How's that novel coming along Veeky Forums?

How's that novel coming along Veeky Forums?

You hear back from your editors yet?

>write for half a year
>change idea slightly, cut a lot of stuff out
>spend two years writing semi-frequently but with very poor work ethic still
>get depressed
>take a break
>shitpost on Veeky Forums a lot
>go back to writing
>government wants to tear my country apart, riots and shit everywhere, nobody has the time nor even wants to read big tomes of fancy metafiction given the chance to
>might as well give up now

Where are you from user?


and the sad part is that readership levels were pretty low here even back when we had a chill government, but as of now, even my uni friends (yes, I'm majoring in literature) are engaged mostly in protesting and reading up on all the political theory they've skipped just so they can now understand how can a 1st/2nd world country in the XXI century be ruled by a far-right cult that wants to ban contraception

>implying im writing a novel.

Brah... Ive kept very details and interesting journals for years now, sometimes I'll jot a paragraph or even scribble funny anecdotes that Pop into my brain, but in terms of a novel I have nothing, I am too young
I know writing must comes from the heart and alot of writings would agree that a certain level of skill is innate but lately ive been looking at it more so as a trade, just as many of the original art forms have become.... Like anyone, A builder, A carpenter, a mechanic, Homes are built brick by brick, Carpenters start with basic boxes and as for the mechanic, A well put together car and a well put together story are inseparable Just as the skills to fix and repair it at different levels of difficulty, think advance aeronautical propulsion engine compared to a rotary motor?

But that's perfect. When the pendulum swings back you can be rediscovered and critics will go
>in an age where most Polish literature consisted of well meaning but aesthetically empty sloganeering user produced this simply astonishing monument to literature and human creativity

>spent almost 3 fucking years fleshing out, writing, and creating this sci-fi universe and story
>just lost interest one day and stopped doing anything with it
>still have the first 100 or so pages just sitting there doing nothing

Pic related is some planet info card I made out of boredom one day, I made a fuck ton of shit like this, characters, species, back stories, technologies, emblems, covers, factions, etc, etc

I finally have the skeleton down, but I need to read up on plutocratic governments to figure out how in going to write the denouement.
I'm totally thinking to hard about it, but I'm inspired, and it's my first attempt and this is just a hobby anyway, so I'm just doing what feels right.
It's definitely not fun than trying to pump out a million short stories for disability pay. Fuck being a professional writer, I went back to washer slaving and I just write my book at work.
Fuck, I need to sleep /blog

I hope you had fun at least.

Lol, writing on a phone is bullshit

I so wish this could be the case

If the pendulum ever swings back that is

Eh it was pretty fun and a good time killer, I just lost interest is all, which is pretty shit considering I spent WAY too much fucking time on it

Have a sketch I did of one of the alien species

Plus remember guys, If we fail at being decent writers we can always become critics and just reference referenced references to make our point, or compare comparative comparisons

"Wetter than water"
"Wonderfully wonderful"
"Greater than greatness!"


Are you doubting your lord Hegel, slav?

post progress

This was the last thing I wrote, and I can't really remember what was even happening honestly. It's the first appearance of an important character though, after that I just stopped and I haven't written anything on it in close to a year

Just transferred 4k words from paper to computer. Feels good

Haven't even started.

"It was the year of the goat; it was the year of the sheep. It was the year of the ruminant from the subfamily Caprinae with either 54 or 60 chromosomes, because no one knew what a yang was. It was the year of elections and referendums and candidates screaming over each other in a lingua franca of hyperbole and hysteria – yes, the tumours and warts on the face of America, yes, we wipe them out. The crowd howled."

Haven't written in a while.

>far right cult
It's perfectly reasonable to say that we are the disease and not it.
