Holy,,,,,,I want more.....
So don't go there.
Then you would miss out on all the comedy gold, such as OP's image
>that's freakin' awesome, oh wow!
The only good writing/literature subreddit is r/badliterarystudies, which is, of course, dead.
>mfw these people genuinely enjoy things while I use an undeserved sense of superiority as a substitute for happiness
Why are we reliving this? I cringe evrithyme
I-it's working, right?
aauuuuggghhh so painful, that image is like dropping a dumbell on your foot
whats the difference between that and /r/badliterature
>tfw I have such a thick layer of irony applied I can't enjoy anything anymore
Okay. I am a beginner at this Veeky Forums shit plus English is my fourth language so sometimes I struggle to recognize the quality of the prose, but this is easy to tell: it's elementary school prose.
Worst of all, the person who'd written it thinks it's professional prose.
And so do all my friends it feels like
More or less the same, but less actual literature discussion on that one and more making fun of redditors in general.
>irony-sincerity dichotomy
>tfw finally reached a point where you can tell people what you believe and they think you're kidding
On badliterature you get banned for making an ironic comment to a mod, which makes you autobanned from badphilosophy as well.
I don't see the problem. That guy will never get published, no need to worry.
Holy.....I want more....
This strikes me as something John Green would write. It sounds like the whole 'How come eggs get labeled as breakfast food' bit from The Fault in our Stars.
The real cringe is the praise.
obviously you've never been to an online poetry/fanfiction site.
Is this from The Martian?
>How come eggs get labeled as breakfast food' bit from The Fault in our Stars.
What's this?
it's from Jerusalem, section III to be exact
>I'm not lazy, I'm just too intelligent.
Both reddit and Veeky Forums are circlejerks. I loathe all of you immensely.
what a literal retard