How does evolution explain asexuals and homosexuals

Hi science,

I 'm an asexual male, can't get aroused of penetration, only softporn.

But if evolutionis about reproduction, how does it explain both us asexuals and homosexual people?

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asexual reproduction and human asexuality are completely different things

Yeah but evolution makes asexuals and homosexuals not motivated to reproduce

Asexual organisms DO reproduce you retarded faggot. As to why it is that you're a walking failure, you can contribute to your genes survival without having kids, by for example helping a sibling raise their kid, or even by paying taxes that go to feed children with some of your genes (you're fairly closely related to eveyone in your country)

Evolution isn't some divine plan to make perfect people and fix errors. Evolution occurs BECAUSE of errors. Random mutations: some good some bad.

So what? They remain completely different. Gays like to have sex, they just do not reproduce because it's obviously unfeasible.

>not preferring cuck PoV makes you asexual (in the bullshit tumblr sense)
Or are you saying you have trouble getting it up with actual women? That's ED, not asexuality.

To add to this, maybe try masturbating or drinking less or being more creative/kinky in bed.
>The most common cause of erectile dysfunction for young men is anxiety. This may include concerns about getting someone pregnant, not wanting to appear inexperienced, or worrying about using a condom without embarrassment or losing your erection while putting a condom on.
Or, given that you apparently listen to and believe tumblr, being constantly worried that you're committing rape.

asexuals are just sexually repressed.
you've probably gotten used to channeling that sexual energy into some hobby/interest/passion.
homosexuality has to do with power-games. most homosexuals don't know how to play dominance games in a casual context.

Ehm, I barely visit Tumblr. And I never got aroused of this, its not like it stopped

Many friends of me are female, and I am hetero. They also like me, but the thoughtof putting my dick in them feels respectless and disgusting

>They also like me, but the thoughtof putting my dick in them feels respectless and disgusting
Sounds like that is your hangup that you need to get over somehow. It's not respectless because women (well, the vast majority) enjoy it.

They must not be attractive enough to seduce your or you are a complete faggot

Very interesting.

Do you feel this way only with your friends or about women in general?

I am autistic, Aspergers syndrom, so I have enough fallacies, I don't think they will really like me. And I don't trust people so I can't be intimate anyway.

Women in general. I think you should respect women and although I tried to stop with porn I can't, it generally makes me feel horrible

I don't want to see women as objects of lust

Have you thought about exploring gay porn or seeing if you might be aroused by men?

No never liked it. I only get aroused by women.

Don't get aroused by kids either. I hate kids.

you should realize that women want to be lusted for. don't get duped by the hypermasculine shit on the internet but you really just need to man up.

I feel you on the kids part.

If you feel like you desire an intimate relationship with a woman, you should consider an Asperger's support group. You might be able to find a female friend and connect on an emotional level, which may lead to the both of you wanting to form a physical relationship. There are 7 billion people on Earth, it's highly improbable to not find one woman that you trust and understands you.

Porn is geared towards men and could easily be seen as disrespectful to women -- but in real life, having sex with someone you care about isn't like that. The act itself is respectful, you share the experience with someone you care about and satisfy their urges as well as your own. Humans wouldn't have gotten this far if women didn't have sexual desires, just gotta find the right lass.

Hmm I rather regard myself a male feminist. I always thought women don't like sex.

Well, I get along best with non-autistic people, because I 'm more like a "social autist" which likes jokes and fun apart from complicated stuff. Therefore I visit Veeky Forums lol

Yeah well I 'm stuck in life. History of being terrorized by people. I can't normally go outside in the town where I live because of how other people act to me

Sounds like a parenting issue, senpai.

You mispelled cuck

My girlfriend likes sex more than I do most of the time so that's wrong. If you can get aroused by women then you're not asexual it sounds like you just have intimacy issues

You're defective, but this is luckily a self-correcting error.

I don't know. I just don't like people, because the only thing they do is hate you or harrass you.

The internet is the only place where I feel safe.

This... Mutation is there to create new beings, selection is there to get rid of those who are inferior.

If you are born homosexual, that means there has been a mutation of sorts, you will not procreate, your genes will not be passed on and the problem will solve itself approximately 85 years after your birthdate.

