When you're in an undergraduate philosophy course and somebody won't shut the fuck up

>when you're in an undergraduate philosophy course and somebody won't shut the fuck up
This is painful. I would hate to be a philosophy professor because you would have dozens of similar retards trying to be your friend.

i took a couple electives, half the class were pre-law and the other half were pre-neet and didnt shower.

cool blogpost, bro

I'm trying the best I can :(

I just want you to know that you probably aren't that smart and that you're obnoxious. Keep your insight to a minimum, it's extremely unlikely people want to hear you instead of the professor.

I respect a lot of humanities and social sciences, but there tend to be far more annoying people in them than in STEM.

I understand, OP. Honestly, the professor can tell the difference between someone who is trying to sound clever versus someone who actually is clever. If you don't have anything to say, don't come up with something out of your ass and embellish it and make it sound fancy. Just say nothing. When you get to the point where your brain is naturally making connections and you must say something, then say it and focus on cogently getting your point across. That's the goal - getting the person to understand. Not getting them to like you.




Now this is a good post




Karl Marx

I just sat in six straight hours of Philosophy PhD seminars where a very nice Frenchman tried to go into depth on his 50 fucking year career studying the minute differences in worldview between classical authors through careful philology and every six seconds some pointless fucking idiot had to chime in to show off that he knew the word "semiotics," followed by six others also chiming in to niggle over masturbatory "look how THEORETICAL I'm being!!!!" bullshit like "uhhh later, later in the text I noticed, uh,, I noticed that uhh, uhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhh, later in the text I noticed that Polybius also says the word 'good' and could this possibly be related to your highly specific talk on his highly specific use of the word in a very different morally evaluative context here? Could it??? Professor??? JUst in case you dont understand my brilliant point let me stutter it out redundantly six more times and keep objecting that you dont get what I mean when you slap me down profesor!!!"

The Cambridge visiting PhD student, the Harvard visiting PhD student, both worthless, room full of manchildren with quaffed effeminate hairdos and sweatervests all worthless, professor seems to want to die as badly as I do but he somehow restrains himself, and then the fucking RETARD next to me starts breathing in and out through his nose so loudly that the entire room enjoyed it as background noise for like two of the three fucking hours of the first seminar, and it whistled at the end, so that all you could hear was
>HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--nd, what Livy meant by this, is li--HHHHHHHHHHHHH*toot*--erhaps we could discu--HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--orldview of the Repu--HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*toot*

THEN THE FUCKING CHINESE GUY NEXT TO ME STARTS DRINKING HIS COFFEE SOMEHOW SO LOUDLY WITH SUCH EXAGGERATED FUCKING SWALLOWS THAT he FORCES my fucking brain to visualise in absolute 1000% full 3D reconstructive simulation his entire ear nose and throat canal system as it sloshes the liquid around and SLAMS!!!!!!!!! it down into his stomach

Oh good!! The fucking fat mincing douche in the YELLOW sweater vest with the poodle haircut who is taking up 60% of the professor's cone of vision because he chose to sit in the first seat next to him is giggling at his cellphone nonstop for hours on end while the professor pours his heart out. Oops, the professor called for a break and EVERYONE whips their phones out so they can get the latest disgusting updates from their disgusting pointless prole lives!

I'm glad I got to sit through six hours of proles putting on airs that they aren't proles! I really like how these people are the intellectual vanguard and I am forced to associate with them! Please DON'T fire rocket-propelled grenades into the classroom next time the seminar convenes!! Thanks for the 14 words of smart Frenchman philosophy I got to hear in the entire fucking SIX HOURS!!!! I SPENT WITNESSING TWENTYSOMETHING DOUCHEBAGS PREEN THEMSELVES AND MISUSE JARGON

Now this is an even better post

I have seen the face of autism and it is glorious.

Though seriously, you might want to try and avoid people in the future.

good post tb h

Not being able to filter out sounds *is* a symptom of autism.

Plato was known for his physique.
And Kierkegaard a qtgaard.

and they said /lit was dying

>14 words
And 88 precepts, my Aryan brother.









Theres maybe one or two annoying people, but my Phi courses are full of very nice and genuine people.

