What's Veeky Forums equal to Birdman?

What's Veeky Forums equal to Birdman?

probably harry potter. similar levels of autistic fandom and lack of artistic merit

Tai Pei

What books spend the most effort trying to appear meaningful of depth with the least to show for it?



*appearance of depth

I accidentally my clauses.

The Alchemist

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

What we talk about when we talk about love

My Bukowski fanfic desu.

I'm just curious. How would you describe Birdman's themes?

You do realize it's based on a Ray Carver book, right?
The book that Keaton adapts into a play

Are you a native speaker?


>its a Veeky Forums ignores artistic merit because its popular episode

The film is about how meaningless Keaton's life was, and that even his vain attempt to make real art required a dumb, cosmetic gimmick (shooting himself/2art4u editing tricks).

The ending is dumb though, I don't think it adds much.

Probably this.

The book I'm currently writing.


Infinite Jest

book of job /thread

The whole movie was an incredibly juvenile fuck you to basically anyone who has ever produced, consumed or critiqued art.

It was also completely accurate. Id love to see most of hollywood or pop musicians off themself.

with a big wet fart

Gates of Paradise, by Jerzy Andrzejewski.
It's 158 pages long and has just two sentences, one of which is basically the novel.

>tfw you realize that birdmans artistic choices were inflated on purpose to take a shit on artists

Is the book sentance a run on sentance?

There're some flashy transitions and some weak ones (ie, yeah, there're some run-onny parts (but there were bound to be some)). Same as in Birdman, where some cuts were fairly creative and others were lame-o time-lapse shots of the sky.