime and Punishment
Veeky Forums, post your political views and your religious views
Is analytic philosophy like the reductionist paradigm of sciences and continental philosophy like the holistic paradigm...
Post your childhood books. Basically things that invoke nostalgia or were formative in getting you to read
Marcus Aurelius
What philosophical works should one read before setting out to create a strong AI?
Can you write in the style of Tao Lin?
Insofar as
ITT: Describe a book as bad as you can and other guess what book are you talking about
How do I stop browsing the internet everytime I read Veeky Forums? post your strats
Why do philosophers always have a near autistic aversion to woman and family life?
Does -proper...
Who is the most influential writer of all time?
Lift 1/2/3/4 plate
There are "people" on this board RIGHT NOW who pay money for books instead of just downloading them for free
What is the most beautiful book ever written?
What kind of music do you, Veeky Forumserati, like?
Can anybody recommend some books that are similar or are the same level of horror as "I have no mouth and I must scream?
ITT: The most sexually attractive writers
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that think poetry is entirely subjective
What's the deal with Stirner?
Is there a word for something beautiful and ugly at the same time?
Orwell btfo communism seventy of years ago
Start reading more classic literature
You see the presenter's scripted insult. You have 20 seconds to write Jonah a comeback
What are some ubermensch characters in literature?
Reading Speed
Do you like thomas bernhard, guys? what are your favorite books written by thomas bernhard?
How much time do you need to read 300 pages?
Are his books still good if you're not a Christian...
Anyone else here who is an extremely slow reader...
What reactionary writers have you read the most of?
Is Knausgaard good? What would you compare him to?
Recommend me a book that will make me start being open to the idea of love again
Who else infinity (∞) tier knowledge?
Post great authors that arent widely discussed on this board
What did they see in the jakes?
I remember someone posted once here about an economist that proved that socialism is impossible
Editor sent me an email in response to my novel stating "I have a lot to learn as an author"
Why is there so much stigma surrounding suicide? And why is life so depressing?
Got banned from /pol/ so imma hang out with you guys
I've just bought Deleuze's Nietzsche & Philosophy. What am I in for?
Tfw 24 almost 25 years old
Small Press Publishing
Where to start with Hegel?
ITT: sum up a philosopher with pop lyrics
/v/ user here
Have I done a shameful thing?
Hello Veeky Forums, I hope this kind of post is allowed. If not please let me know why
Is this the Ulysses of kino?
Nabokov thread
What kind of philosophy will point out the absurdness in not being able to talk to girls? I already got the looks...
Which Japanese writers are most worth reading?
This freakin' interview
Free verse is mostly a joke
Why should I read him
Why is there such heavy /pol/ crossposting on this board? Do they hold something in common?
Post an overrated and underrated philosopher by Veeky Forums's standards
Veeky Forums 2016 top 100 books poll
If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras...
How do I write horror?
Tfw scientists are just starting to catch up to where philosophy was 2000 years ago
WTF I hate native Americans now
Veeky Forums humor
Why's he got such a bad rep?
Who is the best writer of our generation and why is it John Green?
I just finished ISOLT and want to pat myself on the back a bit for it
Veeky Forums'S TOP BOOKS 2016 WHEN!?!?!?!
Qt expresses interest in me
What are some shitty teachers you've had?
go to starbucks
Brave New World
I haven't read any Shakespeare. Where should I start?
Has anyone read this?
Why is first person so hated? It can be done well
What are some general freshman college level books which will help me break into the world of reading...
What's the best book about pic related?
I can only buy one book right now, which one should I get?
Alright so lit, I'm a huge romantic. (I'm not sure if I've used it correctly)
How's that novel coming along Veeky Forums?
Where should I start with male authors? What are some good books that were written by men?
Post the most charismatic authors you can think of
Why did he like Paris so much?
Do you read every day Veeky Forums?
Fantasy novels that don't seem like they were written by a 12 year old neet?
Anons, help me in my quest for knowledge. Give me the ultimate to-read list please
Battlestations library room edition
Steps to Write a Book
"Campus Novels"
How do you create your own ideals? If you accept current society, then you're just being a sheep...
I wish you would all put your hatred of the Harry Potter book series away which I believe are the best books ever...
Yo' niggas, ya got ur Zettels Traum yet?
Why is postmodern literature great but postmodern architecture shit?
Recommend me some good NYRB books
Why is there "cult of personality" around philosophers
Goodreads thread game!
