What are some of your cringiest stories?

What are some of your cringiest stories?

>be me taking a Data Structures course
>everyone is a cringy autist who thinks they're le super smart because they can do compoopers and play chess. They always speak in that extremely obnoxious, stereotypical nerdy tone that you'd except out of someone with an ego larger than the size of our known universe.
>be in lecture
>we're learning about quick sorting algorithm
>going over code
>the array we're sorting contains the digits of pi
>professor asks "does anybody notice something interesting about these numbers in this array?"
>one of the autists says extremely fast, in a very matter-of-fact tone "IT'S THE DIGITS OF PI: THREE POINT ONE FOUR ONE FIVE NINE THREE FIVE SIX FIVE."
>professor looking at him like he's some kind of goddamn faggot
>"No, no, not that. There are repeating digits..."
>everyone in class is laughing to themselves and cringing their asses off because this militant autist finally got a piece of the prof's mind

I just needed to get this off my chest. I fucking hate computer engineers.

>computer engineers

You mean computer scientists

that's not right


>prof insists of calling indefinite integral "antiderivative"
>spergs out whenever someone says "integral for anything other than the definite integral

Call it the differintegral of order -1


I can kind of sympathize with him. So many students don't understand what the big deal is with the fundamental theorem of calculus because they think that definite integrals are by definition the difference of the antiderivative evaluated at the two limits. But yeah I don't think it's necessary to be autistic about it.


I just got it.

Have been programming since I was 12yo. Owning these codemonkeys with a "not a big deal face" is extremely amusing.

this actually just happened today - same kind of militant autist being talked about in OP had to present a small concept, but he went way overboard and tried to attempt some really tryhard example of it, and ultimately failed in front of the whole class. i felt bad, because he was never a dick to anyone per se, just came off as a bit of a twat

Wait, it's not? I thought integral meant "muh area under the curve" and said area was found by evaluating the difference between the antiderivatives with the limit plugged in. How is that wrong?

Yes, the integral can be interpreted as the area under the curve. But in any case, it is distinct from the antiderivative. You can certainly evaluate integrals using methods that do not involve antiderivatives (Riemann sums is a common example).

What you're describing is the fundamental theorem of calculus, one method of evaluating integrals.

Haha, at least you can laugh at them.
Our class including me have no fucking idea what the lecturer goes through.

He asks us questions,
nobody answers
complete silence.

The lecture goes on in monotone voice and the lecturer still asks question.
The next day, just half of the people appear.

Every single course. We are like the truest autists ever, too afraid and autistic to answer simple questions. Nobody even fucking asks questions.

I'd rather nobody asks questions than have to listen to some smug fuck ask something he already knows the answer to so he can show off how smart he is.

I fucking hate those.

do you go to RPI?


What's that? Probably not.

Actually, while we're on the subject, I'm surprised nobody here apparently goes to my school and is taking the same class. I'd think at least one of those fucking nerds would be channers.

I have several:

>jewish kid giving a presentation on fluorescent resonant energy transfer
>his Yammie fell off in the middle of the presentation and he got really flustered
>whiny voice hurt my ears
he's a nice guy though (and he obviously didn't choose to be born a Hebrew)

>TA in comp architecture class was a humongous sperg
>obsessed with shrek... his profile photo on our class Piaza with was shrek, the prof let him write Shrek themed questions on exams etc...
>always wore crusty sweatpants
>smelt like garbage

>TA in solid state chem class was also a humongous sperg
>would wear a tuxedo to exam review sessions--when questioned would stutter something about liking james bond
>his review sessions sucked because he kept trying to crack jokes rather than go over material
>had the biggest boner for molybdenum for some reason

one more:
>in physics lab giving a presentation
>drawing vectors on the board, mistakenly reverse the direction of one
>this fucking polish kid who thought he was god's gift immediately blurts out that i got the vector wrong
>i calmly acknowledge that he's right
>gave him wrong information on homework for the remainder of the semester
(i couldn't look past the fact that he was a pollack)

pic unrelated

>kept trying to crack jokes rather than go over material

Oh man, I know how fucking awful this can be.
>7 to 9:30 class
>professor poo in loo has a dash of autism and speaks far too loudly in a very acoustic and small room
>statistical computing class, everyone really wants to pay attention bc class is only once per week
>motherfucker is obbsessed with the election
>talking about complex (for undergrads) methods of estimation and sampling from unusual distributions etc
>at every single conceivable point where an approach is inconvenient or difficult he says "it's rigged :DDD right?? its rigged guys"
>that and "you've gotta be really smart, i'm not that smart, i still pay taxes ;)"

