Most Depraved Books Ever Written

Just finished pic related, and enjoyed it a great deal. Though some scenes that it depicts are quite gruesome, overall I really enjoyed it as a satire, regardless of how heavy-handed it could be at times.
While reading through the zoo chapter, as well as a certain bit with a habitrail tube, though, I began to wonder, what are some of the most disgusting, gruesome books ever written? Doesn't have to be all the way through, just contain at some point some gut-wrenching imagery about rape and murder.

Other urls found in this thread:

120 Days of Sodom makes American Psycho look like the Magic Treehouse


The Painted Bird
120 Days of Sodom and Justine
A Little Life
The Fermata
The Books of Blood vol 1-whatever
Shake Hands with the Devil
The Devil Rode on Horseback

American Psycho

I'd recommend beginning de Sade with Justine

Open at your own risk


Not wanted on the voyage (Timothy Findley) and some Kathy Acker.

The Wasp Factory - Ian Banks
Exquisite Corpse - Poppy Brite

Superior book, albeit probably because it's not like any of the other in the entire series.

I looked at the Penguin cover of it coming out soon, kek

Wise Blood, and impressively manages to do it with fairly little violent sexuality.

Reminds me of coil

I like the shit about eating microwaved jellyfish in the Hamptons, if I remember that correctly. Madman.

Any of this shit actually entertaining?


I would say Filth is pretty harsh and grim.

Speaking of Welsh, what do you think of him as a person and his work?

John Hawkes is one of the only authors I've read who manages to pull off depravity without coming off like a 12 year-old. The Cannibal, The Lime Twig, Travesty, and The Passion Artist are all good choices.

Invisible monsters, choke are both pretty fucking off. Not as bad as American psycho but off.

are any of these actually readable, or is it just Ikea porn?

Naked Lunch is pretty depraved at times.

Not OP, but big fan of what I've read. Seems like. chill guy too

OP here, I haven't read any of Welsh's stuff, and know nothing of him as a person, unfortunately. Seen both the movie adaptations for Filth and Trainspotting, though, and enjoyed both. Is he a good writer, generally?

Hubert Selby Jr.

Yeah, I also like his work. He is so dry and simple. But the way he describes yhe story is the best thing of his writing style.
Welsh is pretty good. Like I mentioned, his books are about everyday stories, you could call them mundane routines of the average man or from people with problems.

But he narrates the story like no other, from grotesque details (in filth the horrible hygiene of Bruce and daily routine) to sad and depressing moments.

He also likes to play around with the way to tell the story, sometimes is non linear, sometimes the narrators is lying and other times the story is told in strange way (like the tapeworm on filth or someone in a coma like in marabou stork nightmares).

the consumer m gira

I saw Filth and Trainspotting too, read Filth later on. It's actually the first book I bought to read in my adult life.
I enjoyed the movie, but I thought the book was way better and way darker, especially towards the end. The left a lot out of the adaptation. The movie stays kind of jovial as far as I remember, but the last 100 pages or so of the book is just a downward spiral of sadness and well, filth. It's also hilarious, once you get a hang of the language.

I just picked up this copy yesterday. Don't know if I bought it for the meme's or the book.

Read Trainspotting asap

I've heard this mentioned a few times recently, and I do enjoy Swans; where do I find his written work? Googling comes up with a lot of "Out of Stock" banners.

Should i read the book too?
I watched the movie. It was funny-good.

Les Chants de Maldoror is probably the most depraved thing I have read. It was almost funny at moments but overall it has what you seem to be looking for.

I only wish I could have read it in the original french but that's why I'm learning it now.

Yes. But very childish.

You missed the boat user. Reading Goosebumps was one of the highlights of my literary childhood.

Tried getting through the whole book, and the audiobook, without getting a hardon. Near fucking impossible.


I actually didn't like the main goosebumps series as much as the cyoa ones. Now those were essential third grade-core.

the damn preview in Amazon had me sweating. does she actually fuck the little kids?

Les onze mille verges. It's just plain gore and fucking. Plus the sperm and shit all over the pages.

Glue is the best for me, m8. Watcha think?

Google the pdf. Or give me your email.

Was meant for

Sure does. She finds, what she sees, as the perfect 14 year old fuck boy-toy. Check the audiobook out, because the female narrator really fucking nailed it.

Naked Lunch

mfw i see a person reaching the person behind me.

Drilled a hole into my head pierced the bone and felt the breeze

Killer Fiction if you can get it by G. J. Schaefer

A real serial killer who uses fictional characters to document the actual torture and murder of teenage girls he himself carried out.


This book is borderline grimdark at times

Unless the book is explicitly for children pretty much every book by Clive Barker is gonna have some fucked up shit in it.
Coldheart Canyon isn't really any more or less depraved than his other stuff, I just happen to like it.


just finished the first chapter...
>and the they burned the hotel and thne there was a fight and then the kid hit him with a bottle and then a man came and hit him with a club and then he woke up and everyone was fine.

please tell me it gets better

>Plus the sperm and shit all over the pages

The Great God Pan is pretty fucked up from what I remember.

Seconding this. Although I've only read The Lime Twig, I still bear in my mind the way that book depicts deadly violence, visceral fear, terror, psychopathic ruthlessness and lack of empathy, the cruel manipulation of those made weak by their hidden desires and turned flesh puppets by and for their cynical tormentors and masters. It's not that evil prevails in the end (and I don't care if that "spoils" it for you), it's just that there is nothing but evil, it has always been winning and will keep doing so because there isn't anything else in the world.

The tone is not as bleak as I'm making it sound; it's way more subtle. This is just how I feel whenever I look back upon that book. If there's any book that resembles a nightmare--not the surreal kind but the suffocatingly elaborate kind--it's this.

This one too. Except that, in addition to being filthy, it's also wicked funny.

I've just realised that I'm making The Lime Twig sound edgy af. It's not. Really, I'm not doing it justice. It's nonchalant, agile and the prose is gorgeous.

The entire Necroscope saga





>tfw 120 Days of Sodom will never be rewritten as a real book

I'm in chapter 8. it doesnt

like, everything that happens feel like there's about 5 pages missing before it

These. Naked Lunch is basically Depravity: the Novel.

How wasn't this posted?
The cow sex got me hard somehow.

this is p eff up

Child of God is pretty depraved, but in an indirect sense because of the way it's written. You inherently know what's happening, but McCarthy doesn't spell it all out for you. It goes from 0-100 pretty quickly too.

Babyfucker by Urs Alleman is quite dark, understandably.


Plot seems quite tame, is it really fucked up?

She sure likes thinking about it, almost to the point where she wrecks it.

>Ready to cry ready to dy ready for any thing is how I come to it now.

A Sentimental Novel by Alain Robbe-Grillet

Stavrogin's Confession by Feodor Dostoyevsky

Anything Brett Easton Ellis is pretty twisted. Parts of Imperial Bedrooms, Glamorama, and The Informers are unsettling

I just finished it, it's fucking terrible.



The Room:
>Criminal locked in cell
>Reader lives vicariously through his most twisted, demented and sadistic fantasies.

Been a while since I've red it but it's a similar vein as American Psycho in that it relies heavily on an unreliable narrator. 'Asylum' and 'Spider' by Patrick Mcgrath are great too, although not as visceral they are unsettling and make great use of an unreliable narrator.

this book is dope, highly recommended