Post a Haiku
What is the best book you have read this year and why?
"Athene" the world of warcraft celebrity claims to have killed philosophy, what do you say Veeky Forums?
Post an image, get a book recommendation
Why don't you exclusively buy popular penguins, Veeky Forums?
Real literature, for real people. None of this academic bullshit. Prose that cuts to the bone. Words like bullets...
Hey guys my name is miles
What would a film adaptation of Infinite Jest be like?
Is there anything I should read/know before attempting to read Plato's works?
Monopolizes the rights to books
Today I began writing a short story. Would any of you lads be interested in reading what I've written thus far...
Is it any good? is he talented?
The dadaist movement was right
Is Veeky Forums extremely protective over their books? For example...
What makes him better than so many Asian writers?
Queer/Feminist theory - Postmodernism - Postcolonialism
Read Chesterton
When you're in an undergraduate philosophy course and somebody won't shut the fuck up
I think I'm missing something
Best prose you ever read?
Autumn is coming, lads
Well, did you enjoy it Veeky Forums? Personally I loved every minute of it
I have an interesting way of reading books, I call it the "authentic experience" method
Is music completely worthless compared to literature...
What is some of the best poetry about the beauty of nature?
What's a book that's deeper than neon genesis evangelion?
How does Veeky Forums feel about stephen king?
American Psycho themes, discuss
In an article critical of capitalism Wilson self-identifies as a "libertarian socialist"...
Tfw I only read 35 books this year
Would Christianity be a better religion if the Old Testament wasn't canonized?
Is 27 quite old to publish your debut novel?
Are there any books that are of Biblical tales but in an actual narrative form...
Can we have a conversation on the philosophy and ethics of abortion?
Write a short story and I will tell you if you are a good or bad writer
Is there a cure for nihilism?
Honest thoughts, Veeky Forums?
Yfw Hitler started with the Greeks
Should I go down the rabbit hole of physical book collecting...
“Those who love life do not read. Nor do they go to the movies, actually. No matter what might be said...
Orthodox Veeky Forums
Why does Veeky Forums hate DFW and Tommy P so much?
Daily reminder that if you read The New Yorker, you are a sood
What kind of personality would an inmortal person who has already lived thousands of years have?
What do you guys think of Dickens? I rarely see him discussed here...
Post Spongebob characters and their Ideology Equivalent
Read/Expected/Got Thread
What's some good dog-core, Veeky Forums?
Words that make you stop reading upon seeing them
Are there any philosophy books that talk about what is presented in pic related?
What's the difference between a subject and an object?
What the fuck was his problem?
What's the most disturbing piece of literature you have ever read?
Which south American language should I learn for literature, Spanish or Portuguese?
What frightens Veeky Forums?
Who is the philosopher of choice for pseuds? I was thinking Sartre, or maybe Nietzsche
What book(s) should I buy with $10 I found on the street?
How did he understand human nature so profoundly? I'm reading him for the first time (crime and punishment)
The Catcher In The Rye
Move in with gf
Any books you can recommend for a redpilled loser with no prospects and a life deprived of romantic love?
Is there a worse genre than apocalypse/dystopian fiction?
Why can't you get a job at a bookstore unless you look like this?
Why was DFW friends with this hack? Genuinely interested in the origins and nature of their friendship
Smartest known man of all time
Is this really as good as everyone says it is, or is it overhyped/overrated?
It's 2016 and still there's no scan/ebook available anywhere of this guy's extensive published work...
Why does everyone think Hamlet is crazy?
What contemporary political literature has Veeky Forums been reading?
Okay, so A girl i was with...
"So it says on your resume you have in interest in literature. What is your favorite book, user?"
Since objective morality is bogus, and there is no ultimate truth or axioms when it comes to human behavior...
What is the most violent book you've ever read. I've been in a dark mood recently and I think I need some catharsis
So, that's it? Every book is the same, as it tells the same stories...
There is no truth
Ready Player One
That pseud who says Shakespeare is overrated to look contrarian and sophisticated
At book store
Can someone explain how to identify the origin of words in English...
What's the True Detective of literature?
What kind of training did writers such as goethe, dante, cervantes...
Where did he go wrong?
How do you decide when to write in first or third person? Since I read DFW and Pynchon I've been wondering this
Poverty is awesome. I mean it
Why is nihilism is so popular with the kids?
How come there's no Library of the UK publisher?
