Science facts

am bored and wow crazy cool facts are fun i guess. never have done this before so yeah.

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so here's a little fact to start this, if a sun were to pass to close to a black hole it can rip the black hole apart

About 65 billion solar neutrinos pass through every square centimeter of your body per second (perpendicular to the direction of the sun). They fly right through you, through the earth, then out the other side. Almost none bump into anything, they just go right through unhindered.

A neutron star is so dense that one teaspoon (5 milliliters) of its material would have a mass over 5.5×10^12 kg, about 900 times the mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Termites are more related to cockroaches and mantids than they are to ants.

The sun loses around 4.4 million tonnes of mass per second by converting mass into energy through nuclear fusion (E=MC^2). It also loses around 1.5 million tonnes per second via the solar wind. Since its birth, the sun has roughly lost over 100 earth-masses via these processes.

The expansion of the universe is accelerating, meaning even if we departed on a spaceship right now and could travel at light speed (which is impossible, but just for a thought experiment), 93% of the galaxies we can see in the observable universe will forever be out of reach.

Laws of physics (as they are currently known) allow for a person to travel to another galaxy in a lifetime. At 1 G constant acceleration it takes around 20-25 years IIRC to get to Andromeda. You just need to get to high speeds so your aging will slow down so you will need an awesome power source for this. And it was like 40-50 years to travel billions of light years at 1 G acceleration.

Ants can sometimes get stuck in what is known as a "death spiral" where they walk in a circle and are doomed to die of exhaustion.

Humans normally have 46 chromosomes, however adding or subtracting one can cause many different syndromes such as turner's syndrome, down syndrome, and klinefelter's syndrome.

Contraty to popular believe and to a meme typically posted here, If a sun made out of fire and a sun made out of ice collide the one made of ice would melt so there would be no collision at all.

Source: 50 facts you can't even!

I got a great fact:

Hydrogen atoms are often found...

That's it.

every minute, 60 second passes

1 in 250 embryo are affected by holoprosencephaly

And 1 in 68 people have autism. Which is what I have. :D

Interesting fact: White people are the devil.

The cod has a very sophisticated form of radar but hasn't worked out how to use it.

Normies can't explain conformal time.

Black's sexual apparatus is 3 times bigger than the whities

Religious texts (I should say, texts made religious) are symbolic and actually refer to subatomic particles.

Yoga means union.

normally, there should be another planet, between Mars and Jupiter, instead of the asteroid belt, but the massive influence of Jupiter stopped its formation.
That's also why Mars is smaller than Earth, when common logic tells you it should be bigger.

Can I get more info on this? Its intriguing.

Humans have limited thermal infrared "vision". Few are aware of it but once informed most can use it with ease.

If we're located on a radius of 65 million years from Earth, we would percieve the light that was emmited/reflected from Earth 65 million years ago.

And implying we have a power-ass telescope, we could see the Earth just like it was 65 million years ago and see dinosaurisisnodfiencodnfvojewnfoiejnifpsdjnogfvkehwfnojhcougfrqe hgci43qhjt04hjfoixurweahif xehñaof

Interesting fact: The gap between Earth and the Moon is so big that all the planets of the solar system could fit there (aside from Earth itself and Pluto).

>inb4 pluto is not a planet.

Sorry, I don't speak welsh

A neutron star has half the size of New York but has the density of 10000 suns,and the magnetic field is preety damn powerful.

I don't believe


OP is a faggot

what about slowing down?

there are more grains of sand on all of earth's beaches than there are atoms in the entire universe

The proton doesnt exist

There are more atoms in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth.

There are more characters in the Japanese language than atoms in our solar system.

Objects flying through space close to earth speed up more than they should and no one knows why

I spent the night with your mom yesterday ;)

Thats such bullshit. Do atoms not make up sand?

Dogs cant look up

>The sun loses around 4.4 million tonnes of mass per second by converting mass into energy through nuclear fusion

Does it though? I thought that mass that is "being turned" into energy still exerts a gravitational force, so for all intents and purposes it's not losing anything in this process.

No he's right. Neil Degrass Tyson himself said it.


It gets turned into photons and photons are massless. :)

Is this real life?
