Do you know any self-help books that are worth reading?
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7 Habits was pretty good, but very repetitive and beats a dead horse with examples.
I want to read Carnegie. I also read leadership books occasionally for work.
This Is How by Augusten Burroughs
I always thought 7 Pillars of Wisdom was a self help book based off the title alone.
thus spoke zarathustra
None. Start with the Greeks or fuck off.
Noose tying for dummies
the art of worldly wisdom
Dianetics lel
EVERY SELF HELP BOOK: Don't be lazy and front load your negative emotions.
The thing about self help is that it is often motivation based, it's a bandaid getting you to do things but only when you're reading the book. If you're not already in the mindset the book tries to put you in, you'll just have it on your shelf as just a thing that makes you question what the fuck you're doing. That's why I only see self help as a way of ingraining the things I should be thinking into my mind. Good books for that are The Greatest Salesman in the World and What To Say When You Talk To Yourself. Again what you think in your day to day and what habits you have is 20x more important than whatever bullshit advice some book gives you if you're not going to drill it into your thought process for life.
Charisma on Command is a youtube channel that's definitely worth checking out if you're serious about this OP. The guy who does the videos looks into the habits of famous people that are generally liked/considered cool and shows how they can be applied to your own life.
Get the Harvard Press collection of Ralph Waldo Emerson essays. Go for walks and hikes, be outside.
How to win friends and influence people is pretty obvious but if you actually follow the advice and think a lot about it you are going to be more liked. You'll feel like a fucking phony at first but it's really just common decency.
Is this any good?
Can I just pick this up and read this? Or do I need any background knowledge?
pretty much.
so are the books themselves redundant? or are people just really fucking bad at dealing with emotion?
Let me sum it up for you.
You're special.
It's written by a certified genius.
t. someone who's never read a self-help book
I've seen a variation of "odds are you're average but if you work at it you can stand out from the crowd" in every self-help book I've ever read. It's usually in the introduction.
hate this fucking meme
t. brainlets
>You can be special.
Quite the variation.
There's no "one size fits all."
Best to browse and go with your instincts. Just don't join a cult (ie, go to a seminar).
The Ego and its own