Why are women underrepresented in philosophy?
Best bookshops?
What's Murakami's best book in your opinion?
Top kek goodreads
Oasis of Awakening ?
How many languages can Veeky Forums speak?
Name a single better thinker
Reading List
What are some books where the author talks about some life wisdom? Total pleb here
What are the most Veeky Forums cities?
20-page footnote
Did he even do anything?
Depression & Anxiety
What is the point of reading? i'm serious, how does it benefit your life
So theoretical situation...
I could care less
Can anyone tell me about Nick Land's occult/metaphysical views...
Why do you consider genre fiction to be bad?
I know this is a stupid question but
What was the first book you've ever read?
I have a friend
ITT: Pretend we're /r/books
"I hope you didn't just read Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov, user."
Today's Great American Novel
Why were Witty's students so religious?
I wasn't always smart, I was actually very stupid in school...
That teenager grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a grown-up man...
Which Lovecraft novel should I make my first one?
Recommendations for books to stop my crippling masturbation addiction?
Recommend some of the best horror books. Something unsettling or disturbing maybe? Your favourites?
Do any of you really get the feels when you read picture books?
Teacher Stories
The first multidimensional women in a DFW book
Who is a well-known author that has worse prose than JK Rowling?
What's the point of reading if we're all going to die some day?
Why is John Green such an annoying faggot?
Can you give examples where sociology of the past has ever predicted modern social phenomena?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Somewhere to talk about Veeky Forums things without teenagers yelling memes at me
Do you find the idea that every voluntary action can be attributed to pure self interest to be either depressing or...
Any good lit about coming to terms with the unfathomable oblivion that awaits us all after death...
Poetry thread
How much wacky unrealistic shit can you get away with in a novel if you play it right?
It's 2017 and president Donald Trump has just moved into the white house...
How much does Veeky Forums read per day?
Was GG Allin the embodiment of Nietzschean Ubermensch who rejected any form of spookness?
Do any of you actually study English/Writing at University?
Wolfe and Ellison thread edition
Post book + album that perfectly go together
Dying Culture General
Tfw you've been pronouncing Foucault incorrectly since forever and no one has ever corrected you
Reminder that Jane Austen is one of the greatest writers in the history of the English language...
Best second language, Veeky Forums?
You can buy my book at an airport near you!
Do you guys buy books, pirate them on an E reader, or go to a Library
Write whats on your mind
Sasha Grey will publish her second book soon
Who /post-grad depression/ here?
Who is your favorite female author?
What does lit think of transhumanism
Shitty places like russia make good literature
What are some books about the fear of sex? I, having a fear of sex
Español/Spanish literature and critique
How do i become a nihilist?
How do I go about reading the Dune Series? What books do I read first for the best experience...
So the general opinion here
So how's your "novel" coming along??
I'm trying to read the Myth of Sisyphus but I'm not getting it. Am I retarded?
Can fiction be considered literary fiction just by virtue of having excellent prose...
The Handmaid's Tale
One week before election
Just bought this 1000 page monster...
What the fuck did Kant actually look like? His various portraits seem to depict different people
I mentioned Kierkegaard when I was talking with this girl I like. When do I get to fuck her?
Better Than Food: Book Reviews
What do you think of the high culture/low culture divide?
I'm looking for a story that breaks the conventional story narrative. Something which is surreal...
Wanting to be a professional novelist
Given the chance, what question(s) would you ask Thomas Pynchon?
Philosophy is the most pointless shit ever
Will the world ever see fresh tragedy created for the theater again?
Stephen king
Tfw you realize Catholicism is the only religion that stands up to philosophical scrutiny
With the possible exception of Witty, why hasn't there been a single philosopher of worth since Mr N? Or the year 1900...
How do I get a Nobel Prize in Literature?
Is philosophy worth studying?
What books did you brainlets enjoy the most in your highschool days?If possible,describe yourself in a few words...
I'm a primary teacher who is supposed to dress as a character from a book tomorrow...
What is Veeky Forums's opinions on Margaret Atwood and this book?
Ok, Julius Evola might be a horrible example, but in all honesty, replace his name with Foucault...
So I'm just going to lay it all out like a total sperg:
ITT: post yourself and yourshelf
Jean-Jaques Rousseau
Meet a "literate" girl
Post your favorite
Can I be a good writer if I'm a sheltered white guy with no meaningful life experiences or relationships?
