Try to read a book

>try to read a book
>can't make it past the first page because the internet ruined my attention span


How old are you? I need to know to confirm my biases.

29, pls no bully

Just turn off your computer and throw your phone across the room.

Try reading short stories. Lower commitment, faster investment.

I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on Veeky Forums anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

try going to a coffee shop/park/nice place you can read without your computer, put your phone on air plane mode and bring a book (bring a back up book too) and don't let yourself look on the internet or leave for an hour, two hours, whatever

oy vey

This is a good tactic typically whenever I am transitioning back into reading I read a few short stories first to get back into the grove of reading

These seem like pretty good tips thanks for not being a cunt

>start reading a book
>about 10 pages in realize that I'm to smart for it
>go back to shitposting

Why is finding a purpose such a difficult task


Not OP, but I found this very helpful, thank you

don't worry most literature isn't worth reading

Which book was it, this is an important question


The Secret.

I might jump around more, but I definitely read more because of the internet. I read books, news, tweets, articles, Veeky Forums, all kinds of shit and good stuff. Don't blame the internet for your attention span and don't blame your attention span for not being able to read a book. It's an excuse, not a reason.

Wow, 2 out of 4. Nice bait

Don't masturbate.

trust me

>try to read a book
>can't make it past the first page due to crippling depression
>spend the rest of the day staring at a wall

How is it related? Serious question

I have no scientific basis for this but the sexual frustration I feel when not masturbating urges me to do something and when I don't masturbate I can literally read several books in a week. The moment I masturbate, I lose all motivation and sit on my ass watching youtube videos.

>start Crime and Punishment
>identify with Raskolnikov
Thanks for making me remember I hate myself, Dostoevsky.

Honestly try some pulpy fiction or if you really want non fiction something that simple and enjoyable - perhaps those semi illistrated books on WWII or other wars/battles.

Read the Ego and its Own and realise that his sufferings were all caused by spooks and how he Stirner had the solution to all his problems

isn't that just stoicism? or

No, Stirner would be about being true to your own interests no matter how "weak" they are and not force yourself to try and live like an amoral sociopath because its more "logical"

Read The Tunnel. Seriously.

Someone explain how this is bait. Seems like legitimately good practical advice, give or take

But Stirner is just a spook.

Only if you make him one

You need to just sit down and finish a chapter or two at first. Don't stop reading until you do so. That's what worked for me. I just needed to get past that initial barrier and I could pick up reading again.

Read on public transit.

Its quite the opposite for me, I get all distracted by the urge to masturbate. I suddenly find myself browsing /gif/ (damn you 4chains) when I have other shit to do. That's why I usually masturbate before I start working on more serious stuff (like fulfilling my reading quota or continue to write my thesis)

>blaming the internet
>not holding yourself responsible for your shitty decisions

It's the emperor's new meme.

>start new book
>don't know shit about economics
>author spends half of the book talking about Hitler's economic policy's and there effect on hampering unemployment
>mfw I waisted 2 hours of my life reading through 200 pages of shit that I didn't understand

Just cuck my shit up senpai

Bring your book with you in a park, sit on the grass and read. Don't bring your phone. Set a goal (50 pages or smthng).

Its pasta not bait.

>read a sentence
>the sentence feels cliche and banal
>stop reading

Meditations are what you need to fix the attention span.

Do you mean meditating or the book by Aurelius?

Whenever I try and read in a public place I feel that people are trying to judge how fast I'm reading a page, which causes me to stop reading worrying about it, which makes me think all those people are laughing at how stupid I am because I haven't turned the page for a few minutes.

>"I will get up in the morning, do my thing and then read at least one chapter of my book before bed because that is the proper time to read!"

>stay awake til at least 4am every night or get hammered drunk
>never ever read

kill me

Meditating. Though Aurelius is also a must read.


>mfw I know exactly this feel

Newer than my Hardcover copy of Jerusalem [LMAO]. Please try and soak up the wonderful culture of our board for the appropriate probational period before posting again.

sounds like your problem isn't not being able to read
I had something similar where I'd get to bed really late and then wouldn't want to read that late
now I go to bed earlier again and try to improve myself generally, and I read a lot more

>sounds like your problem isn't not being able to read

Yeah that's probably not it, I vaguely recall learning how to read when I was a small child

Sounds like a problem

No one gives a fuck. Seriously youre not so important that everyone is watching you all the time

lol this is good advice. I have problems with sleeping in. so I put my phone on the other side of the room so I have to get up to turn off the alarm.

lol that is the most bonkers thing I have ever heard, what the other user said- not one gives a shit, realize that this fear/anxiety is completely irrational and in your head/grow up

You could just turn the phone off.

Pasta but useful pasta

Also, make sure that you're comfy. That's why reading in bed before you're going to sleep is basically Reading Habit 101.

Was it Vampire Economy?

If you listen to music, watch television, or do anything else involving voluntary sound exposure, cut it out. If you get comfortable with silence, you'll get more comfortable with reading boox.

Anyone here tried reading books in languages they donĀ“t know? I feel like it allows you to completely transcend the plot and read purely for the prose.

I've done this as well. I end up not being able to follow the story as I'm trying to read quicker than I normally do.

I'm pathetic.

Nah it's all OK after I jerk off

Hobbies stop being fun as soon as you get self-aware about your interest and start looking at it from a meta perspective. Usually happens due to the internet, for example here. It's the same for music, movies etc. Never try to force yourself to read something that doesn't really interest you just because you think it makes you seem smart, patrician whatever or because you think it's imporant to hear/read/watch it to be up to date etc etc
Don't just read Joyce for the sake of it, it has to come naturally to you. Most people don't read him at 22 or whatever the average age here is so don't pressure yourself into it
Becoming self-aware of your hobby at a young age is bad. You

sorry i'm drunk and my english isn't the best especially not when i'm drunk
regardless i hope i could bring my point across although i'm just noticing that it might be n

I do this. It doesn't really do that at all. It's very difficult to discern the quality of prose in a language you don't know and it makes figuring out the story very difficult, but it's also a lot of fun because of how challenging it is.

Not bad advice actually, people here forcing themselves through the Russians, Infinite Jest, etc. There's literature that reads easy and is great, it took me years until I learned to appreciate and WANT to read Tolstoj, Celine, Lowry and the like - but I loved Bukowski, Nabokov or J. Heller immediately.

>Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure
I comfortably read 50 pages in a single day then I never touched the book again. The following years I didn't read shit.

>When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.
This doesn't work.

I bought a 120 page book and stopped reading it midway.

I paid for 3 month of gym and went there like four times.

I paid for college and dropped out even though I finished all classes (didn't get the paper)

this, I have like a dozen books I've bought and never read, paid for a year of a gym membership and only went twice, and have been procrastinating school work since my second fucking semester which was almost 5 years ago now and I'm not even graduated yet

>Have 3 tabs open on PDF pages for books i was supposed to read a month ago

I'm probably never going to read them even weeks from now.


You don't want to read at all, you want to be able to say you have read --- same is true of Veeky Forums at large.


Yeah this is called being a lazy peice of shit. Noone can change this other than you.

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

Why not though? I've always seen it like lifting weights, if it starts to hurt to pay attention and focus if you keep doing it youll eventually just get better no?

lol have you ever noticed how impossible it is to focus on someone reading within your vicinity? Seriously everytime someone is reading around me I never notice them turn a page because I'm too busy worrying about myself

on what basis are you making that claim?

I can only read in the dead of night. This is a rare occurence because usually I fall asleep at 12 AM and wake up circa 7. The morning and afternoon hours are too loud and bright for me. I'd rather play video games or watch tv then read.