Why do those fuckers enjoy drowning people?

Why do those fuckers enjoy drowning people?

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Whales are assholes, all of them. I for one support the Russians and Japanese in killing those fat faggots

I thought whales didn't have teeth. WHAT THE FUCK

Killer whales are carnivores, although all whales have teeth. For most whales, however, their teeth are more like large air filters they use for catching plankton and krill.

That's an orca, not a whale.

Gotta know the difference between baleen and toothed wales bro

Are they sociopathic?

Not in killer whale society

Take any creature of high intelligence and capacity for emotion, separate it from its kin, put it in a tank with nothing stimulating around it, force it to perform in front of crowds for scraps of food that it's biologically programmed to HUNT for, and see how long it takes for it to want to drown a person or two.


its a fucking dolphin

>capacity for emotion

they are just killing machines, which probably explains why they like to kill people

This... actually makes more sense logically.

You're both idiots, and I feel it's intentional.

don't delude yourself into thinking that killer whales are capable of empathy

Well, depending on how you define empathy, they actually might.


An excerpt: "Social life for killer whales, as we have seen, is deeper and more omnipresent than it is for humans; their identities are defined by their families and tribal connections; and their empathy is powerful enough to extend to other species."

"We’ve also learned that these creatures have rich emotional lives. Their brains are extremely developed in the areas associated with emotional learning, and their tight social arrangement, in which family bonds remain for life, is complex and sophisticated. They also have a demonstrated capacity for empathy. Nor, for that matter, is this only true of dolphins and cetaceans generally."

There are plenty more links on Google if you're interested.

They don't. They do it in hopes of being put out of their miserable existence. They don't enjoy taking their capturers lives. They wish they could get along.
Source: I speak whale. Waaaahhhhoooooooooo. Ouuuyllooooophphphphphooppoooolllllllaaaàaggggggonnnooooooo

Dory stop shitposting on Veeky Forums

I have a friend who's getting her phd in marine biology, can confirm lots of animals show/experience emotion, probably depression. Not that same as humans, but still.

Because they aren't treated poorly enough. Bunch of masochists.

name a case of an orca or whale attack on humans in the wild. protip: that playful bite case and subsequent help to surface the diver is no proof.
These guys eat human sized prey, yet are known even to protect pet dogs of swimmers.
Extremely bro-tier infraorder

dolphins are whales

>giant sea monsters go out of their way to help out humans
literally why

>air filters

intelligent, large carnivores.

if they understand that humans can easily hunt them then they'll simply avoid or ignore humans, and teach their children that way. For your average Orca, humans are very strange beings and are fair game, not unlike a human crushing ants.

These are some of the most effective hunters on the planet, hunting humans would be a waste of their time because we are so bony. Maybe they would eat a really fat person, but fat people do not swim in the ocean.

There is a reason why they have Killer in their name

>For your average Orca, humans are very strange beings and are fair game
that's just plain wrong. Chances are OP is just going to get a bunch of dumbass uninformed answers like this that people feel they need to give just cause it makes sense to them. Not unlike what happens every time a question on evolutionary psychology is asked.
Wild orcas are less likely to attack you than your 70 year old neighbors are. To paraphrase louis c.k., Ray charles has killed more jews than humans have been killed by orcas. Captive orcas kill humans because they're giant animals that are smarter than the average person in some african countries but they're kept captive in a relative bathtub.
I'd be drowning niggas too if I was kept in a bathtub and seaworld kept letting me get away with killing the fuckers who make me do tricks in it.

its probably reasonable to assume they (orcas) are as intelligent as humans, objectively this is probably true.

Put yourself in their position. Assholes put you in a god damn pool and neglect the shit out of you and expect you to do fucking tricks for snacks.

Yeah I would be drowning those cocky two legged mother fuckers left and right too.

IMHO its surprising it doesn't happen more often. (maybe some of the orcas are the equivalent of Veeky Forums/sci brainlets thus accounting for the lack of homicides).

coz it's funny

meet the common ancestor of orca whale and human

Anna Kendrick?


Because they, like dolphins, are actually hyper intelligent and aware that you feel pain when you drown, get raped by them ,etc. They do that shit for fun and leave you lifeless in the water.
It's technically not sociopathic or fucked up because they aren't members of human society and aren't expected nor built to function in our society and understand empathy among humans. From their perspective, it'd be more similar to hunting. Like a hunter they do it for fun or for sport. Not out of necessity.

>I feel
Stopped reading there

Has anyone tried raising baby killer whales and seeing if they can be taught grade school cirriculum? It would be pretty neat to see if they can understand and do basic math if their brains are so close to human brains. Plus it could segway into trying to have serious communication with them.

Why do you fuckers enjoy keeping them imprisoned?

The real question should be if we can teach them to use Veeky Forums.

Damn you guys are very slow.
These waterpandas act with their prey like cats do. Playing with food is their instinct and to their eyes we are just food