ITT: Really shitty book covers
Debunk Nietzsche for me
Anyone else scared of the internet...
Anyone else obsessed with this man's novels here ?
Why Augustine?
What's your guys' opinions on Dune...
Higher Education
Is there a book about really cute squishy soft sensitive gay guys?
Start college last week
Is this the one?
Rate my comfy birthday present haul from my dear parents lads
Mfw every pleb can pronounce Quixote somewhat correctly but thinks quixotic is pronounced "quick zah tick" instead of...
How do you find time to balance reading with the sciences? Is it possible to pursue and be educated in both these days...
What's the verdict Veeky Forums? Is it GOAT?
Have a big backlog of books to read
Why is it that most Veeky Forumsposters care about little more than the 'quality' of 'prose' in their fiction?
How do you think emo lyrics stack up to the greats of literature?
Harry potter is a classic
Veeky Forums Red Flags
It's high time I went into philosophy. Where do I start? Any good youtube courses for supplementary?
ITT: Books that don't get discussed on this board enough
How can this level of rhetoric be winning over millions of people?
What kind of elitism does it take to deny that this is a masterpiece?
Islam = [i]I slam[/i]
How did H.P Lovecraft survive, I think his ideas were fresh and amazing, but he writes like an 8 year old
I am writing my first short story to try to get it published. Can you tell me if this opener is bad?
Currently reading thread
What did she mean by this?
Orthodox Veeky Forums
Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums
Is it tacky to use ebonics in fiction...
ITT: Worst Veeky Forums film/tv adaptations
Damn. Cliff really is our guy
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
If you had to pick a book to represent your country which would it be?
Can we get an /easybutgreat/
It's the Constance Garnett translation
She seems kind of well read and genuine though, do you have a problem with this one?
Big Novels
Seems like Veeky Forums the anime is coming out this season
Poetry is dead
Dear continentals that talk shit about analytical philosophy
Write a story in a single post
What am I in for boys?
Just learned he was raised as a girl until he was five years old
WHY did nobody tell me how gay this book was
All memes aside, what does /lit. actually think of 1984?
Tfw to intelligent for literature
Alright Gentlemen, how do we destroy the Harry Potter books?
Does Veeky Forums appreciate comics as a artistic medium?
Are you as Veeky Forums as Rory Gilmore?
I execrate the modern age
Who was more intelligent?
Every time I go into a book store there's an entire table dedicated to this series...
Should I read the Holy Bible?
This guy took a fat shit on Russell and single handedly made rationalist metaphysics possible in philosophy again...
Who is most Veeky Forums pornstar?
Is there really a "Analytical/Continental" divide in philosophy
Moby Dick
Who /dumb parents/ here?
Kafka Discussion Thread
Who else Misguided Medieval Monk tier? Let us have a little chat. I just reread Boethius' Consolation: beautiful...
Which Simpsons episodes are most post-modern?
In the end, was Virginia Woolf just a tryhard edgelord?
My teacher recommends to the class YA shit, I think because no one reads and YA is only good for entry level
Do you think Literature is more worthwhile as oppose to other things such as TV, comics, movies, video games etc
Joseph Heller
Would anyone here recommend this book? It was on the recommended list in the last book I read, and it seems interesting...
Write something funny
Can novels really justify their existence in the rapidly moving 21 century? As proven by many writers...
Quotes often misused/misunderstood
What do you guys think
What was his FUCKING problem ?
What should our relationship with porn be?
Lads, i'm looking for books that touch upon the most timeless of themes: masculinity, honour, ethnic pride...
What are some pleb/pseud filter books?
Comfy books
All 3 are locked in a room together
Religous studies
Is there nothing more insufferable than a Barnes and Noble?
What literature could be considered "nu-male"
I'm a philosophy grad student at a university on the east coast. What do you want to know?
Read, Expected, Got
Who here understands chinese rhetoric and formal essay writing convention?
Which does Veeky Forums prefer, continental or analytic?
What separates the philosopher from the poet?
Why do many see him as the greatest philosopher of the 20th century
Charlotte Bronte
Who else /published/ here?
ITT: Pleb-tier statements
He sees a movie in his head when he reads
Why did you make me read this?
Veeky Forums questions that don't deserve their own thread
Is there any lit which is essential to read if you're lgbt?
I am reading this mans essays because Veeky Forums loves him and I cant help but feel he is a fraud...
