Currently reading thread

What book(s) are you reading as of today[1],Veeky Forums?
Idk,maybe post a picture of the stack

[1]Today" being 2016.09.25?

Joseph and his brothers
Confucianist stories
The war of the worlds
Bánk Bán

Audiobook of Ringworld.

Kipling's collected poems (or maybe it's complete poems, I don't remember). Those ballads and shanties are so fun.

I usually don't read but thought it would be nice to expand my horizon.

As my attention span has been severely crippled by years of media consumption, I have acquired "50 Great Short Stories", edited by Milton Crane.

It has some solid stuff. So far I quite liked
Pushkin (translated by Keane), Hemingway, Poe, Mencken and Lord Dunsany.

Going to read Ivy Day in the Committee Room next.

Infinite Jest, about 200p left

Just finished War Without Fronts: The USA in Vietnam and am now carrying on with Gargantua and Pantagruel.

Lives of Girls and Women - Alice Munro
The Wasteland - Eliot

Meditations - Descartes
Amado nervo poetry
The savage detectives - Roberto Bolano

Most likely I'll finish Descartes today, any reckon for my next reading?

I always like to read more than two books at a time, intercalating between soft novels, poetry and philosophy/non-fiction.

>infinte jest 250 pages in
>under the dome 350 pages in
>lovecraft complete fiction 200 pages in
>the legend of drizzt 32 pages in
i cant stay on one novel for some reason. i have to jump back and forth. i do finish them though.

Siddhartha - Hesse

Charles Dick-en(d)s - Great Expectations, halfway trough. It's pretty meh

Tao Te Ching
Patanjalini's Yoga Sutra

Yes, it seems I'm drinking the coolaid.

Walden and The Bible, currently on Numbers

All Quiet on the Western Front.

Currently halfway through and it reads like something a high school student wrote for an assignment. Overall its really meh, 6/10.

What do I read next - JR or Crime and Punishment?

Reading Karamazov right now might read IJ or Paradise lost later this after noon

naked lunch, i'm about fifty pages in

Halfway through pic related. Highly recommend it

Don Quixote. shit's funny as hell.

Les Miserables. If you want to write a doorstopper just go on long digressions re irrelevant topics.

Newfag reading Brave New World for first time here. Its pretty good imo

"Where the Air is Clear" and "Matter and Memory"

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.
Just passed some of Gaitley's AA meeting chapters and someone just got shanked by the Wheelchair Assassin group separatists, now it's a flashback involving bed springs. Still really engaging though.

A Portrait of the artist as a young man

pretty okay.

1Q84. First time reading Murakami. I've heard good things of Kafka on the Shore, and seeing as I'm enjoying this one so far I'll probably pick that up next.

400 pages deep into J R.

same here

On The Road: Original Scroll. I wasn't too impressed at first but after awhile Kerouac gets into a really good rhythm and the prose begins to flow and there are at least some interesting half baked ideas tucked away in there somewhere

Berlin Alexanderplatz, by Alfred Döblin.

Just this at the moment. I don't really like the lack of quotations in dialogue...

It disappointed me, desu.

Re-reading 1984 in English.
Halfway through 2001: A Space Odyssey
Meticulously reading and taking notes of Artificial Intelligence by John Haugeland
I'll start with Crime and Punishment some time next week when I finish C. Clarke's novel.