Why's he got such a bad rep?

Why's he got such a bad rep?
Im aquainted with his works and am currently reading his lectures on Zarathustra.. Ive been told he was a nasty man but he seems good humored and reasonable, as opposed to Freud, for example. Is it because of his relationship with Wolff and his wife? Something else he did? Or is it with regards to his theories/beliefs? I tried googling 'Jung controversy' but nothing came up.

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Acquainted* oops (^:

CBT happened and took the easy way out.
Believing you can think your way out of neuroses, is bullshit of the highest caliber.

That and he became wrongfully attributed to ex-hippies of the new age movement, believing that truly confront you're unconscious elements involved crystal dances and meditating without properly educating yourself on archetypes and symbols. To Jung, delving into the Unconscious invariably meant dealing with painful and possibly traumatic experiences, but in the end would lead to an individuated person.

I'm hoping psychology will start to see his relevance again, though I doubt it.

>Ive been told he was a nasty man
Who says this?
Personally speaking he was a good guy.

Ya i agree with that, tho thats more about what happened to Jungian psychology in general. I noticed people have beef with him personally in intellectual circles (as they do with Heidegger, for example, whereas phenomenology pretty much lived on unscathed) in a way that goes beyond not being taken seriously
Completely incidental.. A more distant family member who introduced me to him a while ago, a friend who heard the same from a professor.. also im almost sure i read something about it in an intro to an anthology of his i used to have, but of this im not even sure

He's a very powerful thinker.

Freud ultimately was uncreative for me. He has a nice visual way of thinking sometimes, but all the elements already existed mostly in Schopenhauer.

He looks like my grandpa

I loved that man

Absolute top grandpa

Reminds me of this lad:

Fuck, he reminds me of my grandpa too

So, what's your grandpa like, Veeky Forums?

Let's have a comfy grandpa general


Here's my grandpa. He was a marine scientist.

Explains the seaman stains.

Are you trying to suggest that grandparents aren't lit-related?

Cool grandpa user. Got any stories about him?

Yeah...he went to college on a baseball scholarship and and decided to pursue a career in science instead of play pro ball. He had a job rowing glass bottom boats in Monterrey, CA in the summertime. I think he got a lot of pussy when he was young.

He studied with Joel Hedgepeth who was a student of Ed Ricketts, who was Steinbeck's beat friend.

He raised 3 kids on his own while working and finishing his PhD after his 1st wife walked out of him.

He raised me, too because my parents were deadbeats.

We would go up the California coast highway in his bright red Volkswagon bus when I was a kid. We had lots of adventures.

Those red volkswagon adventures sound comfy as fuck. Kinda jealous

Yeah, man. I miss him.

>grandpa not doing very well
>bad shape physically
>dizzy all the time
>awaiting results to see what's wrong
>rarely leaves the house

I'm checking Man and His Symbols out from the library soon btw

Shit man, it sucks but it happens to all old folk.

Visit him as much as you can, cuz they really don't stick around long, grandparents.

Yeah, he's in his mid 80s so realistically he doesn't have much time left. Lately I've been having nightmares about something happening to him or my grandma though.

He lives nearby so I've always been able to spend lots of time with him. However he's a prideful man and doesn't like it when people see him in a vulnerable state.

Because Sigismund Shlomo Freud, was a better salesman and while Jung was obsesed with his work, he implanted his pupils everywhere and they only preached Freud.

No, genuinely my biggest regret is not seeing my grandad the day he died. I was young at the time, like twelve I think and my parents for some reason decided that was too young to see someone die. So I never got to say goodbye to this man who'd honestly been my best friend when I was a little kid, and my last memory of him is just of visiting him in hospital and being bored and not really understanding what was happening and wanting to go home and thinking he'd be coming back (he lived with us). He was a proud guy too, one of those old manual labour types and I think being ill would have been hard for him too, but, damn, if I don't wish I'd seen him at a time when I knew how serious things were.

With the elderly, you have to visit them, but most importantly, you have to make that time count, and not put anything off.

>Why's he got such a bad rep?

He doesn't. Who told you that?

The man was one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Anyone who'd dispute his genius simply hasn't read him enough.

Due to his essentialist beliefs he may have held some "unfortunate" beliefs about jews during his career.

See also pic related

You're right. I need to visit him again soon. I'm sorry about your situation. That sounds rough.

Haha, don't worry man, I was like twelve at the time. I'm well over it by now. Just a cautionary tale is all