Did Aristotle and the Greeks steal from Egypt

their philosophy

before responding with meme posts...the truth is many greek thinkers learned from Egypt

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Can you provide specific examples?


Well Egypt didn't write literature, believed in non-personal gods and didn't have the Socratic argumentative system or Plato, didn't have the Pythagorians, and overall were very minimal compared to the intellectual Heights the Greeks reached, so no I'd say their influence on Greek philosophy was close to nonexistent

this is a meme thread im sure


did the modern philosophers steal from the greeks?

Did the post-modern philosophers steal from the moderns? And so on.

Egypt did not have an intellectual tradition that was as big as the Greeks

this isn't Eurocentrism, this is just reality

Did Mediterraneans steal from Niggers? Because, as a white person, I'd be so pissed if they did.

They had maths, you know, that made the building of all those structures possible. That's probably their main contribution. Just saying.

but they lacked the concept of the "proof"

the unique achievement of Greek mathematics was introducing the proof launching the formal field of mathematics


Maths learned from what? The Babylonian traditions? Then one could say that the Egyptians stole maths as one can say the Greeks stole philosophy. If you carry this chain on and on everything leads to the same point

Yea, it would be as if it weren't even stealing at all. It would be like we were all human, all working to increase our dominion over nature so as to order for the benefit of our collective posterity. It wouldn't matter if you we Greek, Egyptian, or Mesopotamian, as long as you choose freely to embrace the ideas of classical culture. (I know the Egyptians and ancient mesos are not considered classical. Fuck off pedants)

hmm... (really makes ya think)

I'd say you're onto something. The Egyptians were to the Greeks what the Greeks are to us.

While it's true I've heard some arguments that SOME thinkers (pythagoras I think) went to egypt, the general concensus seems to be that it was a lie and people said that to boost their claims to being an intellectual by giving it an exotic twist, basically.

Some people in the thread mentioned egyptian buildings, but that was empirical - they tried and failed and stuck with what worked

They stole more from the east and the Phoenicians than they ever stole from Egypt.

what do you mean by "steal"..

did Einstein "steal" from Newton

do modern physicist "steal"from Einstein

wtf does that even mean


Welcome to "language".

Read Black Athena


I don't think it's controversial to say that Mediterranean cultures had a big influence on the Greeks Literally the most sensationalist title they could have come up with, though.

1.this comment shows you have no knowledge of science/physics or the translation of ideas

2. you are a retard

1. this comment shows you take undeserved pride in your posts/comments

2. you are butthurt

So your saying that Einstein is a thief because he "stole" from Newton..

this totally ignores how the process of science works

this also assumes that the "originator" of the idea is the only one allowed to do anything with it which is assanine

your an idiot that probably denied Frege's achievement in mathematical logic because he "stole" from Aristotle

"Oh no Frege, you can't do anything in logic because Aristotle already created it"

It's bad form to not bother to compensate for your disabilities.

The most contributions to philosophy in the entire history of Egypt have been the Greek Philosophers studying in Alexandria(RIP).

Greek had very little flow of ideas with the outside before Alexander spread the Greeks across the Persian Empire.

That being said Alexander made his empire after being taught by Aristotle, meaning nothing in OP's post would be strongly influenced by the Egyptians.

>We wuz philosophers.
IndoEuropeans crosses from Anatolia to the Balkans into Greece. Greek is an IndoEuropean Language not Semitic.
"Black Athena" is simply wrong.

but many black nationalists have argued that the Greek philosophers that studied in Alexandria got their ideas from Egytians

Thats where wuz kangs comes from.

Greeks aren't white. When will you white devils stop claiming us as your ancestors.

That makes more sense than people trying to claim the Egyptian kings weren't black, which is obviously false.


>literally photoshopping in the meme
For what purpose.

Let me correct the record and teach you what memes are.

The purpose of that meme is to recreate other memes in Bayeux form.

However, this magnificent user has managed to show his artistic genius by slapping the original meme onto the tapestry, defiling that purpose to the point of neutering.

Thus I replied to him in the form of the well known example of that Bayeaux form, "For what purpose".

In summary: Get dipped.

>They had maths
Sort of but not really. Maths as we understand it was an invention of the Greeks. They Egyptians had a sort of proto-maths.

Sure thing user.

No but both the Near East and Egypt and Greece each factually traded cultural ideas, art, trends, and beliefs in a more over time broad sense, and this thread is obviously built to discredit arguments made that was the fact on other boards.

You can date back their style of thought back to their mythology and religious practices, you know.

At most what was stolen was pre-socratic.

It's hard to say they 'stole' from them when some of the later Greek thinkers were Hellenized Phoenicians. Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism, for example.

Anyways to the OP's point, not really. All of the cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean exchanged ideas quite a bit but the Greeks stood out as a very unique group of polities in how they viewed knowledge and divinity in particular. The advent of Socrates and his students further moved them away from most of the other modes of thought/worship which surrounded them. It wasn't until the end of the Roman era that they began to adopt a more oriental understanding of what religion was, influenced by Stoicism which again, was founded by a Semite, into Christianity.

The Greek understanding of knowledge stayed alive though and gradually came to dominate both in Europe and in the Islamic world. Depending on which narrative you believe, the fundamental understanding of divinity that most of the world follows comes out of Egypt and Persia. There are arguments over which had bigger influence or the first influence, but it's pretty clear at this point that both Akhenaten's sun cult and Zoroaster's dualistic monotheism had extremely strong influences on the Jews.


There was a parable in Egyptian mythology that was basically psychoanalysis so they're definitely overlooked.

you guys are so fucking clueless. the Khemetians, who were black by the way, were the first philosophers.
sometimes i can't deal with all these know it all white people on this board.

Im sicka deez fukin white peeps mang

im confused you said greek knowledge became dominant and then say the understanding of divinity comes from egypt or persia?

seriously i just want to know why white ppl think they can get away with plagirizing everything?? im just here trying to find some more black poets and everything is about whiteness

WTF are you talking about plagarizing

regardless if the Khemetians were the first philosophers.....Greek Philosophy took a completely different turn

the word "greek philosophy" is a misnomer there is no philosophy. they all learned from khemetian priests.

The didn't have deductive math, though. The Greeks invented that.


Understanding of knowledge and the mode of knowledge production (aka philosophy) and understanding of the divine are two separate things.

lol no

are you also saying Wittgenstein goes all the way back to Kemetic thought?

George Miller is pure greek...and he looks white as fuck

anyways, its not about race...Ancient Greece has a intellectual,cultural connection that can't be denied

Who mentioned Copts?

I'm talking about the Nubians.
Including to Islam.