Because it's an evolutionary spandrel.

You're not special or unique. Have a nice life.

You guys won't be able to reproduce in about 300k years you'll cease to exist.

t. moron who doesn't understand evolution

We're not talking about asexual as in reproduction, but asexual as in not attracted to anything

How come you're a victim to such a large group of people that you can't go out normally in the town where you live? How is that even possible?

Feel free to ignore the people upthread telling you you're broken in some way. Human beings are terrifying, and in your case, I think having a mindset like yours - overly cautious - is probably beneficial.

You don't have any trouble making female friends, and that puts you several steps ahead of the average loser on Veeky Forums. These girls probably do enjoy being around a guy who won't make a move on them - but if that was your only redeeming quality you wouldn't have as many female friends. So that's a point in your favor.

I don't like to give out romantic advice, but I think you should wait for a girl to make the first move. You can rely on female friends to give you advice on how to interpret this sort of thing, like
>X said she wanted to get coffee sometime... was she asking me out on a date? I don't want to misinterpret the mood, here
>Wow, X-chan is really amazing. Someone like me probably doesn't have a shot, right?
>Oh, she said she likes me? I don't know how to react to that... she just meant she thinks I'm okay as a person, right?
^ That kind of script will let you gather data about the situation without giving away your own feelings.

As far as your original question goes, homosexuals exist to play a support role. Human beings are a social species; if extra children are born, gays can raise them. The existence of people with near-zero libido is also part of the way human society functions; the young, the elderly, and the disinclined can all contribute things other than "more people" to the world. Maybe you just aren't ready for sex. Maybe you'll never want to have sex. Maybe the perfect partner will someday appear in front of you and you'll try your hardest to make things work. Who can say? The only certainty is the present, in which you are the "you" whom you are, and no other self exists. If you happen to change, and the future you is different from the "you" you are now, that's fine too.

You're a good person.

Evolution is guided by the random generation of mutants it can then select for. You exist with as much purpose as does an infertile retard with no limbs, to spice up the team roaster for selection. Even if you can't complete and are fated to lose

Also there are some theories about homosexuals role in communities. Like omega in a wolf pack, they never pass on genes but their role is maintained as it provides stability to the whole species. Namely the alphas that maintain the hierarchy and perpetuate the existence of the beneifical omega class

Organisms dont always function correctly

It means there is something worng with them also, there is no proof of evolution. it is a theory and a flawed one at that

That is a Hierarchy not a biological function.

Not to be rude but are you implying that hierarchy, as in social behavior, isn't a product of biological functions?

Like it exists in some alternative plan of reality or what?

What is origin of species?

What is the origin of all species? When will we run out or do you not believe in extinction as well?

Homos can breed its all a case of motivation for breeding, you hold down a faggot then have a woman sit on his dick and make him ejaculate inside of her. The same to a lesbian raped by a man. Asexuals just need more forced stimulation.

Sexuality isn't the result of genetics.
You aren't born homosexual.

It must be the case for at least an even smaller minority. Knowing how big that number is would be interesting.

It means exactly what you would hope it would not. You were never meant to reproduce and natural selection has screwed you over.

All reliable evidence points to that being the case though. There's no evidence that a male heterosexual can be 'made' to like dick nor vice versa, and why would that be hard to understand given that you don't question the fact you like boobs and vagina which was most assuredly not a conscious decision.

why do people turn gay when you rape them tho?

Could be a genetic predisposition rather than "you are 100% gay if you have this gene". Would

They dont. They were already a bit gay and being raped just prompted them to acknowledge it

homosexuals are infected with a virus, either sexually or by parents.
Asexuals are psychologically damaged or impaired by having their brain waves changed. By neuron damage in a way.
Also sexuality is actually just about dick/vagina stimulation neuron stimulation, and sexual "direction" is decided purely by societal factors, attractive-ness,friends, etc.