What are some GOOD books involving a weak, cuck male protagonist? I need something different
Can somebody explain to me why Bukowski is so praised? Is it just because he is cool and edgy?
What male writers could this post be referring to?
Did Aristotle and the Greeks steal from Egypt
What do I need to do/read to get silver tongue. Don't be afraid to go in depth about it
ITT: post instant turnoffs
What's your favourite short story, Veeky Forums?
Why are Americans so arrogant...
What did you think of this book? I just finished it and want to talk about it...
"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking...
"best 100 books of all time" -list
Am I a cuck for liking this book?
What's the one book that, if someone hasn't read...
What the fuck is "postcolonial literature"? I've seen this term several times recently
Thought I'd try reading some of Joyce's work...
What are some good 20th century conservative philosophers who are not neocon sellouts or far-right loons?
Why would someone use the word cunctation instead of procrastination?
Post an image that you would like literary recommendations for
Post a quote and guess the book
Reading hemingway for the first time
After a long discussion about Laotse one of my Chinese students from last year asked me for a 'crash course' in western...
What are the best erotic books?
Is poetry the epitome of a completely dead art form...
More like this...
What books of the bible should I read and in what order?
Do you discuss lit with people irl, or in any specific chat rooms? I want to consort with people who like literature...
Hey. what should you read when your parents pay for an apartment for you...
Why arn't most philosophers marxists
Can someone explain the female book blogger/vlogger phenom? I have run into these people to workshop my novel...
Moore like Anal More
A classical example goes as follows:
Tfw pynchon is 80 years old and probably a huge racist
Kant was such a top lad...
Which country has the best Veeky Forums? We should have an official Veeky Forums world rankings. Lets rank them...
Brothers Karamazov and Dostoevsky general
Anyone here speak Latin? How difficult was it to learn?
"i know french: the book"™
Was he the greatest American intellect of all time
Went to the library to finally start reading
Any good Veeky Forums approved works on man love?
If Veeky Forums were to collaborate on another original novel, what would it be about this time?
Friendly reminder to buy from your local books stores, not Amazon, and support local business
Literary Confessions Thread
What do you guys usually do after you're done reading a book?
What was his deal?
Who /high-functioning alcoholic/ here?
Read a "classic" novel
What do ya'll guys think of Coleridge?
What did he know that we don't know?
How can any literature possibly capture picrelated? It cant. The medium has inherent limitations
Did I get memed?
Philosopher makes a claim
What is an atheist/materialist alternative to or critique of existentialism?
Just finished Ulysses and gosh that was a ride
I'm getting married in a few hours. Post some books that'll tell me that I'm making the right decision
Recent purchaseses
What is /lit's/ view on Alan Watts
Fuck Chomsky
Based on a True Story
What's the best e-reader and why?
What is art's relationship to truth?
Tfw my mom's read hundreds of books and's never heard of infinite jest
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
If you had to bring one philosopher back to help interpret our times, who would it be?
How would he of reacted
Who /selfconcious/ about reading big books in public? At first I didnt really pay any mind...
Why's he so based Veeky Forums?
Dear Christians
Try to read a book
Will i become some kind of orthodox if i read him?
Has any book ever evoked an emotional empathy within you that is as profoundly affectionate as they are seemingly...
Why haven't you read the complete works of the 2016 Nobel Laureate in Literature yet...
ITT: Veeky Forums confessions
Is fall the most Veeky Forums season?
ITT: Your favorite Nobel Prize winner
I'm finding this difficult to read. When does story begin to happen?
Tfw the author didn't go to a tier one school
So, Veeky Forums, what do you think is the essential pop-core...
Grammar in the UK vs the US
What book will fix my life?
Tfw you absolutely roast some Marxist pseud in an argument on Veeky Forums
Considering confederacy of dunces isn't funny, are there any books that actually are?
I really like Stalin but I don't know enough about his politics to call myself a Stalinist
Which language are you learning right now?
This beautiful six-volume edition of The Bible is coming out soon
Eternal Critique Thread
Prove that you are living a non-degenerate...
Is Mushishi Veeky Forums approved?
Chuck Palahniuk
Is Franzen comfy? Should I read him?
"had had"
Is it impossible for a white male author to get
Novels with great art
Can anyone recommend good "Leftist" political theory and literature...
Veeky Forums's favorite drugs
What's some good Japanese Lit?
What is lit's favourite book series cover design?
free will is following your desires within the bounds of your physical and mental limits
The duality of man
Now that atheism is obsolete, who are the most important Christian philosophers of the 21st century?
