Anyone else scared of the internet...

Anyone else scared of the internet? I'm writing a novel about three Veeky Forums trannies and a beautiful (but /r9k/) lad who meet on the internet and then shoot up non-white people in a mall. With the explosion of modern liberal identity ideology and the related rise of the alt-right and the tension between the internet as an echo chamber and the internet as an agora, people seem more divided into particular ideological groups than ever before at such a scale. We've experienced a period of quiet for somewhere between 40 and 70 years but I think the next time the West experiences a moderate economic or environmental shock, shit will really hit the fan. I'm thinking about civil war in America and radical movements in Europe. Our current stability is taken for granted and society will collapse on its own.

I think entering the digital age - something that's been intimated for a long time but is now fully underway, with entire generations of adults having grown up "on the internet" - is going to have massive ramifications that we are not seeing, or refusing to understand.

Anyone else a collapse fetishist here? Anyone else writing about it?

Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up

Look op you're looking at recent times with a decent perspective but your analysis sounds flawed. 40-70 years had no quietness to them, just activists aren't well organised. No civil war is near, modern politics is much more complex to fall for this

I agree with the last part and I'm really interested in seeing the downfall

>collapse fetishist
I don't understand this please explain but if i understood correctly, yes i am one. Really looking forward to see shit get fucked up but i don't know when, it's still early

>HRT 1 on Veeky Forums

you need to visit the american south, son.

The modern 'civil war' will be waged with shitposts and memes

Bunch of sheep incapable of any form of war

They have no immediate impact you would have lost your shit about meme magic if you were around when California elected Arnold or the US elected Reagan.

Same shit different time bitch nothing changes

> I think the next time the West experiences a moderate economic or environmental shock, shit will really hit the fan. I'm thinking about civil war in America and radical movements in Europe. Our current stability is taken for granted and society will collapse on its own.

that's what joseph tainter seems to think. it's interesting that you say our stability is taken for granted because that's what i find so puzzling about people using our current civilization as an achievement; it's not permanent at all, and it honestly sounds like people are reassuring themselves that it isn't in such the precarious situation that it is currently in

i think one of the most important ramifications of the internet so far has been giving the uneducated a voice, which is why we get this dichotomous shit-flinging match and just generally bad argumentation. but what do you know, it works, it convinces others

good luck with your novel, it actually sounds like an interesting premise which is rare on Veeky Forums

It is the dumbest idea for a novel I've ever heard, and it's on the level of that one dead eyed fuck I forgot the name of who can't stop writing the heaviest handed social commentary from a right wing perspective about "Europe, but the muslims won" or "America, the apocalypse after the Obama years" or "Sharia law in Australia: What if?"

It's dreadful and honestly deserves to be adapted into already existing fiction through fanfiction where it belongs on archive of our own

Yeah I'm avoiding that kind of speculation in my novel, it's just an absurdist character study of some of the deviant fucks who find a place on the internet and in literature. I'll leave the prophesying to characters within the book.
It's a fantastic vision of the internet's real life potential, from tinder, to job loss, to crises of masculinity, to organized mass murder. ISIS recruiting born and raised western muslims on twitter.

The weather will continue bad, there will be more calamities, more death, more despair, as Boris says, and people are justified in turning their eyes away from the current order towards the future. All speculation will ultimately be baseless, but the choice is between that and sticking your head in the sand. I'm willing to throw my life at a new anarchism: who better for this than an utter failure?

Hey, I'm not writing a social commentary. I'm not pro-right, pro-left, any of that shit. But the strength of your reaction is encouraging. Good luck with your short story collection about the ennui of modern academics, friend.

I'd read that gladly, OP.

it gets merit on the basis that it doesn't automatically assume transexuals are on the same side as non-whites, and it's basic enough that it allows for depth and isn't just a long tract about why the left is wrong, or why the right is wrong, because it's focusing on four characters. it's nothing like the examples you have listed in any case

broad premise:

I live in Vancouver. The book is about a NEET who organizes and performs a mass shooting at Metrotown with other three other Veeky Forums users he meets on the internet. They all wear Pepe masks and nazi armbands, and they only kill non-white people. Here the novel is in the mode of pastiche. Before police arrive they kill themselves and three of them are discovered to be trans men and one (the main character/NEET) is an Adonis of a man, and moreover a fascist poet (going to play with self-insert irony). This is the author of the novel - he is writing a record of the future inspired by a song sung to him by his mother, a prophetic sea nymph. Basically the novel begins by following him in the immediate days before the shooting for a few chapters, and then the narrative goes back a few months to the beginning of summer. From there it traces his development from a depressed wreck to a confident, fit guy who gets absolutely debauched, constantly. This section riffs heavily on the beats, miller, pynchon, deleuze, that kind of stuff. The chapters are all written from the perspective of his different relationships with drugs and states of Being as he vividly conceptualizes them over the course of this hot, humid summer. The main character is schizophrenically jumping from author to author in his readings, work to work, engaging with them only superficially, but they're influencing him tremendously nonetheless. He discovers a deep and intense fetish for transmen and starts sleeping with them frequently. He develops a ketamine addiction and has prophetic visions of a mass shooting at metrotown (these are interspersed in segments throughout). He loses all his money on ketamine (he had $20,000, a payout from an accident with a postal truck in his youth). He's all out of money and ketamine. He sees it as this act of depraved poetic romanticism to let a guy fuck him in the ass for a few grams of ketamine one night. He k-holes and the guy fucks him really hard, wrecks his asshole. A few months later, summer has ended and he's gotten back on his feet in the eyes of his friends and family. In fact, he looks back on the summer as a valuable period of self discovery. He's pursuing a master's degree, he has a girlfriend in his program, he leads a tender and rewarding life of study and love. Scenes of nostalgic remembrance, beautiful moments withheld from summer narrative. In the first weeks of fall, he gets a blood test because he's pissing stones and his entire crotch hurts. a lab discovers that he has HIV, as well as a destroyed bladder. He gets utterly depressed. He quits his graduate studies and hits his girlfriend, who leaves him and threatens him with criminal proceedings as he continues to attempt to contact her when drunk or high. His latent fascist beliefs, always an 'ironic' part of his identity, flare up with vigor. Throughout this period he has met three anons on Veeky Forums who offer him some solace. fin.

I'm writing a novel about transgender people as well. Really, about many people on the internet, with various motivations, various conflicts, various conclusions all related to themselves, where one unintentionally changes the other drastically for the worst. They all become incresigly alienated at their past behavior, become self destructive.

The question at the bottom is, why do we judge and hurt ourselves in such a cult like fashion. I don't remember a time as bad as this in the 21st century socially on the internet, and that's saying something when for the longest time the defacto conspiracy was David Icke for years.

It's all very fascinating, and I do not think you're doing the topic justice.

This isn't really what I'm wholly trying to write about, but it's the skeletal structure. It also hasn't been my first novel, I've ghost written several.

I don't mean to be rude, but it's not well thought out and mostly schlock.

You're probably right, but instead of entering into a period of self-reflection I'm just going to give you the good ol' Veeky Forums "kys" and do my best to get some schlock published. The market doesn't seem to discriminate very well anyways.

>not futa characters

Lmaoing @ your lives you cucks
i will be remembered as the creator of a genre and you will only eat dirty semen from semen free samples in the street

The real irony is that the internet is giving birth to the political movements that will ban and outlaw it. It's poetic, really.

The greatest platform of free speech is so segmented into echo chambers that it's creating a totalitarian monster on which millions will die.

Probably not outlaw, but considerable censorship like in China. The internet is too lucrative and useful to ban outright. But we are at the end of the Wild West phase of it all.


this is not going to happen.

sounds like utter shit

sounds like nu-male masturbation, even worse

fuck this whole thread

>current year
>still thinks schizophrenic = multiple personality

other than that, sounds like a gay irreversible on ketamine. would probably read. want to share a sample?

writing about this sorta thing too, incidentally. don't feel like sharing on the off chance of plagiarism tho. i will say that i do also have a tranny and the internet's p important.

I remember you vancouverbro.
Ignore the haters, I like your concept. It seems to reflect the dark strangeness that's so easy to find on the internet.

Personally I've always thought that the godfather of modern literature will be J.K. Huysmans. I doubt there's a single book being published today that better describes having an wifi connection than A rebours. It's not a coincidence that Houellebecq has been paying homage to him lately, and its not going to be an isolated incident either. The man was a genius just now coming into his time.

It'd be more interesting if you the state's reaction would be to ban the internet

I think the part about jumping from author to author could be good but only if executed well. otherwise I think it can come off as name-dropping, unfocused, and forced

The internet is already more censored than ever, silly.