Tldr: sexuality is psychological
gay and a sexual probably have certain bacteria / viruses making them prone to this sexual deviation from the norm

Because I 'm a person with an above average intelligence put in high school on the lowest level by elementary school, probably because I think longer about answers, not because I 'm dumb, but because I process it longer to come up with a bettwr answer, but everyone on my elementary school went to lower level high school, I was no exception. They just thought I 'm dumb, the consequence was that nobody liked me and although I went to higher levels, I still wasn't liked. Pre-university level high school I felt most at ease, because most people there didn't interact with me but weren't mean visibly either, instead of harrassing which I was used to. I have been several years at home without doing anything as I could predict harrassing would go on if I immediately went to study something

They never liked the way I talk and the words I use. I was also passive when people insulted me, because I don't want to be a mean person or violent. So I don't insult back because that feels wrong to me, not because I don't dare to what most people think.

Well, when I said female friends I mean I had them at a certain time, not currently. I have one real friend, but she hasn't replied to my text messages the last months. Byt her last message she asked me if I wanted to see her new dorm / house in the place where she studies. Maybe she changed number... I 'll go look for it. But she really likes contact with me because I 'm not disrespectful to women and because we have fun, and when she talks about her problems I listen as that's what you are supposed to do as a friend.

So many people have disappointed me and couldn't be trusted that I don't want to be such an asshole.

Only when I reply in /b I might act like one, but everyone knows it isn't serious in there. Only when threads with girls and their private info appear I report them and I sometimes complain about it, getting called a white knight kek

You got something wrong with you somewhere and the body knows to shut you down.

Same with depressed people that can't get it up anymore. They are unhealthy and not in condition to reproduce, so body shuts it down.

All over we have ED and it's because the body is attempting to stop unfit people from reproducing.

I don't know what's wrong with you.

Well I get aroused by breasts but not by vaginas, I guess there is something wrong there.

Can science explain 2d sexuals?

Human beings are social animals. Instead of reproducing as individuals, we reproduce as a group. There is an evolutionary advantage to homosexuality if you take the entire family into consideration. By having an extra able-bodied member of a family take care of his nieces and nephews, hunt and help out, the family is better suited to survive. It's like how all workers of an ant colony is asexual. If every individual worker reproduces on their own, then they'll most likely fight each other a succomb to greed. Its the same thing as in multicellarism. Only a small set of your cells actually reproduce indefinitely. The rest are programed to die off.
tldr. You have to take the entire population into consideration.


no, that's god's work

You get genetic mutations where one person develops an attraction to the same gender or isn't attracted to the other gender at all. However, because it's still important to mate with the other gender to ensure your genetic survival, homosexuals and asexuals will have sex with the opposite gender out of purpose rather than enjoyment. So it persists in the species it affects. I woukdnt be surpised if we found that a fair number of species have a homosexual or asexual (or both) shared ancestor that bred with the opposite gender for genetic survival and thus all descendants of that shared ancestor have (probably recessive) homosexual or asexual genes that can expressed when the proper situation arises for them to be expressed.

The fuck is this comic

>the problem will solve itself
The problem only solves itself when being gay is socially acceptable. If there is genetic predeterminance for being gay, and people are born that way, then forcing people to stay closeted will actually only serve to increase the number of gays as time goes on. If they are being forced to hide their gayness, the best way to do that for them is to get married, have kids and then go to the gay bathhouse in secret while their family acts as a beard for them. Gay bashing effectively works like an evolutionary pressure that forces a sexual disadvantage to perpetuate.

Well that, and bisexuals.

The flinstones

I've only ever heard people explain things. Tell me how a process can explain?

I don't trust so I can't trust.
I don't jump so I can't jump.
See where your logic breaks down?

The mechanisms that make things attractive to our brains are relatively simple.

Symmetry, shape (thin waist with noticeably wider hips), clear/healthy skin, thick/healthy hair. It's easy to draw a character that meets these characteristics. If you fail, you can erase and start over.

Anime also does this with cute characters, often combining the two. Cute characteristics: "(a) large head relative to body size, rounded head; (b) large, protruding forehead; (c) large eyes relative to face, eyes below midline of head; (d) rounded, protruding cheeks; (e) rounded body shape; and (f) soft, elastic body surfaces."

I know that looks can be deceiving and you should never just trust someone. I always keep in mind that people might have an agenda

>i dont usually ask this but when i do
are you literally retarded?

>gets off on porn
choose one, bud