Do you think humanity will abandon religious systems at some point or are they are a permanent aspect of civilization?

Do you think humanity will abandon religious systems at some point or are they are a permanent aspect of civilization?

what book is this?

So long as there are institutions willing to organize and popularize religion and it's materials it isn't going away. It's a locus of socialization for people and a source of comfort and purpose. There would have to be some major event along the lines of trans humanism for it to dissipate into some ether.

Well I happen to believe that religion's subject matter--the divine and the metaphysical--are real, so no, I don't think it will ever be abandoned, for the same reason physics and chemistry won't ever be abandoned.

Someone please post the Family Guy "future without Christianity" image. I want to cringe.

Religion goes when philosophy goes

Fakin' muslims will conquer western world.

Please don't confound my scientific and social philosophy with your dated fantasy land of metaphysics and epistemology and le greeks, thanks.

Organized religion specifically? Maybe.

But some form of animism will always exist I think.

It depends what you mean by religious systems. The more narrow and traditional your definition the more likely a confident "yes".


That said, I hope for goodness' sake monotheism will be destroyed.

If by "humanity" you mean western civilization and by "religious systems" you mean Christianity, then no, because ultimately speaking they're one and the same.
Do you seriously think pegan philosophy would have continued?
No, the only reason our own 18th century philosophers have enjoyed the privilege of being ignorant about philosophy is because scholasticism gave them something to be ignorant of.
Serious philosophical thought is the domain of the abrahamic religions.
All of these cross-eyed, brain dead logical positivists and critical theorists do not count as philosophers, and the only reason they are able to carry out their nonsense is because there is something for them not to understand, something to fall short of. And they all want to take credit for it; every one of their thoughts which is worth a shit is the product of a huge accretion over time of philosophy regarding the nature of God, being, and the revelation of Jesus of Nazareth. These patristic and honest thinkers have given to western society the material which educationally shapes us into who we are, our morality as taught to us by our western parents (and they theirs) and so forth.
And yet there are so many historically famous thinkers whose only noteworthy intellection is that of falling short of the ancients, they want to take credit for this, they spit on western society and its high-academic ways and then they act like they are the champions of it.

Not at all. It's access to the metaphysical in a person, the spirit. This element of fulfillment in life is vital for most humans. It allows the imagination to roam. I think it would be shocking if it were to die.

Everything will eventually settle under the gaze of Allah. الله أكبر

>All of these cross-eyed, brain dead logical positivists and critical theorists do not count as philosophers, and the only reason they are able to carry out their nonsense is because there is something for them not to understand, something to fall short of.
Logical positivism and critical theory are long dead. How telling that you would beat such dead horses. Try criticizing neopragmatists or something next time if you want to be taken seriously.

(Just don't hurt yourself, baby gurl)

There will always be a few godcucks but religion can be effectively wiped out. After all, religions have a long and impressive history of wiping out other religions.

The important thing is to always fight and never let up. The job can't be left half-done. Enver Hoxha is really inspirational to me in his fight against theism and went far toward eradicating it in his country, but ultimately it was just that after he died the momentum wasn't carried forward and his nation started a slow regression backward towards godshit.

Humans don't need belief in god. If they did there would be no atheists.

Critical theory lives on in post-structuralism (habermas is one example of it), logical positivism lives on indirectly in the minds of most college students who are not religious.
It's typical that you can't understand what I mean so you try to get all rigid with me on terminology, you're so learned I'm impressed now finish your assignments.

You went from existential quantifier to universal quantifier. Devilish.

never we cannot as a whole. our creator put that in out dna , till we can get over modifying it to release us from our limiter and our over lord alien race.

No I think I understand what you mean, there is no out from tradition but in this respect you maybe want to look into mentioned neopragmatism because it's similar to your position just minus the spooky ghosts thing and the horrible strawmen. As for morality I recommend the behavioral and evolutionary sciences to further your insight because our morality is definitely not taught by our parents.

Humans need belief in god. If they didn't there would be no theists.

If you mean christianity well After the globalization people who controll the world abandoned christianity as a way to gain their power and wealth so christianity has and will keep losing popularity but it won't be abandoned since humans feel the need to believe in something bigger than us

;-; Stop stalking me desu this is meant to be anonymous

It will stay in its most cancerous forms (e.g. Islam) but there will also be renewed interest for Plato's form of the Good - even though this may very well only occur in the metaphysically advanced, i.e. in those who don't need their metaphysical entities anthromorfised and can properly deal with abstract truth.

Parents as part of the environment in general was my meaning.

Religion is a subset of an infinite set that is the speculative field of metaphysics including materialism and nihilism and the rest.

Religion has enjoyed staying power with the general public because the human psyche has easy access to personal gods via animism, anthropomorphization and so on (as does nihilism with lazy teens because now it makes no "sense" to get off your lazy depressed ass, much wow) which naturally turned into tradition until the advent of modern science. Before Einstein and Darwin came along you couldn't claim the opposite without looking like a fedora who was being skeptic for the hell of it but more importantly you also couldn't claim more or less certainty on metaphysical matters and that is in philosophical terms because skeptics of old were playing the language game of metaphysics when the answer lied in simple deconstruction and critical thinking.

So since the classical arguments for the existence of God were debunked by modern science and philosophy long ago monotheistic religion is mainly reinforced by social control measures nowadays e.g. all the anti-intellectual theist bullies in this thread. Metaphor here, insult there, moving the goalpost everywhere.

I guess it's like they say: Ask and ye shall, heh, receive.

Do I think humanity will abandon religious systems? That depends whether you believe the "prophecies" of the movie Idiocracy. I say give em a couple more centuries and they will come to their senses. I'll be waiting. Snoozing.

Humans will always worship something.

>as does nihilism with lazy teens because now it makes no "sense" to get off your lazy depressed ass
There's a difference between an angsty teen and his apathy towards life and, shall we call it, theoretical nihilism. The latter is in fact one of the dominant views of contemporary analytic metaphysics.

>Religion is a subset of an infinite set
This is just vague. What is religion then? Too, a set, or an individual (makes no sense)? Or an algebraic structure equipped with a domain of individuals (the believers), a distinguished element g, denoting God Almighty, and a binary relation symbol "B", denoting the relation "believes in" (e.g. B(John, g))?

You are wrong and silly, but at least you're straight out with it.