I'm becoming this guy. What should I read?

I'm becoming this guy. What should I read?

The Divine Comedy

tim heidecker is a king


*tim hecker

Tim Heidecker is a real vag

he's friends with james murphy so they probably discuss the intricacies of the pynchonian universe from mason & dixon to bleeding edge

thomas pynchon

This is a top 5 film for me, the directors newer movie Entertainment is really good

Tim Heidecker was one of the writers for Entertainment. He's also friends with Gregg Turkington, they actually had a web show on adult swim called "On Cinema At the Cinema".

I love that show. Gregg can say just about anything and I'll laugh.

>*tim hecker
...hasn't put out a decent record in 5 years

the show is still running, lucky season seven finished and i had no idea season 8 even started, cant wait to catch up

Infinite Jest

season 8 has been fucking GOOD. enjoy it man

seriously crazy to me where that show has gone

I'm also interested in an answer to this topic, as I loved this film, entertainment (Gregg turkington film), and just about anything these two guys have done.

Comparable to the comedy, if say maybe some of tao lin's stuff for that post modern ironic detachment bullshit but I haven't really read much of him more than a few of his old shorts

Tim is at his lowest, he's become a monster.

I am Swanson but I've yet to have breakthrough moment of real sincerity so, I'm just awful.

Please past the benzos

What is that image from?

God only knows.

Read literally anything. Tim and Eric seen real deep to uncultured fucks that aimlessly pontificate on irony instead of educating themselves.
Actually, his only good album was within the last five years. Virgins isn't amazing, but unlike his early trash, it is actually engaging and not essentially theme music for shitty pretentious horror films.
Love Streams was even worse through so really the question is why the fuck have I listened to so much of this asshole's music?

I suggest reading something you believe will lower you to a healthy level of irony. Is that even possible for you at this stage?

I'm willing to try anything as I'm just sad now. Who could help me? Kierkegaard?

>tfw I've gotten to the point where everyone says I talk like I'm being sarcastic and snarky all the time
>tell those people I'm not actually being sarcastic thats just how I talk
My passive speech is now sarcastic even when I am serious. Help.

it's easy, change.

Helps to listen to Mozart until you appreciate it, almost nothing is more sincere. Also read 1800s lit