"oh hey, I saw you love to read, what books do you like?"

>"oh hey, I saw you love to read, what books do you like?"
>hey, I love 50 shades of grey and twilight :D

How do you handle this situation?
Since you're all socially well-adapted, you must meet people like this all the time. Or are you seriously going to imply you only meet people who read Pynchon and shit?

rip spicysadam

I'm in uni at a good school. The 'omg stupid roastwhores, rite guise?' that I engage with are all very well-read.

I've never met anyone that talks about reading desu

You make some casual small talk and direct the conversation in another direction.

Oh, are you telling me people in uni's are sheltered from the real world?

Gee oh man, I wouldn't have fathomed this!

>How do you handle this situation?

Are you autistic or something?

If she's cute, then I don't care much and move on to another topic. If she isn't, then I end the conversation.

Are you one of those famous /r9k/ frog people?

I'm saying that people in decent universities are likely to read higher quality books than Twilight.

"Cool, maybe you'd like something like [list better works that have connections to what they like]. Get back to me with what you think if you read them!"


"What did you think about their themes? [Talk a bit about how those books came to be with the ideas they contain, the ideas in general]."


"Nice, I like [your favourite books] because [the reason why they're your passion and lifeblood]"

All of the above can be done (I know I did) by not being "pretentious", and by that I mean: talking positively about your love for literature and philosophy without the need to having them believe you're superior to them, as you'd probably like to. If I can make 45 year housewives genuinely interested in Deleuze's monographies on Leibniz, you can do it.

Or even, just say

"Cool. Where do you work again? Tell me while I pour us another glass"

Lol. Most English majors I've met read primarily YA or memoirs of some sort. Appreciating literature and trying to contribute to its movement requires self-determination that's not found in most undergraduate students.



You probably go to a shit school.

The most Reddit-tier post of the day.

>Pour the lady another glass ;)

I did cocaine every morning and failed out of community college like a real man.

So you act like a hypocrite?
Cool person you are. I bet you do this a lot.

Universities exist in the real world, moron.

You're sheltered from reality for a few years and can pretend a huge chunk of the world is really cool full of party people, open minded and share the same values and interests.
Let's see how much you'll hate working class people when you get ouf of college.

I act like a man. Unlike you, petulant child

Read some of Foucault's "Surveiller et Punir". Schools/colleges purposefully shelter you from reality, to a degree, in order to instill certain ideas and values into you.

I am from a working class family. I don't automatically hate people who don't read. Contain your ressentiment, insecure you

Mate, do you even know how to get shitface drunk during a conversation without the other person noticing?

Don't try and pass me off as a white knight, I just meant that if there's nothing worth saying you might as well get drunk while they blabber off into nothingness

Ok, real men are hypocrits and don't say their likes or dislikes to a person based on thirst ( she's cute ).

>expecting the average person to be well-read

This has never been a thing.

Get out and socialize and find people who share similar interests instead of whining like an impotent moron

Just some banter, I still love you

>being emasculated

I'll get this thread back on track

OP, all women are like that. They're simply inferior to us. Don't expect them to read great literature because they simply can't comprehend and appreciate intellectual matters

Don't like the subject? Change it. Whatever you do don't sperg out about the books you read.

Why are most of my matches on Tinder absolute fucking illiterate buffoons?

Because quality women don't need to use an app that has people like you on it

Ohh youu xP

>an app that has people like you on it

What is so unqualitative about Tinder?

Attractive girls with something between their ears don't need to use tinder to get validation from men.