Just fucking teach the material. We will write down whatever you say, just show us how to do the homework.

>calc 2
>professor is describing sequences and series
>"the reason students struggle with sequences and series is because its hard to get students engaged. Believe me, it took 3 tries for my wife to say yes."

Man, why are students such a fucking downer. The fucker probably has a shitty depressing life because, well, he's a goddamn professor. This is the only thing that keeps him sane throughout the week, making these cheesy-ass jokes during lecture. Fuck, man. I'm glad I'm never going to be a professor, so I don't have to deal with depressing kids like you.

Holy shit, I had a poo-in-loo stats prof who would also talk about the election. A dash of autism too. Only she was not a man.

Not every Riemann-integrable function has an antiderivative...

That's sad. I get nervous and shaky answering questions in the first couple lectures, but at least I fucking do it when the professor is getting crickets,

>there are repeating digits
Hopefully the professor checked them


>checking yourself

Nice dubs

This was me in a couple of my math courses, but I often ended up being "that guy" who would answer >50% of the questions. It's either being "that guy" or having the professor get crickets with every simple-ass questions.


I remember this from old af thread

This is ridiculous man. I've TA'd for maybe three years, best thing to do in that situation is throw your hands up and go "ah I fucked up, sorry guys, figure out yourself, email me if you get stuck". The only ones who'll email you are the ones that already have the know-how to do it on their own.

>tfw you do this a few times and the prof starts asking you even when you don't volunteer

Do you want a cookie or something?

Do fuckers like you understand how pretentiously autistic you look? Nobody answers the professor's simple-ass questions because they are so simple that they figure somebody else will answer. So when you blurt out the answer as soon as the professor finishes the question, you just look like a smartass who thinks that answering all of these questions is impressive.

I once answered that 2^4 is 128 when teacher lectured about number systems. Don't ask me how I came to that conclusion, but it was only a couple months ago and I still want to kill myself over it. I just answered too quickly before I even thought about the actual question. Everybody probably thinks I am retarded. Heck, I probably am.

>One student notified police about possible "suicidal person on campus"

The "now on suicide watch" meme becomes reality. Don't ever let your memes be dreams.

I don't fucking get it

Top kek

>the prof let him write Shrek themed questions on exams
any examples?

>Only she was not a man
or was she?

I dont ask questions because I feel like I'm wasting everyone else's time and that they get it already

and also because of guys like this

so what was interesting about the numbers


Repeating digits.

cringe desu. How can people post these things without feeling embarrassed? The Cold War ended 25 years ago.

>le cringe
Hey Reddit

Le ebin anticommunist memes are cringe. It's on the same tier as owning a katana and thinking it is cool

>i-i must defend my fellow commies
behind the wall maggot

daily reminder that /pol/ should go and stay go

You're in a thread whose topic is cringe, fag.

"Communism isn't that bad" is on the same level of insanity as "Hitler wasn't that bad." Why are academics so out of touch with reality?

>Have him wrong information for the remainder of the semester

Are you 5 years old?

Ah man we have a kid like that here...

Worst thing he does is when a student asks a question to the ta during discussion this dude tries to answer the question before the ta. Worst example of this was someone asked "wait what's ternary?" And this fucking dude just yells out "ONE TWO TEN ELEVEN TWELVE TWENTY ETCETERA" ta too shy and awkward to tell him to shut the fuck up just waits for this to finish and then explains base three like a normal fucking human being.

This is way to trivial to get remembered in a mean way

>>"No, no, not that. There are repeating digits...
You were so close