Literature in universities
Since the left is solidifying is overwhelming cultural dominance...
Is the "too" unnecessary in this quote?
ITT: momcore / BBCRadio4-core books
I want to read the 4 gospels
H.P. Lovecraft
Why do people say he supported Pol Pot without ever actually quoting him or citing it?
Post the shittiest literature you were forced to read in school
It's only a couple weeks away. Who's it gonna be?
Repetitive and overrated: the book
Does Veeky Forums have any homegrown memes (i.e not adopted from an other board but created here)?
Milton Friedman
What are some "intellectual" books fedora lords read for maximum tipping?
Books taking place during the Imperial Century
Nietzsche & Nihilism
He Veeky Forums, /mu/tant here
Jerusalem certifies Alan Moore
Lovin it so far... what say you?
Is my cat /lit? why do authors prefer the company of felines?
Did you ever misgender/misrace/etc a character and not realize it until after the book...
Why do you like this book so much?
What big words did you use today to display your superiority over non-readers?
Im about to read the most influential philosophy
Society tells me that christians hate logic and reason
Why do people still write stories when Joseph Campbell already proved they're all just rehashes of the same...
Rate the impact of each on your life
What is the name of the novel you could force a random man off the street to read where if he doesn't cry when he's...
Let us come together and discuss Christian themed literature from a secular perspective
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti
What is the grimmest piece of literature out there? I want to read something pessimistic
What's the point of working in a minimum wage job when it gets you zero respect...
Why are the lack of sexual relationships of an author an argument against his ideas?
Is there anybody in literature and mythology who can beat Sun WuKong
Is he the most important philosopher of modernity
Anyone want to throw down and rent an artist studio in Vancouver or Victoria...
Elfriede Jelinek
ITT: We post great Black authors from around the world
What do you think about moral relativism?
Why did she not amount to anything greater?
1808 pages
Is there any decent conservative literature for children?
Tfw all the best writers went to elite schools with acceptance rates under 10%
You think he cares about not getting the nobel prize
But an examination of his life reveals a yearning for marriage frustrated by a train of rejections. In the year 1831...
What am I in for?
Are plays worth reading or are they memes? For example Death of a Salesman, A Streetcar Named Desire etc
Will you London litizens go to the royal academy to enjoy this?
Has someones journal ever been a good read
Have there been any classics in the 2000s which could be considered a masterpiece of all great literature?
No more denial - looks are everything
Post times in literature that give you vulture flesh
What if he does not exist?
How do you feel about him being in Blooms canon of western literature?
Are you on Team God or Team Nietzsche?
Hey user, whatcha' reading?
Your go to literature when 20s existential crysis hits, name 3 books
Books whose writers you wish you could go back in time and kill to stop them from being written
Things pseuds say
Grammar help
Sources about reading/learning/understanding
Hi Veeky Forums
Andrei Tarkovsky - Interviews
What is the most inspirational quote you've ever read in a book?
People will defend this
I could not hold my father in much love, my mother either. Indeed, I learned to love far later, as it proved...
I here you
The man that will unite Analytical with Continental philosophy
Question. Has there ever been an author, or artist in general who was both a conservative and has an imagination...
What's Veeky Forums nationality?
Why didn't he write
So, I really want to read books like gravity's rainbow, but is it really hard even for really experienced readers?
What is the bold and brash of literature?
What is the most alpha philosophy?
What are some worthwhile novels of the 20th/21st century?
Reviews on this book?
Any recommended fascist writers...
Who /thief/ here?
I still don't get it
Is this the closest a cartoon has ever got
Was he a good philosopher
Male write
Is it possible to understand the preface to beyond good and evil and still respect analytic philosophy?
Recent purchases
Most Depraved Books Ever Written
Novel Critique
This is a thought I've been wondering about, maybe Veeky Forums can expand on
The high life
Is this faggot worth it? or just another postmodernist wanker?
How can individualists and egoists even advocate for individualism...
Reading lactation erotica
How many 'No's are too many?
'Writers go wrong, according to Coelho, when they focus on form, not content...
Go to Goodreads, bring back something fun. This really made me think
West = Poshlost
How do i be like him
What was Harambe's favourite book?
What 21st century books do you think will be called "classics" and considered some of the best ever written in a...
Atheism and white males
What are some good authors writing about walking, forests, nature, wandering etc.?