This is also, the dumbest thing I've ever read

>Anyone else a collapse fetishist here? Anyone else writing about it?
stop reading Zizek and start reading Land

>>sounds like nu-male masturbation, even worse

Good bitch

I have a complete first draft of a satirical accelerationist sf/f type book.


Sounds pretty good desu

Vancouver eh? I know some people there, you even sound like them.

The internet (and mass media before that) is essentially a slow motion asteroid strike which is disrupting the human environment so drastically it is inducing a Cambrian explosion of memes, and soon, genes. Relationships between people have been so effectively disintermediated/remediated (deterritorialized/reterritorialized for you D&G fags) through the internet that we are, in a sense, transitioning from one Matrix to another, with a complementary religion/worldview attached to explain everything that is going on.

I think a civil war in Europe and/or America is very possible within our lifetimes. Technology is forcing these changes on how we are able to form relationships with each other; it accelerates memetic mutation and, by extension, cybernetic processes involved in social homeostasis.

Good luck with your book.

More like vansewer.

you should try, reading your own posts then. a little proof, reading will do you good

It's still among the dumbest posts I've ever read.

If this is what you think is good, all of you are shit at writing.

It's not good but it's still better than your posts by a huge margin.

omg this guy sucks so bad. op sucks by extension. tell us more about your novel wooooooooowwwww

sure, it is basically a lampooning of and love letter to all the dreams and anxieties of the types of damaged people who end up posting on Veeky Forums with an absurd plot that is probably just the fantasy of one of these failures with delusions of grandeur. main character sustains his 'quixotic' (single quotation marks make me feel like less of an ass for using that word although it is v appropriate) delusions with a diet of edgy books and drugs. shockingly it doesn't collapse on him at the end of it all and guy ends up doing alright. i've decided to retract the HIV shit and end the book with a record of health problems and damaged relationships, though.

good for you man. back to contending with the human condition i guess

>I think a civil war in Europe
I covet this. I can finally use my military experience to an end.

That war won't happen in our lifetime

I wouldn't be so sure.

Gen Z will rage hard with their dopamine fizzled brains.

this is now an /ex-yu/ thread

šta se čita momci?

I hope you're funny, op. I'd love to read this with some black humor and shit.

Also, it kinda seems trans women/traps are way more common here but you do you.

Solženjicin i Ivo Pilar. Nakon toga Marko Aurelije i možda Tuđman, stoji mi na polici godinu dana. Onda neki fantasy tipa T.H. White da razbijem ozbiljnost.

Last night's debate has me feeling those feels. Buying a gym membership today to get swole for the Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo


Proces i Spleen Pariza. Pripremam se za Mrtve duše.

Do people on this board really think "the Turner Diaries, but with MEMES and sex fantasy" is a good idea? This is pathetic

>three Veeky Forums trannies and a beautiful (but /r9k/) lad

You're not beautiful. Go stand on some traintracks.

stupid self-insert fantasy is still stupid even if it's "ironic"

This is possibly the most pathetic fantasy I've ever read on here

Danas pod kemijom dovršio Glembajeve za lektiru, sat prije provjere :^)
Skoro ću dovršiti i monografiju Maurovićevih stripova i Moby Dicka, a zatim početi U agoniji i Sofijin svijet (radi filozofije, naravno).

pa Veeky Forums je pola eks-ju po demografiji

P.S. čitam isključivo Dablince, Portret umetnika u mladosti, Uliks i Finegan'ovo bdenje

>za lektiru

>Finegan'ovo bdenje
>ne Finegana bdenje

Ali 18 nije underage

Al si pizda neovisno o tom.

war requires sheep, user

>Finegana buđenje
>ladno postoji prevod
>radio ga je neki anonimus
dobar pokušaj ali zna se da ipak čekamo pravi prevod

What are you guys talking about

When shit hits the fan, the centrist arm holding up the far left will turn right, and the left will be exposed as the powerless pussies they are

Dablinci, Portret umetnika u mladosti, Uliks i Fineganovo bdenje

O joj :(

Joyce, cunts and high schoolers, what we are reading.

Ok, Novak.

it's fucking Dubliners, Portrait, Ulysses and Finnegans m8

I understood that, it's why I said 'ok'.

I half expected that

I don't think it's the internet you should be scared of, it's the ideology. Ideology is pre-baked fucked up and contradictory. Even worse, social movements form around it, and people will willingly donate their mental faculties to them and trap themselves in a tiny box because they want to be free. The internet is just a springboard for it.

