Is there anything more autistic than doing this?





whats the 5th and 6th one

is it lorentz force or some shit?

5th is some kind of schrodinger equation, never seen it in that forum though.

maybe a 3D particle in a box, dunno.

5th: Schrodinger equation
6th: relativistic time dilation

git edukated

It's the normal one, but as applied to a multi-body wavefunction, it seems. Hence, the sums of masses. Usually, people use the reduced mass instead of this summation ordeal.

I don't mind, however it now just seems like a loose bunch of equations. At least he could have opted for a nice proof.

>NONrelativistic time INdependant SE


>No Navier-Stokes
Weak brainlet

i do believe that is the max capabilities of autism right there.

1 to 4: Maxwell Equations
5: Shrödinger Equations
6: Time Dilation
7: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Caring about it?

Yeah, a tatoo with the maxwell equations in the integral form:
{\LARGE\unicode{x222F}}_{\partial \Omega} E \cdot \text{d} S = \frac{1}{\varepsilon_0} \iiint_\Omega \rho \cdot \text{d}V \\
{\LARGE \unicode{x222f}}_{\partial\Omega} B\,\cdot \text{d}S = 0 \\
\oint_{\partial \Sigma} E\,\cdot \text d \ell = -\frac{\rm d}{\text dt} \iint_\Sigma B\, \cdot \text d S \\
\oint_{\partial\Sigma} B\, \cdot \text d \ell = \mu_0 \iint_\Sigma J\, \cdot \text d S + \mu_0 \varepsilon_0 \frac{\rm d}{\text dt} \iint_\Sigma E\,\cdot \text dS

Will the Hamiltonian always have an eigenstate? And how do you describe the state of the system as opposed to a wavefunction?

Will it just be a vector of N wavefunctions?

1-4 : maxwells equations
5 : shrodingers equation
6 : relatavistic time dilation
7 : heisenberg uncertainty principle
8 : eulers identity

i agree with , it just seems like a bunch of equations chosen at random.

a nice joke would be a proof that ultimately ends up as 0 = 0

[math]e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0[/math]
Das most beautiful equation ebin !!!

No. Fuck engineers.

lets be honest:
the sole reason this guy had this tatoo drawn on his arm to signal rationality. it is unbelievable disgusting to behave like this.

[math]\partial_{\mu} F^{\mu \nu} = \mu_0 J^{\nu}[/math]

[math]\partial_{\mu} \left( \frac{1}{2} \varepsilon^{\mu \nu \delta \lambda} F_{ \delta \lambda} \right) = 0 [/math]

You caring

>getting a tattoo of something you appreciate is autistic
No it isn't.

he must fucking love science

I really want to do a bunch of material properties parameters and maybe hard to remember equations. Though this kind of worship is worn out.

gets me horny evrytime

turbo autism right here

dang, and I thought my least action principle tattoo was already cringey

>integral form
>being this pleb

>euler's identity

But integrals are aesthetic.


Oh shit. Now that is awful.

>not using [math] dF = 0 [/math] and [math] d \star F = \mu_{0} J [/math] for your Maxwell equations
>not using glorious boost notation for SR
>Not writing down a field action instead of a SWE

This arm is full-on cringe

>Working in units where every physical constant isn't set equal to 1


>not writing your Maxwell equations as deformations of a Frobenioid over theta-function fields
>not using NF-Hodge theatres with étale-like structure instead of field actions

Those are some nice equations. However, Euler's identity is out of place. A bunch of physics, and suddenly that? Should have left it, or put E=mc^2 or something.

This equation is a pop-sci meme

>working without SI

please, heretic

No respectable theorist keeps physical constants around unless you need them, like to perturb around it or something.


Much much worse

Hey! that's MY tattoo!


>mention Hamiltonian physics
>retards spout some shit about QM/wave-whatever
>i just want to chat about "classical" mechanical systems ;_; FFS Veeky Forums

He didn't even leave room for the magnetic monopole

Yes there is.
My friend challenged me to find out how to integrate "x/(2+cosx) using the internet only, because I said you can learn most things on the internet. He said this shit doesn't exist. I couldn't find the answer, and he is fucking autistic for making sure I wouldn't for this one specific answer.

>I really want to instantly impress middle schoolers.

Why don't you just use wolfram alpha? If it is integrable, wolfram will do it.

Wolfram alpha is usually incorrect.

Anyways. The answer I got for it, in the end, was xln|2+cosx| - xlnx + cosx
Wolfram was way off, and I don't see any other solution than integrating in parts as x(2+cosx)^-1

>If it is integrable, wolfram will do it
That's like saying a a hooker will do anything.
sure, but it'll cost me more than i'm willing to pay.

Getting a tattoo
Is autistic.
Shortened that for you Mr assbergers.

Making this thread.

All these posts an no one notices he can't read his own cheat sheet.

Should have put it on his forearm....

this bitch in my analysis class had an integral tattoo and fucking failed

if you are getting a math or science tattoo you better be a god damn genius