Endless Fun v Blood Meridian

legit Q friendos:

which is better?

Infinite Jest


Blood Meridian

I've only read BM, but an honest question is Infinite Jest good or worth reading?

they're both just so different how could you pick?




By the influence they've had on your life, you subjective moron.


unironically yes. not memeing.

Suppose I'll get it then see why le tennis meme man an heroed

Why not just pretend to have read it? Especially if you're talking to someone who hasn't?

Blood Meridian is much better. Wallace himself would have agreed.

GVS: Who are some of your favorite writers?

DFW: You're really wielding the old baton on this aren't you? To be honest... my faves?

GVS: Yeah.

DFW: Ones that people don't know all that well? Oh, that's right this is a British magazine so they won't have heard of a lot of these. Cormac McCarthy, have you read "Blood Meridian"? It's literally the western to end all westerns. Probably the most horrifying book of this century, at least fiction. But it is also, this guy, I can't figure out he gets away with it, he basically writes King James English, I mean, he practically uses Old English thou's and thine's and it comes off absolutely beautifully and unmannered and ungratuitous. He's got another one called "Suttree," God that one, God that would make a fantastic movie.

GVS: (perks up) What's it called?

DFW: It's called "Suttree."

GVS: How do you spell that?

DFW: S-u-t-t-r-e-e. It came out, oh golly, mid 70s. But it's about a down and out college educated man named Cornelius Suttree who has kind of abandoned everything to live in a houseboat in Knoxville, Tennessee in the late 40s and early 50s and all of his friends in his entire world are derelicts and retards and twisted people. It's about four hundred pages of the most dense lapidary prose you can imagine about characters who are at the level of functional idiots and are drinking rot-gut. "Suttree" is the book that got him a MacArthur grant and he used the MacArthur to go to Mexico and do the research for "Blood Meridian." Okay, we'll play. Are there any new movies coming out that you like?

I wonder how many people have actually read it. I'll probably read it to see if it's as good or as shit as these shitlords make it out to be


Yeah I could be dead tomorrow and I have a stack of books to already get through you meme you

>King James English, I mean, he practically uses Old English thou's and thine's
God he's such a poser.

I'm about 100 pages in and I'm a bit lukewarm on it so far. Does it get better? Does the prose improve or is it all just about being wacky and wordy?

I'm talking about IJ here

oh god, the best prose is in the first 50 pages lmao—shoulda went with pinecone m8


I think it got better at 300 or so for me. Im an hsfag so I don't really know. You either hate it or love it, no real in between.

So deep