Reading Speed

How fast do you reed Veeky Forums?

Test yourself here and post results.

Fastest user wins a free (you)

Other urls found in this thread:

250 wpm
i guess i'm average

Faster than my 185 wpm.


1390 pm. Slower than I thought

601, 73% comprehension


Power of skipping any and all numbers

Meh, I'm probably WAY slower when I read actual literature

725 with 82% comprehension. Not enjoyable to read that fast though.

i got 227 wpm and 83% comprehension, although english is not my first language.

has anyone tried stuff to improve their reading speed, like the thing the link in the OP wants to sell? does it work?

Speed reading is a meme, don't fall for this shit.

>tfw 234

>373 WPM

Slightly above average, my real problem is having "I didn't REALLY read that" feelings with longer texts.

29,122 WPM with 82%

395 wpm, 91% comprehension. Missed the race driver one.

Feels pretty accurate, I'd certainly consider myself a good reader though if I were to have guessed before testing myself I'd think I'd be around 300-325. So I did better than I would've thought

I got 91% too and also missed the race car driver one but my reading speed was 201wpm. According to this thread I'm really behind. I don't think it's that I read slow but that I read a sentence and then immediately forget what I read and then have to re-read it. I re-read sentences so often when I read because I'm afraid I might not be picking up on the nuances of the text or I might not sufficiently be committing something to memory. Is there anything I can do to improve this? I hate that I'm such a slow reader. It took me an hour to read the first 17 pages of BNW because of all the technical jargon. Most people who I asked who read it said they just ignore all the jargon but I can't bring myself to skip or read over any text even if I know the author doesn't actually intend anyone to understand it.

570 wpm with a 91% retention, though the questions were more or less based on common sense.


Speed reading is over rated. Communication and comprehension of ideas are the entire point of written language, not "muh speed".

readlets, when will they learn?

301, 84% comprehension

Pretty good considering I don't read and haven't read a book in half a year, and years before that one.

Wheres my (You)?

can't be proud of that

guess how fast I read



there's already a thread about this absolutely shit topic. how is anyone actually fucking interested in this?