Hi Veeky Forums

Hi Veeky Forums,

I'm looking for a good dystopia. I've already read the classics (1984, Farenheit 451, Brave New World).

Is pic related any good ? Or would you recommend something else ?

>good dystopia
You're looking for an utopia, my friend :^)

Ubik is one of PKD's best novels, but it is not a dystopia.

I would rather recommend OP The Penultime Truth by PKD, which is most certainly dystopic.

Ah, I see your point here. What I meant was that I'm looking for a good dystopia book :^)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it


I'm glad we could clear that up. Have a good day, friend :^)))

The Windup Girl

John Brunner's The Sheep Look Up. Once you get used to the style it's a solid book.

I don't know if it's in english or not, but i'uomo รจ forte by Corrado Alvaro is pretty good.

Thank you all for the suggestion, I will consider all of them.

The Piano's Player is a good dystopia novel. It's about how after all labor is taken over. Y machines

If you've already read the classics, you should really read their inspiration.

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

Darkness at Noon

The Handmaiden's Tale


We is so good...

this is his only good book and my fuck is it ever better than the rest of his books. it's super funny right from the get go and its well paced, somewhat action packed and an ultra mindfuck. I read it when I was in highschool and it's one of those books that I can recall everything that happened even 10 years later. kek when he pulls out the coin with runciter(sp) on it.

War of the Worlds...sort of?
I am legend

We is not a great book btw, albeit influential

UBIK is not dystopia themed novel. But it's the best sci-fi novel ever written on the earth.

just finished 1984 now I'm dead inside

" Do androids dream of electric sheeps" and "The city and the stars" by Clarke are good but somewhat "alternative" dystopic novels.Also I suggest the comic V for Vendetta

got you pham

I liked it better than 1984 desu
About on par with BNW

Aside from We and Darkness at Noon , which is what you're looking for and what you must read, also look into some other worthy earlier ones:
-E.M. Forster, The Machine Stops
-Jack London, The Iron Heel