My friend is standing 100 meter away from me in the dark

>My friend is standing 100 meter away from me in the dark
>We have agreed that If I show green light, that is a signal for the entire information in the Bible
>I flash green light
>My buddy receives and interprets it in 1 sec

>Information traveled faster than the speed of light

Any questions?

> 100 m/s > 3e8 m/s

that's what you just said

Am I in Veeky Forums or something, or why is everyone so dumb in here. I thought this was sci.

>1000 pages of information transferred in a second

I kekd, u r a retard op

6/10 if troll

Pretty low quality bait desu

1000 pages of information moved at a speed of 100 m/s

light moves at 3e8 m/s

anything else?

>I build a 3 light-years long stick
>My friend stays 3 light years from me with a flashlight(light is green) in hand
>I push the stick and the flashlight is on
>Information of the Bible is transferred instantaneously

a stick that long wont transmit the push from the near end into a push at the far end instantaneously, it would take time for all the atoms to be "pushed"

Why don't you leave the trolling to the professionals?

>be on planet X
>friend is on planet Y
>planet Y is ten light years from planet X
>build a ten light year long metal rod that reaches from planet X to planet Y
>move the rod back and forth on planet X, maybe signal something in Morse code
>on planet Y, friend sees the rod move at the same time I move it on planet X
>since it would have taken light sent from planet X ten year to reach planet Y, but my metal rod message was received instantly, information was sent faster than light

that's a shitty bait though

fucker beat me to it

Holy fuck Op I'm in the middle of a restaurant I just choked on my coke u fuker, thanks made my day lmao

Do you have any idea how absurdly much metal you would need to construct a stick 10 years long?
That can't be possible due to special relativity; no object can travel faster than light so you can't build stick that long because E = mc^2 and m = length^3*density, so you would have
E = length^3 * density * c^2
c^2 = E/length^3/density
c = E / length^3 / density = 3 000 000 000
Length < 10 years assuming iron

I giggled 7/10

Quantum entangled laser at end of stick, instant switch.

7.5/10 and rising

>build a ten light year long metal rod that reaches from planet X to planet Y
>move the rod back and forth on planet X, maybe signal something in Morse code
>on planet Y, friend sees the rod move at the same time I move it on planet X

You are dumb
When you move your ten light year long rod is like you're pushing and pulling that rod, in the material while you make that movement, there are created mechanical longitudinal waves that travel at the speed of sound on that material so your friend in the planet Y would have to wait more than 10 years to see you move the rod

autism speaks

>agree with my friend that when he sees a red car, the entire information of the bible should come to his mind
>three months later he sees a red car and remembers our agreement
>I'm 4km away from him
>entire information of the bible traveled instantly

>Any questions?

yes I have a question. Does it physically hurt to be as stupid as you appear to be based on your post?

I would really like to know, thanks.


How has this board turned to complete autism?