Is there a round object on this planet?

Is there a round object on this planet?

technically, because of quantum fluctuations, there isn't a round thing anywhere.

nothing is round because nothing is neither a sphere nor a circle.

geometric forms are mental constructs, everything is a torus or a spiral.

Care to elaborate?


helices and vortices are considered three-dimensional spirals. I think some tori as well but I am actually not sure about that.

I mentioned spiral because I mentioned circle.

Because we perceive a three dimensional world a circle is even less likely to exist than a sphere but that's only our perception, both are equally non existent.


You just gained 75 user points.
Seems like there is still hope.

We also don't know what the shape (if any) of the fundamental building blocks of particles are, so you can't really say there isn't a sphere or cube for sure.

objects don't have shapes
no shape actually exists, be it an idealised sphere, a polyhedron or whatever. everything is just excitations on different fields.


There's a lot of protons.

>implying protons are real

>implying they aren't

>implying that our models are the ultimate representations of reality
>ignoramus ad infinitum

For all intents and purposes, a tiny agent with particle and wave like properties causes various interactions that we've measured. We label that agent a "proton." These subatomic agents are technically existing in a probability volume that includes the entire universe, but to a much lesser degree as you zoom out of it's high probability volume. Interactions between these volumes is what causes interference, a wave quality.

Everything has a wave particle duality, the wave properties just decrease as the size of the particle increases. I would assume that if something has a measurable mass 1827 times that of an electron, it can be considered "real."

About as close as we can get.

Technically there is a chance the quantum foam aligns into a perfect discretized circle of any type producable through algorithms, if not for a Pico second.

Can a true circle exist? I would asume if you keep zooming in you would eventually find and edge unless it has a infinitely small border

you are thinking to abstract, we are not living in a two-dimensional world.


also dubs

>tfw Gurren Lagann was right

There is no round object in the universe

Your mom