My Pragmatism class has the biggest serglord in it though, good god. His lisp is almost impenetrable. And all of his comments are so general that theyre practically useless. He also loves to shit on every philosopher for no reason ("Oh, so just dark and depressing like those french existentialists" as if that joke isnt being-towards-death.)

Theres always those freshman that have to nod their head profusely, often with an mhmm or muttered "Yes..." when the professor brings up basically any philosoher.
>"This contradicts the thought of Hume..."
>"Mmm, yes, Hume"

There's none in any of my classes.

That is a handsome man and you cannot deny it.

Look it's me

Its just something my autistic ass has noticed. Its not always freshman, but either way its funny. The example in my post was a couple of days ago in my Argument Analysis class.

>>Its just something my autistic ass has noticed

You might be noticing things that aren't actually there since you're mentally ill and sincerely believing them. In any case, you really ought to question your judgement more.

that happened to me while i was in undergrad
literally stopped showing up because the professor wouldnt tell him to can it or go to office hours

What, did you just take an intro course on gaslighting?

If youre going to talk shit, atleast try to be funny about it.

Stem has a lot of the same shitty kids but most get weeded out by calculus.

You are hyper focusing on the detail of people's muscle movements. People can always tell you're staring. It isn't polite.

Reminder moldbug was right and these are the types of leaders university selects for.

These people don't go away they get a job in as back room somewhere with a small piece of power.

>Reminder moldbug was right

Nearly spat out all the soy milk I'm drinking


>Mmm, yes, muscle movements... I see...

Wittgenstein duh

instant copypasta

these people are proof that "critical thinking" classes are pure bullshit, just an excuse for the philosophy department to get more funding and make itself seem legitimate to the university

a person who is capable of critical thought does not need a class to teach them

a person who would need a class to teach them critical thinking does not possess the critical thinking necessary to critically incorporate "critical thinking" into their critical thinking

I would always just pick those people out as marks that I could easily persuade to give me things, like cigarettes and beer

Literally every class is like that. There is always that one super continental/postmodernist wanna-be philosopher who blabbers big words and shit to the professor.

I honestly wouldn't want to be those professors either. Somehow they always have some kind of cogent response to the random shit that comes out of peoples mouths.

It's worse when it's a seminar and suddenly nobody wants to say anything. I think I really ended up doing most of the talking then.

I deal with this in my elective/required-core classes then have to deal with (probably literal) autists in my CS courses

Being a hedonistic nihilist student is suffering

have you ever considered that they may be having a coherent conversation and you just don't understand it lol

>"user, you should go to the philosophy club!"
>"Uh, m-maybe"
>mfw I am interested in going and might meet friends, but know that it is far more likely that I will sit there and silently listen to a neckbeard junior rant about how Heidegger is underrated

There is a point where you pass from technical language to superfluous language. If you cannot clearly express an idea to other people, then you are just engaging in a huge circle-jerk of sophistry with the other people who share the same background and opinion.

At least with technical fields like quantum fluid dynamics, even laypeople can see the results that confirm the accuracy of something they do not understand.

>the post

>At least with technical fields like quantum fluid dynamics, even laypeople can see the results that confirm the accuracy of something they do not understand.
Is this markov chain generators?

>That's the goal - getting the person to understand. Not getting them to like you.
Well I doubt the "goal" is the only one you think it to be. To get more on your point, I also doubt that boring other peoples makes them like a person

Not necessarily. It is simply an argument models which successfully predict the future are meaningful models. In application, it is the argument that applying a model that gives a tangible result is a meaningful model, even if the model is not fully understood.

An example would be gravity. Most people can tell you the basics of how gravity works, but most laypeople will be unable to give you the equation of Newton's law of universal gravitation. They can see the tangible results and how the model reflects that, since the model accurately predicts the outcome that is seen.

Pic related. Most laypeople cannot give you the electric force equation, but if a scientist can demonstrate that their models work then their technical jargon can be tacitly considered accurate.

Some restrictions apply, such as Hume's flaw of induction and the signal and the noise. Also this is my crackpot internet user opinion, so I don't expect much effort on either side.

Ancient Greeks could kick your ass, you DYEL manlet. I could kick your ass too, nerd.

Veeky ForumsIZENS MASTER RACE. Give me your lunch money, dweeb.