Also I hope your book doesn't actually mention Veeky Forums and /r9k/

I wouldn't worry about it if I was you. Wars been banned.
>it causes insurance premiums to rise too much

mrtve duše su bomba, jedan od najboljih ruskih romana definitvno. proces nisam čitao jer mi je kafka malo edgy.


mogao si prešutiti tu činjenicu

...nebitno, bitno da se čita!

U kući sam slučajno naišao na nekakvu manje poznatu Gogoljevu knjigu - "Strašna osveta", pretty bad senpai. Nadam se da će mi Mrtve duše isprat gorak okus iz usta.

Gogolj je majstor kratkih priča. Mrtve Duše su mi bile znatno slabije od kratkih priča, Nos, Soročinski sajam, Kabanica, Zapisi luđaka i hrpa drugih su fantastične.
Mrtve Duše doduše nisam čitao dovoljno koncentrirano zbog stresa u to vrijeme.
Zašto Sofijin svijet a ne pravi uvod u filozofiju tipa Fredrick Copleston?
Također, Izazov svjetonazora, imaš u Verbumu je ono što bi preporučio nekome tko nikad nije primirisao Platona.
Russela izbjegavati kao kugu.

tfw počinje faks i ne možeš više čitati cijeli dan

Tfw više čitaš za vrijeme faksa jer nisi doma na laptopu

We /Poland/ now?


Not him but mine uses a post from here as an epigraph.

Paunovićev Uliks je GOAT. Biće i FW jednog dana.


>Zašto Sofijin svijet a ne pravi uvod u filozofiju tipa Fredrick Copleston?
Pa, već sam dosta čuo o Sofijinom svijetu, profa iz hrvatskog ju preporučuje, i od prije imamo jedan primjerak doma, pa...

Preporučuje jer misli da si
a) idiot
b) jer je žena

Ajmo da vas čujem, najbolja hrvatska knjiga?

koji faks?

Suze sina razmetnoga i Osman naravno.

Kek ja mislio da je ta knjiga neko Koeljo tier smeće jer je svuda viđam, nisam imao pojma da ima veze s filozofijom.

Op please publish this. I want future historians to discover how many layers of irony people were using around this time period.

Knjiga je ok, al ono, nemaš 12 godina da to čitaš za uvod

>Sophie's World is a 1991 novel by Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder. It follows the events of Sophie Amundsen, a teenage girl living in Norway, and Alberto Knox, a middle-aged philosopher who introduces her to philosophical thinking and the history of philosophy.


Ima li seksa?

lul, jesi li ju pomiješao sa Sofijinim izborom?

Razumijem da je ponešto childish u prezentaciji (znam da opiše Freudive ideje kvazi-basnom sa životinjama), ali nije valjda toliko osnovna po pitanju dubine same filozofije?

All Quiet On The Western Front.

Odlična knjiga, iako zna biti teška za čitanje, barem meni, zbog svog sadržaja.

Može li mi itko od vas preporučiti dobru knjigu o Napoleonu i Odi Nobunagi?

Za tu sam bio siguran da je neki užas. Možda sam zbog Sofije u nazivu povezao jednu knjigu s drugom nekako. Vrlo moguće.

Onaj anime o loli odi nabunagi

Itko čitao LaVeya?

>mainstream democrats are completely different goyim!
>keep getting on the other side when we agree on 98% of issues hehehe

Draga anonimna osobo, rekoh da tražim knjigu ne crtiće za pedofile. Nauči čitati.

Nadam se da ne, ako mislimo na istog tipa.

Ti shvatiti aristotela kroz basnu nećeš. To ti garantiram. Čitaj kao cool roman, nemoj ako želiš filozofiju.

Mislim da mislimo. Iako je kao pička bacio svoje stavove dok je bio na samrti, čujem da su mnogi rekli kako je njegova Sotonistička Biblija zanimljivo djelo, barem što se okultnog tiče pa me zanima mišljenje Veeky Forumsfaggova.

The really interesting thing about online communication and the adults that grew up on it is that communities are increasingly determined and divided along ideological rather than geographic lines, since every year more and more discourse gets pushed into curated contexts, i e social media. I wonder what the ramifications will be for the way we do politics, which exclusively defines its communities geographically

Lit je katolička ploča, odjebi sotono