I never seen a more pathetic person
What exactly does Zizek mean when he says "pure ideology"?
What's Veeky Forums equal to Birdman?
How do I find cheap books?
What book (or books) has had the largest emotional effect on you? any emotion
I've just experienced a pretty dramatic romantic disappointment...
What is ultimate satire? What makes a comedy funny?
Clarice Lispector
What are some great books on art and art history...
Why are women and PoC more attracted to continental philosophy
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
What does Veeky Forums think of this novel? How much of it do you think really happened?
I feel so disconnected from this generation. I don't have friends or girlfriend...
Are you a bookworm, Veeky Forums?
Does it disgust you knowing how little the average person reads...
You rather be Dante or Michelangelo
When the novel doesn't include minors having sex
What do when a book breaks you
How has the Veeky Forums you've consumed impacted upon your religious beliefs...
What is the best version of the Bible?
Just wondering lit. Did Kafka finish this book or was the strange ending written by someone else?
Finally ready
Where are all of the contemporary polymaths?
Does anyone here enjoy this book? I can't get into it
Who is THE silliest goose of these two pranksters?
/sffg/ - Latest Edition
She broke one of the biggest rules in all of writing: never use adverbs
So, my copy is coming in the mail tomorrow. I am a bit nervous, this is actually a readable book right...
Why has France produced such a massive number of pseuds?
This here book is sooo comfy, like holy, but wait Holy!
Kobo vs Kindle
Al-bear Ca-moo
Why do are the denizens of this board seemingly so infatuated with Western philosophy?
Do any of you anons meditate? Been thinking about taking up the practice to help me achieve greater peace of mind...
What's your philosophy of masturbation?
Finished 75 pages of Anna Karenina and 10 chapters of the Book of Genesis (KJV)
Pleb tier statements
Animal Based Books
What'a the most romantic line in literature
Professor assigns his/her own book as required/recommended reading
I don't like this guy. He seems smug as hell. I think it is also a class thing. He was worth over $1 billion dollars...
How do you feel about Plato?
You guys should check out this graphic novel. I personally thought it was more Veeky Forums and /ic/ than /co/
It freaks me out that one of the best pieces of literature was basically written by an anonymous person
What are you reading right now?
Be me
Can we get a survey on what other boards Veeky Forums browses and how much? Interested to see others' interests
100% legit
Anyone read this? Going to have to read it for a class soon and some of the details I know about it have me wary
All I'm saying is that when a lot of spiritual people are asked a simple question...
Interested in getting into Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin...
Post your break-up letters
Can we please have a thread on Schopenhauer's 'On Women'
I don't understand iambic pentameter
QTDDTOT -- Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Best meme literature
Which is more Veeky Forums, alcohol or marijuana? Choose wisely
Best/favorite short story writers
Write the most awful opening to a book you can think of
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
How do you cope with not being able to talk to women about anything, Veeky Forums?
Smartest philosopher of all time in terms of raw intellect
What is Veeky Forums doing tonight? it's a saturday night - are you going out for some literary cocktails?
Veeky Forums, I'm considering naming my daughter "Lesbia". Convince me out of it
Beautiful Words
What's the book version?
If women weren't ostracized and discriminated against for thousands of years...
Noam Chosmky
Reading Lists
"oh hey, I saw you love to read, what books do you like?"
How many books have you read this year, Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums
So has anyone actually seen god or heaven or hell and can prove that they exist? If god could be proven to exist...
I just ordered a hard cover copy of infinite jest. Are you mad?
Book that have fucked you up
Anyone here excited about this? Is there a leaked version maybe?
List off the last three books you've read, others will rate your taste
Where do I start with him? Is there a flow chart? I own GR, TCoL49, M&D, and Vineland
Fiction at its best is literally just baby tier philosophy with "muh pretty words" to try to make up for it...
Does this make me a pleb?
Do I need to read boring canon shit if I want to write to entertain?
Is he the most rational man on earth?
What is your relationship with literature, user?
Why there is no philosophy in elementary school? Its logical and it teach critical thinking and morality
What does Veeky Forums think this book is mainly about?
What is the meaning of meaning?
Talking to a gay guy
How do we know he was real
Read mystical works
Is he the greatest thinker of our time?
Jerusalem read-along
Why literature looks like crap?
Has anyone ever written a novel about a shut-in NEET?
What is the most depressing story you have read so far?
Whats the longest book you have?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games