>Mfw I'm not even a philosofag

You seem unable of any critical thinking though

Not going to lie. I do this just to make it seem like I'm paying attention.

In reality, I'm thinking about how much money I just spent taking a class I really shouldn't have spent money on.


>going to college to get a job

Only matters if you want to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Otherwise, your prospects would have been better getting real world experience in the field.

Hey man, if you go to NAU, I can promise we're pretty friendly and try to be as least annoying as possible. We also try to make it accessible to all.

what animu is this from?

Gunsmith Cats

>Studying Political Thought
>Lecturer is a 'North' England Feminist with Socialist/Cultural leanings
>Spends half of the introductory lecture talking about an episode of Newsnight, where Evan Davis asked two Labour MPs if they were Socialists, to which they responded they were 'Democratic Socialists'
>Evan Davis asks again if they're Socialists, and they respond the same way
>She argues that the presenter just "didn't understand" that there are numerous types of Socialism
>Trying this hard to deny the much more likely explanation that contemporary Socialists are engaged in a constant struggle to deny that they are Socialists, given its abysmal track record: falling back on the excuse of 'Democratic Socialism' à la Scandinavia, which has only been a success due to oil money/capitalism, and which is falling apart anyway due to all the refugees

Ah geez I'll own up

lol I was a TA for the critical thinking class, I speak from direct experience

Thanks, bro. You just reminded me of the time I peeked down the philosophy professor's shirt as she was bent over in front of me wearing a low cut top with her massive tits just hanging. I felt like everyone saw me do it.

Mishima duh

Scandinavia is social democrat, not democratic socialist.

I never get why Scandinavia is the big poster child for Social Democracy when Austria and France's success and failure is directely correlating to the amount of their social democrat policies.

>falling apart anyway due to all the refugees
(not true, by the way)


Someone good at critical thinking knows it's better to save critical thinking for situations that actually call for it, not blogposts on Veeky Forums

Quality post desu senpai. You had be going until the "Chinese guy next to me," but everyone knows Asians can't comprehend philosophy or humanities.

On a serious note, it kind of irks me how everyone whips out their phones when there's a break in any lecture/lesson. Am I a contrarian faggot for being worried about how obsessed everyone is with social media?

Why don't philosophy profs ever argue them down?

>MFW that's me


Yes. You're also a pseud. I'm sorry.

It's impossible for me to be a pseud. The secret is that I'm not an intellectual at all.

That's what makes you a pseud, noodle.

lmao pseud scum btfo and gtfo


I bet you're a pleb, too.

i wouldn't blame you for betting on good odds laddo

I'm actually mentally retarded. My caretaker is typing this for me while I play with my ball.

Your caretaker is like mechanical. You are Chinese.


Me when I saw your post.

It's not too bad, user. I got to a half decent university and our philo club meetings are pretty pleasant with mistly real human beings. The worst I saw was a dopey-looking obese guy with pink hair ask a guest speaker when the socialist revolution would be.

Well, when?


The guest speaker was an old Cossack badass, so he talked about state mandated genocide, bloodshed, and how pants on head retarded Western academic Marxists/Communists are.

Okay, but when?

Philosophy lol.
The end game of philosophy is just the sentence 'People are animals'.
Everything outside of that is history/mythology.
All philosophy students who don't grasp this by end of their degree are paying money to have their retarded superstitions and biases pandered to by an adult babysitter.


>"Ontological methodological premittental diatribes indicate racial synergy of gendered spirituality"
>Oh cool man way down to Earth bro philosophy wicked dude
>"People are animals"
>haha gay fedora nerd nice fedora nerd lol you thikn ur smrat but ur rlly gh3yy

most chinese are still peasants or sons of peasants, so it will take a few generations for them to stop behaving like this

>>"Ontological methodological premittental diatribes indicate racial synergy of gendered spirituality"
such incompetent memery

Fuck you dickhead memes are for faggots who really want to make people laugh and be a part of the community.
Gayest shit I've ever heard of.


>1990's dad insult unrelated to circumstance
Please tell me how 'buttmad' I am next.
You're clearly a clever boy.

That's not the reason senpai. Eating land drinking loud as shit is just what they do in the far East.