Are lucid dreams Veeky Forums ? What do you think of pic related and the dream research?

Are lucid dreams Veeky Forums ? What do you think of pic related and the dream research?

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They are cool as fuck. That's what I know.

>dream research
Please go on. Bumping for interest.

After I had written the theme I continued to be curious, and I kept practicing this watching myself as I went to sleep. One night, while I was having a dream, I realized I was observing myself in the dream. I had gotten all the way down into the sleep itself!

In the first part of the dream I'm on top of a train and we're approaching a tunnel. I get scared, pull myself down, and we go into the tunnel-- whoosh! I say to myself, "So you can get the feeling of fear, and you can hear the sound change when you go into the tunnel." I also noticed that I could see colors. Some people had said that you dream in black and white, but no, I was dreaming in color.

By this time I was inside one of the train cars, and I can feel the train lurching about. I say to myself, "So you can get kinesthetic feelings in a dream." I walk with some difficulty down to the end of the car, and I see a big window, like a store window. Behind it there are-not mannequins, but three live girls in bathing suits, and they look pretty good!

I continue walking into the next car, hanging onto the straps overhead as I go, when I say to myself, "Hey! It would be interesting to get excited-- sexually--so I think I'll go back into the other car." I discovered that I could turn around, and walk back through the t rain--I could control the direction of my dream. I get back to the car with the special window, and I see three old guys playing violins--but they turned back into girls! So I could modify the direction of my dream, but not perfectly.

Well, I began to get excited, intellectually as well as sexually, saying things like, "Wow! It's working!" and I woke up.

I made some other observations while dreaming. Apart from always asking myself, "Am I really dreaming in color?" I wondered, "How accurately do you see something?"

The next time I had a dream, there was a girl lying in tall grass, and she had red hair. I tried to see if I could see each hair. You know how there's a little area of color just where the sun is reflecting--the diffraction effect, I could see that! I could see each hair as sharp as you want: perfect vision!

Another time I had a dream in which a thumbtack was stuck in a doorframe. I see the tack, run my fingers down the doorframe, and I feel the tack. So the "seeing department" and the "feeling department" of the brain seem to be connected. Then I say to myself, Could it be that they don't have to be connected? I look at the doorframe again, and there's no thumbtack. I run my finger down the doorframe, and I feel the tack!

Another time I'm dreaming and I hear "knock-knock; knock-knock." Something was happening in the dream that made this knocking fit, but not perfectly--it seemed sort of foreign. I thought: "Absolutely guaranteed that this knocking is coming from outside my dream, and I've invented this part of the dream to fit with it. I've got to wake up and find out what the hell it is."

The knocking is still going, I wake up, and . . . Dead silence. There was nothing. So it wasn't connected to the outside.

Other people have told me that they have incorporated external noises into their dreams, but when I had this experience, carefully "watching from below," and sure the noise was coming from outside the dream, it wasn't.

During the time of making observations in my dreams, the process of waking up was a rather fearful one. As you're beginning to wake up there's a moment when you feel rigid and tied down, or underneath many layers of cotton batting. It's hard to explain, but there's a moment when you get the feeling you can't get out; you're not sure you can wake up. So I would have to tell myself--after I was awake--that that's ridiculous.

There's no disease I know of where a person falls asleep naturally and can't wake up. You can always wake up. And after talking to myself many times like that, I became less and less afraid, and in fact I found the process of waking up rather thrilling--something like a roller coaster: After a while you're not so scared, and you begin to enjoy it a little bit.

You might like to know how this process of observing my dreams stopped (which it has for the most part; it's happened just a few times since). I'm dreaming one night as usual, making observations, and I see on the wall in front of me a pennant. I answer for the twenty-fifth time, "Yes, I'm dreaming in color," and then I realize that I've been sleeping with the back of my head against a brass rod. I put my hand behind my head and I feel that the back of my head is soft. I think, "Aha! That's why I've been able to make all these observations in my dreams: the brass rod has disturbed my visual cortex. All I have to do is sleep with a brass rod under my head, and I can make these observations any time I want. So I think I'll stop making observations on this one, and go into deeper sleep."

When I woke up later, there was no brass rod, nor was the back of my head soft. Somehow I had become tired of making these observations, and my brain had invented some false reasons as to why I shouldn't do it any more.

As a result of these observations I began to get a little theory. One of the reasons that I liked to look at dreams was that I was curious as to how you can see an image, of a person, for example, when your eyes are closed, and nothing's coming in. You say it might be random, irregular nerve discharges, but you can't get the nerves to discharge in exactly the same delicate patterns when you are sleeping as when you are awake, looking at something. Well then, how could I "see" in color, and in better detail, when I was asleep?

I decided there must be an "interpretation department." When you are actually looking at something--a man, a lamp, or a wall--you don't just see blotches of color. Something tells you what it is; it has to be interpreted. When you're dreaming, this interpretation department is still operating, but it's all slopped up. It's telling you that you're seeing a human hair in the greatest detail, when it isn't true. It's interpreting the random junk entering the brain as a clear image.

> From: Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman.

I'll keep harassing my brother until he kills himself or distances himself from the family. Either way I get all the money.

YES. It's finally working!

This is not at all what I wanted to achieve.

It's not your brother your retard. It's your previous employers.

Wake induced lucid dreams are the best. One second you're sitting in your living room. For a brief moment entire world shakes. Then second later and you're in the dream world with complete awareness and control.

Yeah, they don't care about destroying families, do they?

The theory is that you are supposed to get more tightly tied to them instead of distancing yourself. That way we can give them some money while you are being slowly punished and starved of your pride. And then we use your family to keep an eye on you.

And if you would distance yourself, that would make you look like the bad guy, socially speaking.

So either way you are the one getting fucked.

>complete awareness and control

The moment I realize I'm dreaming is the moment the dream instantly deteriorates - everything becomes flat, empty, falls apart and I wake up everytime.

Am I doing something wrong or it's just not for me?

You probably become too exited and wake up. Try to calm down. Also one of the basic things you can do for stabilising the dream is activating your senses by touching smelling or eating things.

Waking up just as you start lucid dreaming is something that happens to everybody starting out. Realizing you're in a dream can be exciting. Excitement causes your brain to produce norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is needed to lucid dream so a little bit of excitement is good, but too much excitement will wake you up. It does get easier. Just try to stay calm, and try to cement the idea that you're dreaming when you first notice it. It's easy to forget. Say it a few times and repeat yourself anytime you feel yourself slipping.

Awesome book on the subject. Sorry for URL format. Veeky Forums has spam blockers
cortexel dot us / awesome / uppers / Advanced_Lucid_Dreaming-The_Power_of_Supplements dot pdf

Protip: when that happens, try spinning around maybe 10 times in your dream. No idea how it works but it seems to

In the future(Not the distant future), do you guys think there will be pills or something you can take to induce lucid dreaming? Something that will possibly hit the market.

I dream of marrying mai waifu.

I was really into trying to learn lucid dreaming a few years ago, but I never managed to successfully lucid dream even once. Whenever I'm about to start dreaming I get so excited I instantly wake up instead.

You're having the wrong mindset, read this:

That's Feynman right?

I can confirm this works, also look at your hands when you do it. You probably wont have 10 fingers which is pretty weird.

Dreams are absolutely hilarious.

And you can't fall asleep with that recording from the start why?