What's a good, non-meme term to use for someone who's amazingly good with programs, hacking, coding, etc.?

What's a good, non-meme term to use for someone who's amazingly good with programs, hacking, coding, etc.?

I'm writing a story where the protag is a young genius who can do all of that. But having him call himself a Computer Scientist or some shit just doesn't seem fitting.


cyber security engineer

tech savvy
tech genius

Um, a hacker might be the term you're looking for.

This is a really good one, thanks.

Those are casual names that others would refer to the character as, but I'm looking for something more legit sounding that he uses to refer to himself.

Go Shakespear on it: make something up that sounds computer-expert-hacky!

I was considering that, and still am, if I can think of something good.

software ninja
wizard programmer

(these are real job titles)

tech savant

sounds as gay as the story

Only real way to slice it is to call them a programmer and make the distinction clear by calling everyone else script kiddies.


Preferably a dark one.

reverse engineer



also if you want it to be very authentic give him weird racist beliefs who sometimes starts screeching at his Pajeet coworkers that their code is "designated shitting script", and call his coworkers "code monkeys" and "brainlets" who think he's top shit but it really just browses Veeky Forums, and takes insulin regularly because he has Type 2 Diabetes.

and it goes without saying that he should be partially autistic (aspergers) and have significant anti-social tendencies

Code savant.

For extra characterization, make it his own pretentious affectation that everyone else thinks is ridiculous.

Shit you beat me to it.

Code monkey

Check out r/cpp lots of weird racist rants pop up amongst actually serious as fuck programmers he isn't lying this autistic pol type racism is real.



This desu

Pajeets are a problem that needs to be solved doe.

turbo virgin

Hacker is the only fiitting term. It's usage in modern parlance has been corrupted, but its the only thing that really fits.

As a writer you have the great fortune of being able to use many words and not reduce your complex character down to one shitty word. So don't.